No. 02/01

Welcome to the NWFP-Digest-L., a free e-mail journal that covers all aspects of non-wood forest products.A special thank you to all those who have shared information with us.

1. Call for articles - Food and nutrition issues in urban areas of developing countries
2. FAO's NWFP home page
3. New Web site for the Albania Private Forestry Development Program
4. Forests and Livelihoods: A Newsletter of ForestAction|
5. E-conference - The Intervention of Technology in Mountain Areas
6. Conference on Appalachian Herb Gathering
7. USDA FS International Programs hosts international seminars - August 2001
8. Vietnam to increase cinnamon crops to meet export demands
9. Sixth International Bamboo Congress
10. IUFRO Conference announcement
11. Publications of interest

1.Call for articles - Food and nutrition issues in urban areas of developing countries

From Florence Egal([email protected])

The Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) Food and Nutrition Division publishes a periodical,Food, Nutrition and Agriculture,which covers a wide range of topics related to nutrition, food security, food safety and development.

The journal is sent to 6 000 subscribers in 175 countries and is published on the Internet. The audience is made of professionals in government agencies, research institutions and non-governmental organizations.

The Food and Nutrition Division would like to invite authors to propose articles for an upcoming issue on food in urban areas of the developing world.The deadline for sending manuscripts is 28 February 2001.

Articles may be written in English, French or Spanish and FAO will translate the summaries into the other languages, plus Arabic and Chinese. Full-length articles may range in length from 2 000 to 5 000 words.

To viewFood, Nutrition and Agriculture, please click the URL below:

Interested authors should send manuscripts to:
Janice Albert, Technical Editor
Office of the Director
Food and Nutrition Division
Food and Agriculture Organization
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
E-mail:[email protected]

2. FAO's NWFP home page

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

The home page of the NWFP Programme of FAO's Forestry Department has been improved and now includes a special search feature. Any suggestions for improvement will be appreciated.

There is a link to past issues of the NWFP-L-Digest and it is also now possible to subscribe on-line.

3. New Web site for the Albania Private Forestry Development Program

From: APFDP [[email protected]]

The Albania Private Forestry Development Program (APFDP) has now set up its own

APFDP is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development ( and implemented by Chemonics International Inc. ( . Based in Tirana with its field activities extended over 15 districts, the project initiated in 1995 and will be completed by April 2001.

APFDP is designed to increase Albanian rural household incomes, alleviate and ultimately reverse forest environmental degradation by encouraging and supporting development of sustainable private forestry management on privately owned lands and on community, village and state-owned forests and pastures.

Readers will also find in this site the online directory of Albanian enterprises dealing with medicinal herbs and spices, as well as a catalogue of willow products and furniture.

For more information please contact:
Albania Private Forestry Development Program
P.O. Box 2417, Tirana, Albania
Tel: 355 4 225373
Fax: 355 4 374675
E-mail:[email protected]

4. Forests and Livelihoods: A Newsletter of ForestAction

From: Hemant Ojha [[email protected]]

Forests and Livelihoodsis a journal for the forestry sector in Nepal to be published in English and distributed widely in Nepal as well as outside. Its goal is to promote pluralistic approaches in the management of forest resources and the conservation of biodiversity. The Newsletter provides an interactive forum to policy makers, foresters, social scientists, forestry projects, NGOs, University teachers, researchers, forestry entrepreneurs, and other actors in the forestry sector to synthesize, document and disseminate innovative ideas, perspectives and lessons gained through research and various forms of experiences. The targeted readers are English literate workers in forestry, biodiversity and rural development.

The main aspects on which the Newsletter aims to focus include the policy and practices of community forestry, biodiversity conservation, agro-forestry, private forestry and watershed management. Issues related to technical, social, economic, political, ecological and biological dimensions of forest resource use, conservation and management are addressed depending on the importance and leverage of the topic in current affairs. An issue of the Newsletter may be either focused on one or several specific issues depending on the context at that particular time.

This Newsletter aims to provide an opportunity for innovative forestry sector professionals to communicate their diverse experiences, strengthen their analytical skills, and contribute to the development of the overall institutional capacity within the forestry sector.Alongside this, many lessons documented in the Newsletter can have both regional and international scope, and thus the Newsletter may help to raise the profile of Nepal's forestry sector globally.

Articles may be submitted in English or Nepali and should be around 1 500 words in length.

ForestAction aims to sustain the production of the Newsletter through subscription by expanding the readership base. First three issues in the fist year will be distributed for free, and some prices will be levied beginning the second year.

The first issue is planned for April 2001 and will cover several contemporary issues in the forestry sector. Contributions related to the following topics or any other relevant issues are invited:

· Recent trends in forestry policy development in Nepal, and the level of stakeholder participation and responses

· Changing context of forest resource management in Nepal

· Pluralism, forest policy development and service delivery in the forestry sector

· Innovative silvicultural and forest management practices in community forestry

· Monitoring in community forestry

· Terai forestry issues

· NTFP management and marketing issues

· Private forestry issues

· Equity issues in community forestry

· National Parks and indigenous people

Established in July 2000, Forest Resource Studies and Action Team, Nepal (ForestAction) is a core team of forestry professionals and activists associated with Bikalpa, a registered network/membership based organization working in livelihoods issues. ForestAction's dream is improved forests and rural livelihoods, which is possible through democratization of forest related decision-making processes at micro as well as macro levels. The Newsletter is one of the key areas of ForestAction's interventions.

5. E-conference - The Intervention of Technology in Mountain Areas

From:Sangeeta Pandey[[email protected]]

The Intervention of Technology in Mountain Areas: Strategies for Developing Fresh Approaches and Mainstreaming of Local Innovations in the Asia Pacific Region [ITMA] - an electronic conference of the Asia Pacific Mountain Network (APMN)/ International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

5 February - 6 March 2001

This conference via e-mail aims to bring together knowledge and experiences from mountain areas, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, serving as a forum for international discussion by diverse stakeholders on the key issues related to technology interventions in the diverse but fragile mountain ecosystems and discussing strategies for how modern technologies and local innovations can be used to improve livelihoods.

We have proposed a broad theme for each weekly discussion and a number of possible questions that you could address.

5-11 February - THEME 1: Large-scale interventions, regional, national and corporate interests vs. local mountain communities and downstream municipalities

12-18 February- THEME 2: Who takes responsibility? Who benefits?

19-25 February - THEME 3 : Technology for peace and development

26 February - 5 March: THEME 4: Integrating traditional local knowledge and new technologies and empowering mountain communities


To join in the discussion, you may register:

· online at, or

· via email -[email protected]or[email protected]

Details of the e-conference will also be posted on the APMN website at:

Members of the e-conference planning group are:

· Sangeeta Pandey, ICIMOD

· Ujol Sherchan, APMN, ICIMOD

· Elizabeth Byers, The Mountain Institute

· Sudhirendar Sharma, The Energy Environment Group, New Delhi (e-conference moderator)

For more information, please contact:
Sangeeta Pandey
Documentation Officer/Web Person
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Jawalakhel, Kathmandu, Nepal
E-mail:[email protected]

6. Conference on Appalachian Herb Gathering

From: Cynthia Brunty [[email protected]]

"Appalachian Herb Gathering (Growing, Conserving and Using Our Native Plants)"

Ohio, USA

23-24 June 2001

The Rural Action Sustainable Forestry Program is planning a conference, in partnership with the National Center for the Preservation of Medicinal Herbs and United Plant Savers, that will be of benefit to landowners who are concerned about becoming economically sustainable on their woodlands while at the same time protecting the environment. This is mainly accomplished through the use of Special Forest Products (also known as Non-Timber Forest Products).

There will be several nationally known speakers and among the topics to be covered will be Growing Forest and Field Herbs, Wild-simulated Ginseng, Using Medicinal Herbs.

For more information and a conference brochure, please contact:
Cynthia Brunty
Rural Action Forestry Program
+1-(740) 767-4938
[email protected]

7. USDA FS International Programs hosts international seminars - August 2001

From: Liza Vida C. Paqueo [[email protected]]

The USDA Forest Service International Programs and its partners invite natural resource managers from around the world to participate in one of our two annual seminars - one on protected areas and another on natural resources management.These intensive and interactive seminars, which include site visits and in-depth case study analysis, are designed to exchange and disseminate current information and research.

The International Seminar on Protected Area Management

9-25 August 2001

Hosted by the University of Montana in collaboration with Colorado State University and the University of Idaho.

Participants will discuss and see examples of innovative approaches to critical protected area management issues, including resource assessment and planning tools, techniques to address visitor interests and impacts, and mechanisms to reconcile resource protection with development pressures.

For further information on this seminar, please visit
contact Dr. James A. Burchfield by phone at 1-406-243-6650 or
via e-mail,[email protected]

17th International Seminar on Forest and Natural Resources Administration and Management

26 August - 13 September 2001
Hosted by Colorado State University's College of Natural Resources

In the past, over 405 managers from 110 nations have attended this seminar, which focuses on strategies and methods to develop, manage, and conserve natural resources for the sustained delivery of goods and services to meet the full range of human needs.

For further information please visit
contact Ms. Ann Keith by phone at 1-970-490-2449 or
via e-mail[email protected]

To learn more about our program or any of our training seminars, please visit our website at features on-line brochures and discussion boards where you can download seminar applications, or post questions to past seminar participants.

8. Vietnam to increase cinnamon crops to meet export demands

From: Edward S. Seidler ([email protected])

HANOI, Jan 29, 2001 (AsiaPulse via COMTEX) -- Vietnam is to expand its cinnamon-growing areas from 16 000 ha to 50 000 ha in an effort to earn US$15 million from cinnamon-bark exports by the year 2005, says the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry.

Between 3 000 and 5 000 ha of the planned cinnamon areas will be exploited each year to ensure raw material for both export and essential oil production, it says.

Vietnam also intends to build two more cinnamon oil-processing plants - each with yearly capacity of between 50-100 tonnes in northern Yen Bai province and central Quang Nam province.

Cinnamon is a forest product that has become Vietnam's top export, and each year the country exports 3 000 tonnes of cinnamon bark. The Ministry says cinnamon trees are largely grown in Yen Bai, Thanh Hoa, Quang Nam and Quang Ngai provinces because they have higher economic value than other plants grown on hilly land and help prevent soil erosion.

Growers can earn between US$2 000-3 000 from between 700-1 000 kg of cinnamon bark/ha. Cinnamon trees are usually planted with other food crops for higher profits, the Ministry stressed.

Vietnam's cinnamon has long been known for its quality and flavour because it is rich in essential oil. The bark has a cinamic acid content of about 75 percent, while its leaf has a content of more than 50 percent.

Both bark and leaf are used to produce essential oil for the food and pharmaceutical industries. About 0.8 per cent of cinnamon's essential oil are contained in its leaf and 2.2 per cent in its bark.

Vietnam's cinnamon products were previously exported to Eastern Europe and the Middle-East and are now being sold in Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and some Western countries at US$2 000/tonne.

Previously, cinnamon trees were grown in regions where soil conditions were not quite suitable and growers were not provided with experience and technology. Both cinnamon areas and output fell as a result.

Now the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry is seeking policies and measures to encourage both enterprises and farmers to grow the trees. Incentives include forest-land allocation, soft long-term loans and the provision of know-how.

9. Sixth International Bamboo Congress

From: Bareis-Santa Cruz [[email protected])

Sixth International Bamboo Congress

12-17 November 2001

Dehradun, India

Sponsored by the International Network of Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), IPGRI and others, the conference is a triennial gathering of representatives from 37 countries.

Bamboo forests are a main component of Asian and South American upland watersheds.

Currently planners are trying to gauge worldwide interest in bamboo conservation issues.

A basic outline of the proposed meeting program is listed on the International Bamboo Association web site at:

10. IUFRO Conference announcement

From: Dr. Gherardo Chirici [[email protected]]

Collecting and analysing information for sustainable forest management and biodiversity monitoring with special reference to Mediterranean ecosystems

Palermo, Sicily (Italy)

4-6 December 2001

The Conference is conceived to give participants hands-on workshop exchanges and experiences about inventory/monitoring problems and potential. Special (but not exclusive) reference will be made to Mediterranean forest and other wooded ecosystems, and techniques like remote sensing and spatial analysis in GIS environment. In Mediterranean countries, reliable and internationally comparable information on forest health and protection, wildfires and biodiversity largely missing or unsatisfactory. This state is in contrast with the wood-production-oriented information characteristically provided by current forest inventory and monitoring procedures.

In light of all the highlighted issues, the major objectives of this Conference will be:

· review the state-of-the-art of forest inventory data and methodology, with special reference to Mediterranean ecosystems, remote sensing and spatial analysis;

· review inventory/monitoring techniques relevant to high forest landscape heterogeneity and forthcoming technologies;

· review mensuration and information technology advances for distinctive issues such as monitoring wildfires, biomass estimation in coppices and dwarf maquis stands, grazing pressure on forests;

· discuss the possible connecting role of landscape ecology and the inventory implementation of habitat classification approaches in the view of biodiversity assessment;

· facilitate cooperation between Mediterranean countries, enhancing externalities perspective development as the greater contribution to natural and seminatural areas management in such environments;

· produce summary of discussions and conclusions to be included in the Conference proceedings.



Dr. Giuseppe Garfì
Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Palermo
Viale delle Scienze 11 -
90128 Palermo (Italy)
Tel. +39-091-423398/484482
Fax +39-091-6521098

e-mail:[email protected]

11. Publications of interest

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Boer, E. & Ella, A.B. (eds.) 2000. Plant Resources of South East Asia n. 18. Plant producing exudates. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. 189 pp.

Gregory, P.J.;Ingram, J.S.I. 2000. Global change and food and forest production: future scientific challenges.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (82)1-3:3-14

Gregory, Peter J.; Ingram, John S.I. 2000. Food and forestry: global change and global challenges. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (82)1-3:1-2

Saastaimonen, O., Kangas, K. & Aho A. 2000. The picking of wild berries in Finland in 1997 and 1998. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. 15: 645-650.

Tewari, D.D. 2000. Valuation of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) models, problems and issues. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 11(4):47-68


This list is for information related to any aspect of non-wood forest products.

Cross-postings related to non-wood forest products are welcome.

Information on this mailing list can be reproduced and distributed freely as long as citations are kept with their respective posts.

Contributions are edited primarily for formatting purposes. Diverse views and materials relevant to NWFPs are encouraged. Submissions usually appear in the next issue. Issues are bi-monthly on average.

To join the list, please send an e-mail to:[email protected]with the message: subscribe NWFP-Digest-L

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NWFP-Digest-L Sponsor:
Non-Wood Forest Products Programme

Forestry Department


Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Rome, Italy

Fax: +39-06-570-55618

last updated:  Friday, August 28, 2009