1991 - 2000

FAO Forestry Papers can be downloaded free of charge.

The following key is used to indicate in which language/s the paper has been published.

Ar – Arabic F – French
C – Chinese P – Portuguese
E – English S – Spanish
I – Italian R – Russian


138 FAO Meeting on Public Policies Affecting Forest Fires 1998, (E F S)
137/2 Forestry policies in the Caribbean – Volume 2: Reports of 28 selected countries and territories, 1998 (E)
137/1 Forestry policies in the Caribbean – Volume 1: Proceedings of the Expert Consultation, 1998 (E)
136 Managing forests as common property, 1998 (E)
135 Guidelines for the management of tropical forests – 1. The production of wood, 1998 (E S)
134 Estimating biomass and biomass change of tropical forests – A primer, 1997 (E)
133 Forest codes of practice – Contributing to environmentally sound forest operations, 1996 (E)
132 Forestry policies of selected countries in Africa, 1996 (E F)
131 Ecología y enseñanza rural – Nociones ambientales básicas para profesores rurales y extensionistas, 1996 (S)
130 Forest resources assessment 1990 – Survey of tropical forest cover and study of change processes, 1996 (E)
129 Environmental impact assessment and environmental auditing in the pulp and paper industry, 1996 (E)
128 Forest resources assessment 1990 – Tropical forest plantation resources, 1995 (E)
127 Valuing forests: context, issues and guidelines, 1995 (E F S)
126 Climate change, forests and forest management – An overview (E F S)
125 Forest products prices 1973-1992, 1995 (E F S)
124 Forest resources assessment 1990 - Global synthesis (E F S)
123 Forestry education – New trends and prospects, 1994 (E F S)
122 Readings in sustainable forest management, 1994 (E F S)
121 Ecology and rural education, 1995 (F S)
120 Decline and dieback of trees and forests – A global overview, 1994 (E)
119 Number not assigned
118 Biotechnology in forest tree improvement, 1994 (E)
117 Mangrove forest management guidelines, 1994 (E S)
116 Les panneaux à base de bois, 1993 (F)
115 Forestry policies of selected countries in Asia and the Pacific, 1993 (E)
114 Assessing forestry project impacts: issues and strategies, 1993 (E F S)
113 Ex situ storage of seeds, pollen and in vitro cultures of perennial woody plant species, 1993 (E)
112 Forest resources assessment 1990 – Tropical countries, 1993 (E F S)
111 Forestry policies in the Near East region – Analysis and synthesis, 1993 (E)
110 Proceedings of the Meeting of Experts on Forestry Research, 1993 (E F S)
109 Directory of forestry research organizations, 1993 (E)
108 A decade of wood energy activities within the Nairobi Programme of Action, 1993 (E)
107 Conservation of genetic resources in tropical forest management - principles and concepts, 1993 (E F S)
106 Economic assessment of forestry project impacts, 1992 (E F)
105 Compendium of pulp and paper training and research institutions, 1992 (E)
104 Forest products prices 1971-1990, 1992 (E F S)
103 Mixed and pure forest plantations in the tropics and subtropics, 1992 (E F S)
102 Research management in forestry, 1992 (E F S)
101 Management and conservation of closed forests in tropical America, 1993 (E F P S)
100 Introduction to ergonomics in forestry in developing countries, 1992 (E F S I)
99 Cost control in forest harvesting and road construction, 1992 (E)
98 Timber plantations in humid tropics of Africa, 1993 (E F)

97 Non wood forest products: the way ahead, 1991 (E F S)

最后更新  2023年4月19日 星期三