No. 04/01

Welcome to the NWFP-Digest-L., a free e-mail journal that covers all aspects of non-wood forest products. A special thank you to all those who have shared information with us.

1. FAO Expert Consultation on Rattan Development
2. Request for help: Melaleuca leucadendron
3. International Year of Mountains 2002 + International Year of Ecotourism 2002
4. Environment Conservation in Nepal
5. Regional Biomass Assessment Project - Biomass Consultancy
6. International Course on Rural Development Management
7. European Network of Biodiversity Information (ENBI)
8. Tenurial Security and Resource Access for Forest-based Communities Conference
9. New Journal - International Journal of Forest Usufructs Management
10. New wildlife trade book on Laos
11. Conference on Forestry in Vancouver, Canada

1. FAO Expert Consultation on Rattan Development

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

The Report of the recent FAO Expert Consultation on Rattan Development, which was organized in collaboration with INBAR, is now available from FAO's NWFP Programme's home page at:

Hard copies are also available; please contact:[email protected]

The proceedings, with the full text of all the presentations, are being prepared and will be posted on the home page of FAO's NWFP Programme as soon as they are finalized.

For more information, please contact: Mr. Paul Vantomme, Forestry Officer (NWFP), Forest Products Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

2. Request for help: Melaleuca leucadendron

From: Budiadi [[email protected]]

I am a student of Kyoto University, Japan and now I am conducting a research on kayu putih (Melaleuca leucadendron) in Java, Indonesia especially on management of the plantation in which resembles to tumpangsari/taungya system. The leaves of the trees are harvested annually and distillate for its oil, called cajuput oil.

I would like to invite everyone who interested and share information on it. I am also hampered with the very limited literature.

3. International Year of Mountains 2002 + International Year of Ecotourism 2002

From: Falch ([email protected])through Mountain Forum list

In preparation of the "International Year of Mountains 2002" and the "International Year of Ecotourism 2002" development perspectives and visions of people living in high-lying mountainous areas shall be brought up for discussion and exchange during a "Month of Mountains" at PAITHOM-Institute, Gulibagh, NWFP, Pakistan.

The problems, experiences and perspectives of mountainous regions - on a national and international basis - will be considered in discussions between people living in these regions, experts, consultants, administration, students and NGOs.

It is envisaged, to strengthen the know-how potentials of the Himalaya/Hindukush/Karakorum region, as well as to support capacity building initiatives and to raise awareness for problems, potentials and interests of mountainous regions.

"Month of Mountains - Regional Perspectives"

at PAITHOM-Institute (Pakistan Austrian Institute for Tourism and Hotel Management)

Gulibagh, Swat Valley, NWFP Pakistan

May 2001

2-3 day workshops on following topics will be held:

·Integrated Tourism Policy in Mountainous Regions
Cooperatives between Agriculture and Tourism
Village Development and Tourism Development in Mountain Villages
Mountaineering and Guiding/ Mountain Guide Associations

More information about"Month of Mountains":

[email protected]

4. Environment Conservation in Nepal

From: Medini Bhandari [[email protected]]

We like to introduce ourselves as an NGO working for environment conservation in Nepal since 1988. We have been conducting various programs- environment education program, awareness campaign for conservation of nature and natural resources, protection of endangered species (wild animals), community development program and programs on sustainable development through people participation.

In this regard, we are looking forward for advance studies to our volunteers (MSc. or PhD. level), training opportunity for mid carrier people and also looking scholarships and funding for action project as well as for research project.

We are conducting training for schoolteachers and students; therefore, we are also looking materials related to environment, wildlife management or sustainable development. Books, journals, reports and other relevant hard copy material will be very helpful to us, which will go through many hands through mobile exhibition.

Any help, information, guidance will be highly appreciated.

For more information, please contact:
Medini Bhandari
G.P.O. Box 12822, Kathmandu, Nepal

5. Regional Biomass Assessment Project - Biomass Consultancy

From: Aru Mathias ([email protected])

The South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC), a regional organization based in Suva, Fiji Islands, is the implementing agency for a Regional Biomass Assessment Project scheduled to commence in June 2001. As implementing agency SOPAC is calling for Expressions of Interest from reputable organizations and individuals to provide consultancy service for the above project.

The consultancy service involves the following:

(a) Preparing training materials in biomass resource assessment;
(b) Training country participants in biomass resource assessment and policy formulation regarding biomass resource management;
(c) Conduct assessment of the biomass resources in participating Pacific Island Countries (PIC);
(d) Compile a report on the biomass resource assessment for each country;
(e) Compile an inventory of biomass technologies appropriate to the participating countries;
(f) Formulate a Sustainable Management Plan for the biomass resources for each participating country.

The consultancy period is 13 months.

Expressions of Interest shall include details of projects or work of similar nature undertaken and a detailed Curriculum Vitae of the person(s) who will be assigned to undertake the work.

Expressions of Interest must be forwarded to the Energy Manager, SOPAC by no later than 1600 hours on Friday, March 23, 2001 and addressed to:

The Energy Manager
SOPAC Secretariat
Private Mail Bag
GPO Suva
Fiji Islands

For more information, please contact:

Anare Matakiviti, Energy Adviser, Energy Unit, SOPAC
Tel: (679) 381 377 Ext.226
Fax: (679) 370 040
Email:[email protected].

6. International Course on Rural Development Management

From: Rudy Coronel [[email protected]]

I am writing to announce a training opportunity in the Philippines that may be of interest. The International Course on Rural Development Management is the flagship training program of the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction in the Philippines. This is a well-attended 4-week course and is offered twice a year.

This year, the first course will be from 30 April to 25 May and the second from 13 August to 7 September.Please contact me for a copy of the course design and an application form, or should you have any questions.

Please feel free also to pass this information to whoever you think may be interested.

For more information, please contact:

Rodolfo E. Coronel
Education and Training Program
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Y.C. James Yen Center
Biga, Silang, Cavite, Philippines
Tel: (63) 046-414-2417
Fax: (63) 046-414-2420
Email:[email protected]

7. European Network of Biodiversity Information (ENBI)

From: Andrea Sonnino ([email protected])

The European Union is launching a tender to establish a European Network of Biodiversity Information (ENBI) that can be of interest to you.

The related info is available at the following webpage:

8. Tenurial Security and Resource Access for Forest-based Communities Conference

From: Benedicto Q. Sanchez [mailto:[email protected]]

The Non timber forest products Exchange Program (NTFP EP) will sponsor a conference Tenurial Security and Resource Access for Forest based Communities on March 20 23, 2001. Conference venue is at Las Brisas Hotel and Conference Center, Antipolo in Metro Manila, Philippines.

The conference will cover a wide range of experiences on land tenure and natural resource access issues. It will discuss the post Estrada administration national situation as well as case studies of indigenous peoples like the Palawan of Rizal, Palawan; Tboli of Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, Higaonon of Bukidnon, and the Bago and Kankaney of Bakun, Benguet. It will also touch on the experiences of Community Based Forest Management Agreement holders in Palawan and Cagayan Valley. Other CBFMA holders with NTFP programs will also present their experiences.

Environmental lawyers will touch on the finer legal points on achieving tenurial instruments and natural resource access under the Certificate of Ancestral Domains Claims as well as the implications of the landmark victory of the indigenous peoples on the recent Philippine Supreme Court ruling on the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act.

The Department of the Environment and Natural Resources divisions Ancestral Domain Management Program (ADMP) and the Community Based Forest Management Office will present papers and policies on the current status of their programs.

NTFP EP counts among its members the Upland Marketing Program (UMP)-UNAC, Enterprise Works Worldwide (EWW), Kalahan Educational Foundation (KEF), Mangyan Mission, Samahang Nagkakaisang Mangyan Alangan (SANAMA), Broad Initiatives for Negros Development (BIND), Father Vincent Cullen Tulugan and Learning and Development Center (FVTLDC), Women s Access, Inc. (WAI), and Nagkakaisang Mga Tribung Palawan (NATRIPAL).

The conference is part of a series of continuing activities of mountain and forest based Philippine civil society as their contribution to the global preparations for the International Year of the Mountains 2002.

For more information, please contact:

Benedicto Q. Sanchez
Program Coordinator
BIND Room 201 CGT Bldg.,
Locsin Cor. Luzuriaga Sts.,
Bacolod City 6100
Negros Occidental
Tel: (6334) 703-1013
Fax (6334) 433-8315
E-mail:[email protected]

9. New Journal - International Journal of Forest Usufructs Management

From: Patrick Durst, FAO Bangkok ([email protected])

The Inaugural Issue (Year 2000, Vol. 1 No. 1 & 2) of the "International Journal ofForest Usufructs Management" has been launched. The Journal will be published half yearly 2001 onwards.

Contents of this first issue include:

Review articles

Some thoughts on a possible overall future strategy for Non Wood (Non Timber) Forest Products

·Standard NTFP classification and documentation system evolved for universal use.
India is the richest custodian of biodiversity of medicinal plants on the earth
Fifty years of research on chemistry of forest products -A review
Community based NTFP management
Nicaraguan Non Timber Forest Products: Opportunities for broadening traditional timber based management system and house hold income generation
Forest Insect Biodiversity Utilization as Traditional food in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.
The potential of weed based industries in Nepal
Joint Forest Management - Aspects and prospects : A case study in Pauri district of Uttaranchal
Prospects of rose industry in Kashmir
Medicinal value of seedless vascular plants in India
Jatropha curcusseed oil - A review

Research articles :

·Nodule sap cultured growth analysis in some arboreal legumes
In vitrostudies in improvement of dry matter digestibility of lignocellulosic biomass using white rot funghi
Time course study of nodular invertases inRobina pseudoacacia
Anitibacterial activity ofOcimum sanctumagainst certain bacterial species
Unreported economic plants in DD herbarium
Periodical changes in the microflora population (fungi, pathogenic bacterial spp and total bacterial count) of some important MFPs herbal drugs under the effect of gamma radiation and polythene packing- A case study.
Root and shoot growth in tree species at nursery level
Planting neem for healthy environment
A holistic approach to pine oleo-resin tapping for rural development
Variation in resin yield of chir pine with season and group of blaze widths in lower diameter classes
Grass yield estimation ofSaccharum munjaunder different uses
Effect of water soaking period on seed germination ofTerminalia belericaRoxb.,T. arjunaW & A andAegel mermelosCorr.
Studies on performance evaluation on modified lignin ofDendrocalamus giganteus

Short Communications :

·NWFP: Bases of sustainability of the Thar desert of India
Effect of plants densities onMatricaria chamomilla

To subscribe and for more information, please contact:
Centre of Minor Forest Products,
8 Indirapuram
Dehra Dun
Fax: 91-135-629936
E-mail:[email protected]

10. New wildlife trade book on Laos

From:[email protected]

A comprehensive account of wildlife trade in Laos will be published in April by the Netherlands Committee for IUCN.

The publishers want to make some estimate of the demand prior to printing and are seeking "expressions of interest" from potential buyers.

The book is the result of two years' work by the authors (Hanneke Nooren and Gordon Claridge), with assistance from two local field researchers and inputs from a very wide range of people (from Lao and also from Vietnam, China and Thailand) with first-hand knowledge of the situation.The authors embarked on the work because they recognized that wildlife trade is likely to remove many of the key species in Laos while conservation efforts are focussing on forest conservation and management.They found that many program designers and decision-makers were relying on a handful of reports from the period 1990-1993, even though the situation had changed dramatically since then. The majority of the information in the 296-page book is from the period 1996 - 2000.

Those interested in obtaining a copy of the book should contact the Netherlands Committee for IUCN at the following email address:[email protected]

Chapter headings are:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: A History of Wildlife Trade in Laos to 1995

Chapter 3: Demand for Wildlife in Laos

Chapter 4: Destination Countries - Demand and Law - Covers China, overseas Chinese, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and Korea, and examines the available information on the levels of demand in each of those areas, as well as the effectiveness of laws and law enforcement.

Chapter 5: Groups Involved in Wildlife Trade

Chapter 6: Province-by-province Accounts

This is the major part of the book.For each province there is a presentation of what is known of sources of wildlife, trade nodes and routes, the groups involved and the methods used.

Chapter 7: Legislation Relevant to Wildlife Trade

Chapter 8:Enforcement of Laws Regulating Trade in Wildlife

Chapter 9:Conservation Aid Projects and Wildlife Trade

Chapter 10: Conclusions and Recommendations

The authors conclude that: "Wildlife trade is out of control in Laos and represents a nation-wide epidemic that is seriously endangering the country's still considerable biodiversity values. In addition, it is jeopardising the well-being of a significant portion of the rural population, who are nutritionally, economically and sometimes socially dependent on forest products,..." and provide 35 recommendations for bringing the situation under some form of control.

11. Conference on Forestry in Vancouver, Canada

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

"The Nature and Culture of Forests: Implications of Diversity for Sustainability, Trade, and Certification"

Vancouver Canada

8-12 May 2001

Conference Objective:To address how diversity in cultural values shapes the operative concept of respect for nature and impacts decision-making in forest policy.

Highlights: In both Europe and Canada, the forest industry faces an uncertain future. In British Columbia alone forestry has in recent times undergone extraordinary change as, in response to the biophysical dimensions of forest ecosystems and the increasing concerns of conservationists, it moves to a greater diversity of harvest and management practices.Furthermore, as perceived cultural models shift, British Columbia has witnessed the growing role of First Nations in the evolving forestry scene.

Beyond British Columbia, international debate has intensified over issues such as forestry practices, sustainability, trade and certification.With the support of the Swedish embassy in Ottawa, this conference will also mark the occasion of the Swedish presidency over the EU by bringing together a distinguished panel of scholars from the European Union and Canada.

The following topics are featured:

1) Diversity in the Nature of Forests
2) Plurality in the Culture of Forests
3) Variability in Approaches of Certification and Management

The Keynote Address will be given by Ola Ullsten, Former Prime Minister of Sweden, Chair of the World Committee on Forests and Sustainable Development

There will be two field trips available during the conference. The organizers believe strongly that discussions about the diversity of forests, forest values, forest management practices and certification of forestry are greatly facilitated by a shared field experience of the forests and values being considered. Participants are encouraged to participate in one or both of these trips.

1. Echoes in the Rainforest: Changes in Forest Management in Canada's West Coast

2. Pacific Spirit Park:When in Doubt, Ask a Tree

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Schinnerl
International Programs
Faculty of Forestry, UBC
2611-2424 Main Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4
(T) 604-822-9627 (F) 604-822-8645


This list is for information related to any aspect of non-wood forest products.

Cross-postings related to non-wood forest products are welcome.

Information on this mailing list can be reproduced and distributed freely as long as citations are kept with their respective posts.

Contributions are edited primarily for formatting purposes. Diverse views and materials relevant to NWFPs are encouraged. Submissions usually appear in the next issue. Issues are bi-monthly on average.

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NWFP-Digest-L Sponsor:
Non-Wood Forest Products Programme

Forestry Department


Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Rome, Italy

Fax: +39-06-570-5561

last updated:  Friday, August 28, 2009