Working papers

The working paper series are designed to reflect the progress of activities and programmes of the FAO Forestry Department. They provide up-to-date reports on issues and activities for decision-makers, planners, managers, practitioners, researchers and academics and are published to stimulate discussion and application where appropriate. They may also provide a forum for the rapid release of preliminary findings.

Not all working papers are published in multiple languages.  

Recent working papers

Older working papers by thematic topic

Search FAO's publications to find working papers in the following series:

  • Arid zone forestry
  • Community forestry
  • Forest finance
  • Forest fire management
  • Forest genetic resources
  • Forest harvesting
  • Forest health and biosecurity
  • Forest management
  • Forest products
  • Forest resources assessment
  • Forestry policy and institutions
  • Forestry statistics and data collection
  • Forests and climate change
  • National forest monitoring and assessment
  • Non-wood forest products
  • Planted forests
  • Urban and peri-urban forestry
  • Watershed management and sustainable mountain development
  • Wildlife management



last updated:  Monday, February 20, 2023