Working Group 2: Hazard and Disaster Risk Management in Mountains

(Co)-leads: Austria and France

Participating countries: Albania, Germany, Slovenia, Turkey

Hazard and Disaster Risk Management in Mountains Strategy Paper 

Core themes:

  • Risk resilience and capacity development.
  • Maintenance of structural protection measures: keeping functionality under life-cycle conditions.
  • Hazard zone mapping for efficient prevention work with special consideration of forests
  • Standardisation in the field of natural disasters and risk management
  • DRM in relationship to green economy and forest-watersheds


  • Risk resilience and capacity development
  • Maintenance of structural protection measures: keeping functionality under life-cycle conditions
  • Hazard zone mapping for efficient prevention work with special consideration of forests
  • Standardisation in the field of natural disasters and risk management
  • DRM in relationship to green economy and forest-watersheds




last updated:  Wednesday, October 25, 2023