Basic ANR procedures

The following basic procedures are applied in restoring forests through ANR:

  • Marking regenerants
  • Liberating regenerants
  • Suppressing grass
  • Controlling disturbances
  • Enrichment planting
  • Maintenance and protection

These steps are described in detail in FAO’s ANR manual available on the right column.

In addition, experience has shown that developing sustained social support for ANR is critical in ensuring the success and long-term sustainability of restoration efforts. It is essential that the communities living near the restoration area understand and appreciate the value of forest restoration, are involved in the planning and implementation of ANR activities, and are incentivized and receive benefits from the restoration activities (e.g. employment, forest products, ecosystem services, etc.).

Firebreaks planted with annual crops to incentivize community participation in ANR activities. ©Bangong Pagasa Foundation


lastUpdate  Friday, November 6, 2020