Planning process

In the following a list of references and tools are presented.

1. References  

Understanding national forest programmes, Guidance for practitioners (2006) 

This FAO publication aims to promote understanding and facilitate coordination, collaboration and capacity building among stakeholders, for participatory formulation and implementation of forest and forest-related policies. It is not a recipe book, but rather a guidance document intended to inspire thinking and acting on best practices that correspond to the conditions of individual countries. The report  

The Cancun Agreements (2010) 

The UNFCCC COP 16 agreement confirms the scope of REDD+ (Paragraph 70): reducing emissions from deforestation; reducing emissions from forest degradation, conservation of forest carbon stocks, sustainable management of forest; and enhancement of forest carbon stocks and outlines principles as well as safeguards against negative social and environmental impacts of REDD+ actions (annex 1). Countries are requested to develop national strategies and action plans for REDD+, a national forest reference emissions level and/or a forest reference level; a national forest monitoring system for the monitoring and reporting on REDD+ activities, and a system for providing information on how the safeguards are being addressed and respected (paragraph 71). A phased approach – from strategy development to pilot activities and finally to resultsbased actions – is adopted (paragraph 73). The report

Enhancing Stakeholder Participation in National Forest Programmes (2009)

This policy brief has been written for the benefit of those who make and implement forest policies. This includes government staff working in forest departments and agencies as well as senior level decision-makers within ministries concerned with forests, environment and natural resources. The report  

Forest Agencies' Early Adaptations to Climate Change (2009) 

This report by IUFRO seeks to determine the extent to which forest agencies are changing their policies and management operations in response to current and anticipated future climate change and summarizes the state of the art of forest policy responses regarding adaptation to climate change in Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and the United States. The report

Participatory governance assessments for REDD+ (2011) 

The UNDP/UN-REDD platform can be a central resource for all actors interested in initiating country-led governance assessments, and may be useful to policy-makers, the national statistic agency, civil society organizations (CSOs), academia, the media. The report

Forest Governance and Climate Change Mitigation (2009) 

In this brief, FAO and ITTO highlight lessons learned from experiences on the ground and sets out the key elements of an approach to forest law compliance and governance that will ensure the optimal role of forests in mitigating climate change. The report

Developing effective forest policy (2010) 

In this FAO publication for government officials and civil society organizations, the aim is to support countries in planning or revising national forest policy. Based on a review of practical experiences, it outlines the purpose and goals of a national forest policy and provides recommendations for an effective policy development process. The report

Forests Sourcebook (2009) 

This publication from the Word Bank provides practical guidance for sustaining forests in development cooperation. The report

Legal Frameworks for REDD: Design and Implementation at the National Level (2009) 

IUCN has summarized a wide range of information and insights from legal and policy experts on REDD and forest carbon payment for environmental services (PES) schemes. The publication presents a detailed overview of regulatory design and implementation options specifically for a non-lawyer audience. The report is based on substantive findings from four national case studies carefully chosen for their varying geographies, forest cover and deforestation rates, and stages of REDD preparations. The report

Forests and climate change in Latin America - Linking adaptation and mitigation in projects and policies (2010) 

In this brief CIFOR focuses on the fact that current forest policies can facilitate the integration of adaptation and mitigation in the forest sector, but few policies in Latin America have addressed the linkages between adaptation and mitigation. The report

Reforming forest tenure issues, principles and process (2011)

This FAO publication is intended to provide practical guidance for people involved in forest policy reforms associated with tenure and for those reflecting on the effectiveness of existing tenure systems. The report  

2. Tools

Adaptation Policy Frameworks for Climate Change: Developing Strategies, Policies and Measures (2010)

This publications was developed by UNDP on behalf of the Global Environment Facility. It provides a structured approach to formulating and implementing adaptation strategies, policies and measures to ensure human development in the face of climate variability and change. The report  

Guidelines on Stakeholder Engagement in REDD+ Readiness (2011)

In order to best serve developing countries preparing to undertake REDD+, the UN-REDD Programme and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) have collaborated to develop joint Guidelines on Stakeholder Engagement. This document incorporates all substantive guidance from the UN-REDD Programme's Operational Guidance: Engagement of IPs and Other Forest Dependent Communities as well as including guidance from the FCPF's Guidance Note on National Consultation and Participation for REDD.  The report

Free, Prior, and Informed Consent for REDD+: Principles and Approaches for Policy and Project Development (2011)

Developed by RECOFTC and GIZ, Sector Network Natural Resources and Rural Development – Asia. This publication is targeted at people concerned with the design and implementation of REDD+ projects or programmes. It provides an overview of REDD+ and the importance of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC), describes the development of a process that respects FPIC and offers guidelines on twelve aspects or 'elements' of a generic process to respect the right of indigenous peoples and local communities to FPIC. The report

Cross-Sectoral Toolkit for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forest Biodiversity (2008)    

This CBD Technical Series Publication summarizes information on policy approaches that aim to minimize the negative impacts of other sectoral policies on forests and forest biodiversity. The report

Nairobi Work Programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (2011)

The Nairobi Work Programme disseminates knowledge and information on adaptation, and highlights the work of partners as widely as possible through a variety of knowledge products and publications. Organizations, institutions and private sector companies at all levels and in a wide range of sectors can become engaged with the programme by becoming a partner and making an Action Pledge. The report


last updated:  Wednesday, January 25, 2012