2001 - 2010

When a paper is not available in the language requested, the paper will be shown in other available languages.

FAO Forestry Paper 163: Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010. Main report

FAO Forestry Paper 162: What woodfuels can do to mitigate climate change

FAO Forestry Paper 161: Developing an effective forest policy. A guide

FAO Forestry Paper 160: Criteria and indicators for sustainable woodfuels

FAO Forestry Paper 159: Impact of the global forest industry on atmospheric greenhouse gases

FAO Forestry Paper 158: Fighting sand encroachment. Lessons from Mauritania

FAO Forestry Paper 157: Human-wildlife conflict in Africa

FAO Forestry Paper 156: Global review of forest pests and diseases

FAO Forestry Paper 155: Forests and water

FAO Forestry Paper 154: Forests and energy

FAO Forestry Paper 153: The world's mangroves 1980-2005

FAO Forestry Paper 152: People, forests and trees in West and Central Asia: Outlook for 2020

FAO Forestry Paper 151: Fire management - global assessment 2006

FAO Forestry Paper 150: The new generation of watershed management programmes and projects

FAO Forestry Paper  149: Better forestry, less poverty

FAO Forestry Paper 148: Tendencias y perspectivas del sector forestal an America Latina y el Caribe

FAO Forestry Paper 147: Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005: Progress towards sustainable forest management

FAO Forestry Paper 146: Microfinance and forest-based small-scale enterprises

FAO Forestry Paper 145: Best practices for improving law compliance in the forest sector

FAO Forestry Paper 144: Climate change and the forestry sector

FAO Forestry Paper 143: Sustainable management of tropical forests in Central Africa

FAO Forestry Paper 142: Cross-sectoral policy impacts between forestry and other sectors

FAO Forestry Paper 141: Forestry Outlook Study for Africa

FAO Forestry Paper 140: Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000

FAO Forestry Paper 139: Governance principles for concessions and contracts in public forests


last updated:  Wednesday, April 19, 2023