Thematic and technical Working Groups

To enable more detailed and specific responses to different challenges and needs within the European region, thematic and technical working groups were established within the Working Party.

The working groups may be in place for a limited duration – until a task is accomplished – or operate over a longer period of time. Each Working Group has a leading country, terms of reference, a work plan, defined outputs and expected results.

Working Group 1: Forest & Water

(Co)-leads: Czech Repubilc

Participating countries: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, and Slovenia

Forest & Water Strategy Paper 

Working Group 1 informative flyer

Working Group 3: Protective Function of Forests 

(Co)-leads: Austria

Participating countries: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia (observer status), Slovenia and Switzerland

Protective Function of Forests Strategy Paper 




last updated:  Monday, October 4, 2021