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粮农组织 林业 论文 161: 有效的森林政策制定指南 20 十月 2010 许多国家都制定或重新修订森林政策以适应不断变化的环境,提高森林对社会的价值。这些国家制定森林政策的经验表明,过去20年里不论是森林政策的内容还是制定或修订森林政策的方法都发生了很大的变化。本指南的目的是为那些计划启动或正在进行森林政策制定程序的国家提供支持。基于对实际经验的回顾,书中概括了国家森林政策的原理和目的,以及森林政策制定程序的各个环节。本书将有助于政府管理机构的高级官员和其他利益相关方,包括民间社团组织和私有部门,制定或修订国家森林政策。粮农组织希望通过本书以及其他相关的能力建设支持来帮助一些国家制定森林政策,该政策要以新出现的趋势和利益相关方之间达成广泛共识为基础,并且能够证实和增强森林的社会价值以及其对可持续发展的贡献。 [更多]
14 十月 2010 Most climate change strategies emphasize reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing energy use and switching to energy sources that are less carbon intensive than fossil fuels. This publication explores the scope, potential and implications for using woodfuels to replace fossil fuels and thereby contribute to climate change mitigation. The publication will be of interest to specialists and policy-makers in forestry, climate change and renewable energy, as well as to forest managers, students and general audiences interested in learning more about the role of forests in energy production and the resulting mitigation potential. [更多]
8 九月 2010 In many developing countries, woodfuels are still commonly used for household cooking and heating and are also important for local processing industries. In many developed countries, wood-processing industries often use their wood by-products for energy production. In some countries, notably the Nordic countries, forest residues are increasingly used for industrial-scale electricity generation and heating. Several developing countries have enormous potential to produce energy from forests and trees outside forests, for both domestic use and export. However this potential is not often properly reflected in national energy-development strategies. This publication sets out principles, criteria and indicators to guide the sustainable use of woodfuel resources and the sustainable production of charcoal. It is designed to help policy- and decision-makers in forestry, energy and environment agencies, non-governmental and other civil-society organizations and the private sector ensure that the woodfuel sector reaches its full potential as an agent of sustainable development. [更多]
17 六月 2010 This publication examines the complex connections between the global forest products industry and the global carbon cycle, with the objective of characterizing the carbon footprint of the sector. The analysis finds that the industry’s main sources of emissions are manufacturing and disposal of used products in landfills. Globally, the impact of the industry on carbon in forests cannot be described quantitatively because of the lack of data in many parts of the world and the complexity of the industry’s raw material supply chain. Data from some countries, however, suggest that sustainable forest management practices can be effective in keeping forest carbon stocks stable over time. Indirect greenhouse gas benefits resulting from the activities or products of the forest products industry, while difficult to measure, can be large and could be increased. [更多]
16 六月 2010 One of the main challenges of desertification is encroachment of moving sands, which has devastating environmental and socio-economic impacts. Mauritania, as one of the most severely affected countries in sub-Saharan Africa, has accumulated a great deal of experience in combating sand encroachment over the past several decades. This publication synthesizes the lessons learned, particularly in the implementation of a recently concluded project for rehabilitation and extension of the Nouakchott Green Belt, carried out by FAO and the Government of Mauritania with support from the Walloon Region of Belgium. [更多]
16 十一月 2009 In Africa, conflicts between humans and wildlife have become more frequent and severe over recent decades.This publication was compiled to facilitate the coexistence of humans and wildlife and assist affected communities in applying best management practices. With a focus on large herbivores and carnivores such as elephants, lions, baboons and crocodiles, the book presents the issues, describes different methods of conflict management and outlines a three-step framework for decision-making. [更多]
7 五月 2009 Effective pest management requires reliable information about the biology, ecology and distribution of the pests, their impacts on forest ecosystems and possible methods of control; it also often requires international cooperation. This publication represents a rare effort to address forest pests and diseases comprehensively at the global level [更多]
FAO Forestry Paper 155: Forests and water 11 二月 2009 A thematic study prepared in the framework of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005 [更多]
粮农组织 林 业论 文 154: 森林与能源 9 四月 2008 主要问题 [更多]
19 十二月 2007 The world's mangroves 1980-2005 report, prepared in the framework of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005, provides comprehensive information on the current and past extent of mangroves in all countries and territories in which they exist. This information, as well as the gaps in information that come to light in the report, will assist mangrove managers and policy- and decision-makers worldwide in ensuring the conservation, management and sustainable use of the world's remaining mangrove ecosystems [更多]
2 七月 2007 People, forests and trees in West and Central Asia: Outlook for 2020 [更多]

FAO Forestry Paper 162: What woodfuels can do to mitigate climate change

Étude FAO: Forêts 161: Élaborer une politique forestière efficace - Guide

FAO Forestry Paper 160: Criteria and indicators for sustainable woodfuels

FAO Forestry Paper 159: Impact of the global forest industry on atmospheric greenhouse gases

Étude FAO: Forêts 158 Lutte contre l’ensablement: l’exemple de la Mauritanie

Étude FAO: Forêts 157 Les conflits humains-faune en Afrique

FAO Forestry Paper 156: Global review of forest pests and diseases

Étude FAO: Forêts 155 Les forêts et l’eau

Étude FAO: Forêts 154 Les forêts et l’énergie

FAO Forestry Paper 153: The world's mangroves 1980-2005

FAO Forestry Paper 152: People, forests and trees in West and Central Asia: Outlook for 2020

FAO Forestry Paper 151: Fire management - global assessment 2006

Étude FAO: Forêts 150 La nouvelle génération de programmes et projets d’aménagement des bassins versants

Étude FAO: Forêts 149 Améliorer la foresterie pour réduire la pauvreté

Estudio FAO: Montes 148 Tendencias y perspectivas del sector forestal an America Latina y el Caribe

最后更新  2023年4月19日 星期三