Supporting Countries on Forest and Climate Change Issues

On request from member countries, the programme provides support and builds capacity on forest and climate change. This is done through workshops and information materials (a monthly newsletter – CLIM-FO-L, publications and policy briefs). The programme has developed guidelines to assist countries integrate climate change at the policy level  and is in the process of finalizing guidelines for the field level

Capacity building workshops

Nepal June 21, 2011 

The Ministry of Forestry and Soil Conservation, Nepal and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations organized a 1-day workshop to share information about current initiatives and to discuss the needs, priorities and challenges in Nepal related to forests and climate change.

Workshop report, programme and participants 

National processes in Cambodia, Paraguay, South Africa and Tanzania

FAO and the National Forest Programme Facility have initiated a joint effort to assist countries address emerging policy issues related to forests and climate change through integrating climate change considerations into national forest programmes.

Through workshops and preliminary analysis of the major challenges and opportunities climate change poses for the forest sector in each country the goal is to raise awareness, exchange information and gather stakeholder views on policy-relevant issues and possible responses regarding forests and climate change.

Workshop reports and preliminary analysis for the four countries.

last updated:  Friday, June 15, 2012