Forests and Climate Change Working Papers

Forests and climate change in the Caribbean 17 February 2015 An overview of the actual and potential impacts of climate change on forests and forest dependent people in six Caribbean countries - Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago. The paper also examines the major issues and developments related to climate change impacts and responses in the region as regards forests and highlights related opportunities for regional action to address gaps and needs [more]
Forests, rangelands and climate change in Southern Africa 16 October 2013 This report provides an overview of the actual and potential impacts of climate change on forest and rangeland resources in southern Africa, reviews related efforts under way in the countries and the region to respond to climate change, and identifies areas of potential cooperation among countries in the region. [more]
Forest management and climate change: stakeholder perceptions 18 May 2012 FAO, in collaboration with forest management, climate change experts and relevant stakeholders, is developing guidelines to assist forest managers to effectively respond to climate change challenges and opportunities. These guidelines will include actions related to both climate change adaptation and mitigation and will be relevant to all types of forests, all management objectives and all types of managers. To facilitate the development of the guidelines, a survey was conducted through which forest stakeholders provided their views and perceptions on factors that influence the ability of forest managers to respond to climate change. This publication presents the results of the survey. [more]
Climate change for forest policy makers 10 November 2011 An approach or integrating climate change in forest programmes in support of sustainable forest managment (2011). This document is published as a key part of the effort by the Forestry Department of FAO and the National Forest Programme Facility to assist countries address emerging policy issues related to forests and climate change through integrating climate change considerations into national forest programmes. It is the outcome of a thorough consultative process with active engagement of countries and experts. It seeks to provide a practical approach to the process of integrating climate change into national forest programmes. The aim is to assist senior officials in government administrations and the representatives of other stakeholders, including civil society organizations and the private sector, prepare the forest sector for the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change. FAO and the NFP Facility stand ready to support countries in the application of the approach and warmly welcome ideas and suggestions for use and improvement of the approach. [more]
Forests and climate change in the Near East Region 20 December 2010 The primary objective of this document is to provide an overview of the actual and potential impact of climate change on forests and forest dependent people in the Near East region, of climate change mitigation opportunities in the forestry sector, and of needs for effective national and regional responses. [more]
Forests and Climate Change Working Paper 8 (Russian) 16 November 2010 Russian version of Working Paper 8 [more]
Forests and Climate Change in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Forests and Climate Change Working Paper 8 (2010) 5 October 2010 The primary objective of this document is to provide an overview of forest and climate change issues, actions and areas for cooperation in the Eastern European and Central Asian countries. The country reports included within were prepared and presented at the FAO workshop on “Climate change impacts on forest management in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, which was held in Sopron, Hungary from 14-16 April 2010. It is hoped that the publication will raise awareness of the specific needs of these countries regarding forests and climate change, in particular regarding climate change adaptation but also mitigation, and will provide a point of departure for identifying and catalyzing regional action to complement and enhance national efforts. [more]
Forests and Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region, Forests and Climate Change Working Paper 7 (2010) 9 August 2010 The study examines the major issues and developments related to climate change impacts and responses in the region as regards forests and highlights related opportunities for regional action to address gaps and needs. This publication is intended to provide a point of departure for identifying and catalyzing regional action to complement and enhance national efforts. [more]
Woodfuels and climate change mitigation - case studies from Brazil, India and Mexico, Forests and Climate Change Working Paper No. 6 (2010) 16 June 2010 This publication examines the scope and potential for wood fuels to replace fossil fuels thereby contributing to climate change mitigation in three countries – Brazil, India and Mexico. The potential for and implications of wood fuel development for climate change mitigation is analyzed. The publication also presents the current (woodfuel) offset mechanisms in place and their relative emissions reduction potentials. [more]
Definitional issues related to reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries, Forests and Climate Change Working Paper No. 5 (2007) 8 January 2007 The paper provides background on definitional issues related to reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries (RED-DC). It reflects the FAO presentation on “Definitional issues, including those relating to links between deforestation and degradation” given during a UNFCCC-organised workshop on RED-DC, held from 30 August to 1 September 2006. [more]
Choosing a forest definition for the Clean Development Mechanism, Forests and Climate Change Working Paper No. 4 (2006) 9 January 2006 Developing countries must define “forest” before they can host afforestation and reforestation projects under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol. To do so, they must chose country-specific values from a range provided in the Marrakech Accords for minimum area, crown cover and tree height. Good practice involves choosing also a minimum strip width. Definitions in the Marrakech Accords and in the 2003 IPCC Good Practice Guidance leave some ambiguities. [more]
Forestry projects under the CDM: Procedures, experiences and lessons learned, Forests and Climate Change Working Paper No. 3 (2005) 18 January 2005 This paper provides guidance on how to formulate new baseline and monitoring methodologies for CDM A/R (Clean Development Mechanism, Afforestation and Reforestation) projects. The analysis puts together lessons learned from baseline and monitoring methodologies which were submitted for approval so far and helps project developers to avoid mistakes made in those earlier methodologies. The paper is structured as follows: first the general rules of the development and acceptance of CDM baseline methodologies and CDM A/R projects are lined out and thereby the most important terms are explained. Secondly, an overview on CDM A/R projects and baseline methodologies which have been submitted so far is given. Thirdly, the reasons for the rejection of baseline and monitoring Background, Concepts, Methodologies and Procedures methodologies are analysed. This leads to the final part of the paper with lessons learned. [more]
Adaptation of forest ecosystems and the forest sector to climate change, Forests and Climate Change Working Paper No. 2 (2005) 3 January 2005 The document summarizes information that facilitates the definition and formulation of policies and projects aimed at decreasing vulnerability to climate change, with special emphasis on forest ecosystems and the social groups that depend on them. It emphasizes that adaptation to climate change must be part of a country s development process, and that every adaptation action should be framed within the national development policies. [more]
Forests and climate change - Instruments related to the United Nations framework convention on climate change and their potential for sustainable forest management in Africa, Forests and Climate Change Working Paper No. 1 (2003) 1 January 2003 Africa, although contributing relatively little to climate change, could be one of its major victims. With this publication, FAO seeks to inform African carbon sink experts and the forestry sector about climate change, the agreements reached, the current state of the clean development mechanism, other opportunities for forest conservation, adaptation and mitigation, and about prerequisites for implementation. [more]

Central American series on forest and climate change

Click to view reportCentroamérica - frente al cambio climático

Serie centroamericano de bosques y cambio climático

FAO Forestry working paper (2003), S, 68 pp
El sector forestal en América Central puede cumplir una función significativa en la mitigación de los impactos del cambio climático. El aprovechamiento de tierras, el cambio de uso de la tierra y las actividades forestales pueden contribuir mediante la conservación de los bosques al secuestro, substitución y reducción de las emisiones de carbono. La reducción potencial de las emisiones de carbono se basa en una estimación anual del nivel de deforestación en América Central del orden de las 388 000 hectáreas. Alrededor del 64 por ciento del territorio centroamericano ha sido deforestado, y dos terceras partes de ese porcentaje lo fue en los últimos treinta años.
Click to view reportBelize - Facing the climate change

Central American series on forest and climate change

FAO Forestry working paper (2003), E, 60 pp

Click to view reportCosta Rica - Frente al cambio climático

Serie Centro Americana de bosques y cambio climático

FAO Forestry working paper (2003), E, 60 pp

Click to view reportEl Salvador - Frente al cambio climático

Serie Centro Americana de bosques y cambio climático

FAO Forestry working paper (2003), S, 46 pp

Click to view reportGuatemala - Frente al cambio climático

Serie Centro Americana de bosques y cambio climático

FAO Forestry working paper (2003), S, 52 pp

Click to view reportHonduras - Frente al cambio climático

Serie Centro Americana de bosques y cambio climático

FAO Forestry working paper (2003), S, 59 pp

Click to view reportNicaragua - Frente al cambio climático

Serie Centro Americana de bosques y cambio climático

FAO Forestry working paper (2003), S, 67 pp

Click to view reportPanamá - Frente al cambio climático

Serie Centro Americana de bosques y cambio climático

FAO Forestry working paper (2003), S, 6o pp
last updated:  Friday, July 25, 2014