Evidence and analysis

In the following chapter, a list of references and tools are presented.

1. References

Adaptation of Forests and People to Climate Change – A Global Assessment Report (2009) 

The report, IUFRO World Series 22, is the work of the Global Forest Expert Panel and constitutes the most comprehensive assessment to date of scientific information about climate change impacts and how forests and people can adapt to it. The report  

IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change (2007)

The reports summarizes the findings of the three Working Group reports and provides a synthesis that specifically addresses the issues of concern to policymakers in the domain of climate change: it confirms that climate change is occurring now, most probably largely as a result of human activities; it illustrates the impacts of global warming already under way and to be expected in the future, and describes the potential for adaptation of society to reduce its vulnerability; finally it presents an analysis of costs, policies and technologies intended to limit the extent of future changes in the climate system. The report

Biodiversity and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Report of the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change (2009)  

This document has been produced by a suite of world-renowned experts in the fields of biodiversity and climate change and helps up to better understand how biodiversity and climate change interact. The report  

Combating Climate Change a Role for UK Forests, An assessment of the potential of the UK's trees and woodlands to mitigate and adapt to climate change

This assessment aims to provide a better understanding of how forestry can adapt to and improve its contribution to mitigation of climate change. The report has the following specific objectives: review and synthesize existing knowledge on the impacts of climate change on UK trees, woodlands and forests; provide a baseline of the current potential of different mitigation and adaptation actions; identify gaps and weaknesses to help determine research priorities for the next five years. It is a good example of a country's efforts to define the role of forests in climate change responses. The report

Vulnerability and Climate Change Impact Assessments for Adaptation (2010)   

The UNEP publication outlines key approaches to help in assessing vulnerability to climate change in the context of other non-climatic issues and stresses such as environmental change and consumption levels, and their integration with other drivers and pressures. The report

2. Tools

The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise (2010) 

This publication by Forest Trends provides a tool for classifying and prioritizing potential REDD+ sub-national activities and for assessing critical constraints to project development, especially those associated with the legal, political, and institutional framework for carbon finance. The ROSE tool was developed and refined during 2009 in the course of conducting case studies in Tanzania, Uganda and Ghana. The publication

Methods and Tools for Assessing the Vulnerability of Forests and People to Climate Change (2009)

This working paper from CIFOR provides an overview of methods and tools suitable for assessing the vulnerability of forests, forest ecosystem services and forest-dependent people or sectors to climate change. It provides a typology of methods and tools and gives examples. The working paper

PRECIS (2011)

PRECIS stands for "Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies." Researchers at the Met Office Hadley Centre (metrological service and world area forecasting) produce and maintain a range of gridded datasets of meteorological variables for use in climate monitoring and climate modelling. The tool

Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRiSTAL) (2011)

This tool is designed to help project planners and managers integrate climate change adaptation and risk reduction into community-level projects. The tool

World Bank Climate Change Portal and ADAPT (2010)

The World Bank Climate Change Portal is intended to provide quick and readily accessible global climate and climate-related data to the development community. The portal

weADAPT Climate Change Explorer (2011)

The Climate Change Explorer, developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute, provides users with an analytical foundation from which to explore the climate variables relevant to their particular adaptation decisions. The tool

Vulnerability Mapping and Impact Assessment (2006)

This tool developed for Sub-Saharan Africa by ILRI, CIAT and TERI, identifies vulnerable populations, assesses climate change impacts and adaptation options. It uses GCM outputs, GIS and vulnerability data, agriculture systems and land use data. The tool concentrates only on agricultural impacts in the Sub-Saharan region. The tool

A training manual on Estimating the Opportunity Costs of REDD+ (2011)

The manual addresses the calculation of costs and benefits of the various land use alternatives in relation to their carbon stocks. As required data are generally not readily available, the manual also includes information on data collection, analysis and evaluation techniques. Although sections of the manual are relevant for subnational or project analysis, it is not intended to calculate compensation for farmers or landowners at a given site. The manual




last updated:  Thursday, November 24, 2011