No. 01/01

Welcome to the NWFP-Digest-L., a free e-mail journal that covers all aspects of non-wood forest products.A special thank you to all those who have shared information with us.

1. Rural and Agricultural Incomes with a Sustainable Environment (RAISE)
2. MekongInfo
3. Network 2002
5. TRIO - Electronic Newsletter
6. The Overstory
7. Indigenous Knowledge
8. Wild Harvest Sector Workshop
9. E-Conference - Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development: exploring the links
10. Forthcoming events
11. Recognition of ancestral domain claims on Palawan Island
12. Manual on Enterprise Development for Natural Products
13. Secondary forest trees of Kalimantan, Indonesia
14. Publications of interest

1. Rural and Agricultural Incomes with a Sustainable Environment (RAISE)

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

RAISE is a worldwide initiative of USAID ( promotes environmentally sound strategies for economic growth. The product information section of this Web site features technical, market and regulatory information, and commercial contacts for eco-friendly products. Examples include natural products (dyes, herbs, medicinal plants), forestry products, ecotourism. Includes also sections on best practices, bulletin boards, internet links and upcoming events.

For more information, please contact:

Christopher M. Brown
Cognizant Technical Officer/Co-Manager
Tel: +1-(202) 712-1915
Fax: +1-(202) 216-3579
E-mail:[email protected]


Alan R. Hurdus
Tel: +1-(202) 712-0218
Fax: +1-(202) 216-3174
E-mail:[email protected]

2. MekongInfo

From: Marlynne Hopper [email protected]

MekongInfo ( is an interactive web-based system for sharing information about natural resource management, with a focus on forestry, in Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

MekongInfo contains an online library of documents, project literature and case studies (in full-text and abstract) related to the sector, a database of organizations, projects, individuals, news and announcements about upcoming events, and a forum for online discussions, etc. In addition, MekongInfo offers sector actors a range of free services, including a Web hosting service, e-mail updates, and CD-ROMs.

Information on recent publications is also available on MekongInfo. For instance, the "Non-Timber Forest Products Sub Sector Analysis Vietnam" by de Beer, J., Ha Chu Chu and Tran Quoc Tuy for IUCN Vietnam and the NTFP-RC could be of interest to your readers.

For more information, please contact:
Marlynne Hopper
Sustainable Management of Resources in the Lower Mekong Basin Project
Tung Shing Square, 2 Ngo Quyen Street
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel/Fax: (84-4) 934 6002
E-mail:[email protected]

3. Network 2002

From: Vag-Lan Borges [email protected]

The United Nations Environment & Development Forum, now offers a free monthly newsletter, "Network 2002". This multi-stakeholder publication is being produced in preparation for Earth Summit 2002 - the 10 year review of the first Summit in Rio in 1992.

The 2002 Summit will address and set the Sustainable Development agenda for the 21st Century, covering a wide range of environment, development and economic issues. Network 2002 will monitor progress and engage all groups, processes and issues over the next two years in the run up to the Summit and beyond. Network 2002 is circulated free each month by email in Acrobat pdf format and text format.

To subscribe, simply email:[email protected].
Alternatively, register online


From: David Kaimowitz [email protected]

Forest Policy Experts (POLEX) is an electronic list serve managed by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in Bogor, Indonesia. Its objective is to keep key opinion leaders in the area of forestry policy informed about recent relevant policy research results by CIFOR and others. The list forms part of CIFOR's program on the 'causes of deforestation, forest degradation, and changes in human welfare in forested areas'

We are very interested in your feedback regarding the list serve itself and your suggestions with regard to what documents we should promote. Please send them to: David Kaimowitz at[email protected]

Anyone wanting to subscribe to the list should either contact David Kaimowitz or send a message to[email protected] containing the message: SUBSCRIBE POLEX.

5. TRIO - Electronic Newsletter

From: Forest Information Update no. 1, 2 January 2000

The second issue of Trio - the electronic newsletter of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation - is now online at

Through its stories, told by a variety of voices from the NACEC community, you will learn of the cooperative efforts among Canada, Mexico and the United States in the protection of our shared North American environment. For additional information on NACEC please consult the NACEC web site at:

6. The Overstory

From: The Overstory[email protected]

The Overstory is a free e-mail journal serving people working with tropical agroforestry, forestry and sustainable development in 133 countries.

It is produced by Permanent Agriculture Resources and back issues may be found at:

To subscribe please send an e-mail to [email protected]with the subject "subscribe" and in the body of the message:

1) your name

2) e-mail address

3) organization, brief project description, or your interest in agroforestry

4) your location (city, state, country)

For more information, please contact:

Permanent Agriculture Resources,
P.O. Box 428, Holualoa, HI 96725 USA;
Tel: 808-324-4427;
Fax: 808-324-4129;
E-mail:[email protected]
Web site:

7. Indigenous Knowledge

From: The Overstory no. 74

The Indigenous Knowledge & Development Monitor focuses on the role that indigenous knowledge can play in participatory approaches to sustainable development, and is a good place for learning and networking.

8. Wild Harvest Sector Workshop

From: A. L. Hammett[email protected]

3 February 2001

Camp Mitchell, New Castle, VA, USA

The workshop, on Virtually Wild Ginseng, will be offered by Syl Yunker, Appalachian Ginseng Foundation. "Virtually Wild" is Mr. Yunker's method of spacing ginseng plants on the forest floor in a randomized fashion that imitates nature, thus inhibiting disease and preventing theft of the ginseng plants. Mr. Yunker will lead an expedition to the nearby Jefferson National Forest where we will visit an ideal ginseng habitat that has been identified by examining topographical and geological maps.

The workshop is free and open to the public.Bring $20 to purchase the training video on virtually wild ginseng.

Please register for the workshop by 26 January by responding to this e-mail or calling Ann Rogers at (540) 345-6781 ext. 4359.You may also register by mail at the following address:

Ann Rogers
P.O. Box 2868
Roanoke, VA 24001, USA

Wild Harvest Sector is a program designed to foster the sustainable propagation, harvesting, value-added processing, and marketing of forest-grown medicinal plants and other non-timber forest products (NTFP) in southwestern Virginia, USA.

Wild Harvest Sector is dedicated to the preservation of all plant species grown for market.We encourage participants to learn to "grow their own" rather than to deplete natural plant communities.

We believe that the production and marketing of forest-grown medicinal plants and other NTFPs can help local residents boost their income -- while conserving our beautiful forests for future generations.

Wild Harvest Sector offers the following:

**assistance with finding and starting your own growing site

**training and assistance in planting, cultivating, harvesting, and marketing forest plants

**online services through Virginia Tech's Special Forest Products Web site -

**assistance with the production of a variety of NTFPs - floral products, mushrooms and other food products, horticultural products, specialized wood products, and a variety of forest-grown medicinal plants.

For more information, please contact:
A. L. Hammett
Department of Wood Science and Forest Products
Virginia Tech
210 Cheatham Hall (0323)
Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA

9. E-Conference - Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development: exploring the links

From Vag-Lan Borges[email protected]

The International Institute for Sustainable Development is pleased to invite you to join an important E-Conference on Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development, beginning 9 January 2001.

The goal of this forum is to solicit your expertise and opinions on this topic. Your inputs will be presented to senior Canadian policymakers at a workshop to be held in Ottawa on 23 January 2001. A primary aim of the E-Conference and workshop is to inform the direction of new aid policies. A final report will be sent to all E-Conference participants. We thank you in advance for your participation.

This E-Conference is a response to the growing concern over poverty alleviation programs executed by the multilateral and bilateral agencies. The recent Quality of Growth E-Conference organized by the World Bank addressed some of the issues related to the World Bank's new strategic initiatives to address the poverty problem. It questioned the paradigm of quantity of growth versus the quality of growth. This conference is an extension of that discussion. But before we can start discussing solutions or new strategies, we need to do some soul-searching on what has gone wrong. As our first objective, it is imperative that we go through this introspective exercise before we can begin to look for new strategies or solutions. The second objective is to find new workable solutions.

The conference runs for a total of four weeks. The first two weeks of discussion will support the 23 January workshop. Three keynote speakers will be presenting papers on various aspects of the poverty nexus. Their papers plus the conference overview paper and the synopsis of the discussions for the first two weeks will form the framework for discussion at the workshop.

Proposed themes

Week 1 - 9-14 January: Five Decades of Under-Achievement

- Confusing the means with the ends
- The use of generalized policies across countries
- The follow-the-leader syndrome among aid agencies
- Competition among the donor agencies and a lack of cooperation leading to divergent and conflicting policies
- Lack of attention to the role institutions play in economic growth
- The prioritization of economic growth versus sustainable development
- The pursuit of personal agendas by the donors leading to sub-optimal outcomes for recipient countries.

Week 2 - 15-23 January: The Way Forward: A Sustainable Development Framework

The World Bank's Comprehensive Development Framework and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers - -strengths and weaknesses

The Stiglitz New Paradigm of Development - -strengths and weaknesses

The Sustainable Development Framework - strengths and weaknesses

Weeks 3 and 4 - 24 January 24 - 6 February: Feedback from the Workshop and the Way Forward

A Working Model

The basic unit of analysis as point of departure
-Individual, family, community
Integration of formal and informal institutions
-Between stakeholders
The three pillars: natural, physical and human
-The links between the three pillars and the stakeholders
The role of the private and public sectors

TO JOIN - Visit At this page, you will find an overview paper (pdf) as well as a link that will allow you to sign up.

10. Forthcoming events

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Alternative Ways to Combat Desertification: Connecting Community Action with Science and Common Sense

8-20 April 2002

Cape Town, South Africa/Rural Communities and Gobabeb, Namibia

An International Symposium, Rural Community Interaction and Workshop.

For more information, please visit the Web site:

or contact:

Ms. Roben Penny
Essex Road, Kalk Bay
7975 Cape Town, South Africa
Tel/Fax: +27-21-788-1285
E-mail:[email protected]

Ms. Mary Seely
Desert Research Foundation of Namibia

P.O. Box 20232
Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264-61-229-855
Fax: +264-61-230-172
E-mail:[email protected]


Mr. Beaumont C. McClure
Special Assistant for International Programs
Bureau of Land Management
Arizona State Office
222 North Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Tel: +1-602-417-9430
Fax: +1-602-417-9398
E-mail:[email protected]

Delhi Sustainable Development Summit

7-9 February 2001

Delhi, India

The Summit, which is subtitled "Poverty: the global challenge for governments, industry, scientists, and civil society", is being hosted by the Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI).

For more information, please contact:

Ms Sangeeta Singh
Darbari Seth Block
Habitat Place
Lodhi Road
New Delhi - 110003, India
Tel. 91 11 4682100 or 4682111 (extn 2010)
Fax 91 11 4682144 or 4682145
E-mail[email protected]

11. Recognition of ancestral domain claims on Palawan Island

From: Dario Novellino[email protected]

Recognition of ancestral domain claims on Palawan Island, the Philippines: is there a future?by Dario Novellino published in LAND REFORM 2000/1, the bulletin of the Rural Development Division, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

Abstract: Development on Palawan island (the Philippines' last frontier) is being fostered in a way that repeats the historical injustices suffered by the indigenous people of the archipelago, in the names of progress and the conservation of biodiversity.There is a divergence of interests between the desires and needs of the native communities and the government and environmental objectives of conserving natural habitats.A review of recently enacted environmental laws in the Philippines indicates that the zoning of protected areas based on biodiversity criteria is curtailing local subsistence practices while increasing the efficacy of government power and control over them.In addition, the new law for the recognition of ancestral domain claims needs to be improved in order to reflect indigenous notions and priorities.

Recent publications on the same issue include: Novellino, D.2000.Forest Conservation in Palawan. Philippine Studies Volume 48/ Third Quarter 2000.

For more information, please contact the author at the Department of Anthropology, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.

E-mail:[email protected]

12. Manual on Enterprise Development for Natural Products

From: ansab [email protected]

ANSAB has recently published a manual "Enterprise Development for Natural Products". It helps to promote a strategy for natural product enterprise design that contributes to conserve biodiversity and promote social equity. What does the manual provide? A framework of enterprise development planning in natural products in general and non -timber forest products (NTFP) sub-sector in particular, practical tools for addressing the issues of marketing, resource assessment, business fundamentals and policy environment.

The Manual is available from ANSAB at Rs.600 or US$10 per copy. A 30% discount is available until 28 February 2001. There is a 50% discount for Nepali students and community-based organizations.

For more information, please contact:
Business Service Center, Asia Network for Small-scale Agricultural Bioresources (ANSAB), P.O.Box: 11035, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-497547
Fax: +977-1-487916
E-mail[email protected]

13. Secondary forest trees of Kalimantan, Indonesia

From: Maas, J.B.[email protected]

Keßler, P.J.A. (ed.) (2000). Secondary forest trees of Kalimantan, Indonesia. A manual to 300 species. Tropenbos-Kalimantan Series 3. MOFEC-Tropenbos-Kalimantan Project, Wanariset Samboja, Indonesia.

The manual is one of the results of a cooperative project of the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops (MOFEC) and the Tropenbos Foundation in Wageningen, known as the multidisciplinary International MOFEC Tropenbos-Kalimantan Project. The project is located at Samboja in East Kalimantan and has been incorporated into the Wanariset field station of the Samarinda Forest Research Institute. The programme aims to provide methods and techniques for ensuring the conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use of mixed Dipterocarp forests. It focuses on the sustainable use of forests for timber and non-timber forest products, conservation management, and rehabilitation of degraded areas.

For more information, please contact:

the Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Tel: +31 317 495501
E-mail:[email protected]

14. Publications of interest

From: FAO's NWFP Programme

Barden, A., Awang Anak, N., Mulliken, T. and Song, M. 2000.Heart of the Matter: Agarwood Use and Trade and CITES Implementation forAquilaria malaccensis. TRAFFIC International, Cambridge, UK. 51 pp.

Barnett, R. Traditional medical practitioners in Kenya: putting theory into practice.TRAFFIC Bulletin18(3): 87-90.

Barnett, R. (ed). 2000.Food for Thought: The Utilization of Wild Meat in Eastern and Southern Africa. TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. 263 pp.

Brown, M. and Hutchinson, C.. 2000 Participatory mapping at landscape levels: Broadening implications for sustainable development and biodiversity conservation in developing country drylands. Arid Lands Newsletter 48 Nov/Dec 2000

Dutta, R. and Jain, P. 2000.CITES Listed Medicinal Plants of India: An Identification Manual. TRAFFIC India/WWF India, New Delhi, India. 85 pp.

Gram, S. 2001. Economic valuation of special forest products: an assessment of methodological shortcomings.Ecological Economics 36(1):109 - 117

Hutchinson, B. , Suarez, E., Fortunato,R.,Beeskow, A.M., Bye,R., Montenegro,G. & Timmermann, B. 2000. Conservation and ethnobotanical programs of the Bioactive Agents from Dryland Biodiversity of Latin America Project. Arid Lands Newsletter 48 Nov/Dec 2000

Jain, A. K. 2000.Regulation of Collection, Transit and Trade of Medicinal Plants and Other Non-Timber Forest Products in India: A Compendium. TRAFFIC India/WWF India, New Delhi, India. 529 pp.

Moussouris, Y. & Pierce, Alan. 2000. Biodiversity links to cultural identity in southwest Morocco: The situation, the problems and proposed solutions. Arid Lands Newsletter n 48. November/December 2000.

Mulliken, T. 2000. Implementing CITES for Himalayan medicinal plantsNardostachys grandifloraandPicrorhiza kurrooa.TRAFFIC Bulletin. 18(2): 63-72.

Uniyal, R. C., Uniyal, M.R. and Jain, P. 2000.Cultivation of Medicinal Plants in India: A Reference Book. TRAFFIC India/WWF India, New Delhi, India. 161 pp.


This list is for information related to any aspect of non-wood forest products.

Cross-postings related to non-wood forest products are welcome.

Information on this mailing list can be reproduced and distributed freely as long as citations are kept with their respective posts.

Contributions are edited primarily for formatting purposes. Diverse views and materials relevant to NWFPs are encouraged. Submissions usually appear in the next issue. Issues are bi-monthly on average.

To join the list, please send an e-mail to:[email protected]with the message: subscribe NWFP-Digest-L

To make a contribution once on the list, please send an e-mail to the following address:[email protected]

To unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to:[email protected]with the message: unsubscribe NWFP-Digest-L

For technical help or questions contact[email protected]

Your information is secure--We will never sell, give or distribute your address or subscription information to any third party.

NWFP-Digest-L Sponsor:
Non-Wood Forest Products Programme

Forestry Department


Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Rome, Italy

Fax: +39-06-570-5561

last updated:  Friday, August 28, 2009