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FAO Forestry Paper 189: Enabling micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in legal timber production and trade

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have a critical role to play in meeting global demand for forest products but because of their size it is hard for them to meet legal requirements for timber production and trade. This paper draws from 110 initiatives in 20 countries supported by the FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme to provide examples of how to support forest sector MSMEs cost-effectively and at scale to integrate them into domestic and international legal timber value chains.

FAO Forestry Paper 188: Mainstreaming biodiversity in forestry

 Sustainable management of all forests is crucial for biodiversity conservation, and nations have committed to biodiversity mainstreaming under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Mainstreaming biodiversity in forestry requires prioritizing forest policies, plans, programmes, projects and investments that have a positive impact on biodiversity at the ecosystem, species and genetic levels. This study is a collaboration between FAO and the Center for International Forestry Research. Illustrated by eight country case-studies, the report reviews progress and outlines the technical and policy tools available for countries and stakeholders, as well as the steps needed, to effectively mainstream biodiversity in forestry.

FAO Forestry Paper 187: Grazing with trees. A silvopastoral approach to managing and restoring drylands

Trees in dryland forests and wooded areas provide key ecosystem services such as animal feed, timber, fruits and, regulation of soil and water cycles. Equally, the presence of livestock in dryland woody areas can also play an important role in the local ecosystem; not only are they a source of income for local communities, but they also help vegetation and mobilise stored biomass. When both of these ecosystem elements are wisely combined – livestock and trees – it creates an integrated agricultural system that can boost the local ecosystem, representing a welcome agro-ecological transition in livestock farming.

FAO Forestry Paper 186: FRA Remote Sensing Survey

The FRA 2020 Remote Sensing Survey is a global collaborative study of the land use dynamic between the years 2000, 2010 and 2018 focused on forest and forest changes conducted by FAO. Through 34 physical and virtual workshops, more than 800 local experts from 126 countries and territories were trained, evaluated and incorporated into the FRA Remote Sensing focal point network. This unique network of remote sensing specialists collected 400.000 samples between 2019 and 2020, allowing us to derive the most updated, consistent and reliable land use statistics at global, regional and global ecological zone level.

FAO Forestry Paper 184: Trees, forests and land use in drylands: the first global assessment

This publication presents the results of the first global assessment of trees, forests and land use in these lands. The assessment breaks new methodological ground: it relies on the visual interpreation of freely available satellite images, carried out by more than 200 experts in a series of regional workshops. Using a tool called Open Foris ollect Earth, developed by FAO in collaboration with Google, participants gathered and analysed information for mrore than 200 000 sample plots worldwide.

FAO Forestry Paper 183: FAO framework methodology for climate change vulnerability assessments of forests and forest dependent people

This publication provides practitioners with step-by-step guidance for conducting vulnerability assessments using the most appropriate tools. The guide will be useful for anyone conducting vulnerability assessments involving trees or forests, including forest owners, managers and administrators in the private and public sectors and in community forestry organizations, and land-use planners.

粮农组织 林业 论文 165: 林权改革 — 问题、原则和过程 11 三月 2014 有保障的权属是可持续森林管理的重要前提条件。更加多样化的权属体系可为改善森林管理、当地生计奠定基础,在森林管理能力较弱的国家尤其如此。过去10年间,很多国家开始改革森林和林地的权属安排,将获取和管理森林资源的权力在不同程度上从中央下放到家庭、私营公司和社区等主体。本书为政策制定者以及森林权属改革的参与者提供了切实可行的指导。书中引用了大量资料,包括粮农组织在非洲、东南亚、拉丁美洲和中亚开展的森林权属评估,得出一些经验教训,并阐明原因。本书列出了10条权属改革指导原则,提出因地制宜通过适应性的方式实现森林权属多样化。本书还强调,成功的权属改革与相关规范框架和治理安排改革相关联,因此必须将其放在更广阔的国家发展议程中来看待。 [更多]
粮农组织 林业 论文 164: 林业植物检疫标准 实施指南 10 十一月 2011 由联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)公布的一份最新指南旨在帮助各国防止森林有害生物向新的地区蔓延。每年至少有3500万公顷森林因有害生物的爆发而遭到破坏。指南就如何有效实施有害生物管理战略和确保林产品的安全跨界移动提出了建议。 [更多]
粮农组织 林业文集 163: 2010年森林资源评估 主报告 30 八月 2011 森林砍伐、森林退化以及原始林面积缩减在全球的快速发展趋势给世界森林生物多样性造成威胁。然而,在许多国家建立的保护区中,森林生物多样性的保护呈现出持续积极的趋势。这是粮农组织《2010年全球森林资源评估》(FRA 2010)最终报告公布的主要调查结果,而此次评估是有史以来对世界森林状况作出的最为全面的评估。FRA 2010最终报告于今天在两年一次的林业委员会例会和世界森林周在罗马开幕之际正式发布。根据该报告,2000年至2010年期间,全球每年被转作其他用途,包括农业,或由于自然原因丧失的森林面积大约为1300万公顷,这一数字低于上世纪90年代期间的每年约1600万公顷。在森林总面积中有三分之一以上被列为原始森林,即没有明显人为干扰迹象的森林。原始森林,特别是热带湿润森林,包含了世界上一些物种最丰富和多样的生态系统。原始森林占世界森林面积的36%(14亿公顷),但在过去十年里其面积减少了愈4000万公顷,即每年减少0.4%。 [更多]


最后更新  2023年4月19日 星期三