
In the following a list of references and tools are presented.

1. References 

Making REDD Work - A Practitioner's Guide for Successful Implementation of REDD (2009)

This brochure by Silvestrum aims to provide an overview and understanding of the REDD concept, the current proposals and the issues under negotiation. The recommendations made for further reading and the references to other available resources are intended to enhance broader participation and the full engagement of both governments and practitioners in the REDD debate. The report

Financing for Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+ (2010)

This Global Environment Facility brief provides information on its investment programme for sustainable forest management (SFM) and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon stocks (REDD+), as well as opportunities for funding of forest-related activities in the fifth GEF cycle. The report

Guidance for the Provision of Information on REDD+ Governance (2011)

This UN-REDD guidance is intended for use by national governments, who are primarily responsible for ensuring that REDD+ activities are effectively implemented and safeguards are addressed and respected. The Guidance offers a common language and structure necessary to facilitate multi-stakeholder approaches to the provision of information on REDD+ governance. The report

Framework for Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance (2011)

While the FAO/Profor framework is not an assessment or monitoring tool itself, it can facilitate the use of existing tools specifically designed for the purpose. It can serve as a starting point for understanding forest governance and for contextualizing the various tools available that can be appropriately employed for forest governance assessment and monitoring. The report

2. Tools     

Platform on Climate Funding Options (2011)

This World Bank platform aims at providing comprehensive guidance on financial options available for climate action in developing countries. It contains information on where to access the wide range of funds available from multilateral and bilateral institution, as well as public and private sources. The site includes information about how funds are governed and whether projects are eligible and users are invited to be a resource to share their experiences with investment projects and offer feedback and comments on ongoing projects. The platform

Voluntary REDD+ Database (2011)

This Database run by the REDD+ Partnership provides access to information on REDD+ financing, actions and results that has been reported to the REDD+ Partnership and aims to improve effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and coordination of REDD+ initiatives; and to support efforts to identify and analyze gaps and overlaps in REDD+ financing. The database

Climate Funds Update (2011)   

This is an independent website that provides information on the growing number of international funding initiatives designed to help developing countries address the challenges of climate change. The site 

Forests and Climate Change Toolbox (2010)  

A toolbox of resources developed by the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) to build understanding and technical proficiency on issues of climate change and forests. Consists of a series of PowerPoint presentations with accompanying notes, arranged according to a syllabus-like structure. The toolbox

Case Studies on Measuring and Assessing Forest Degradation (2009)

This FAO publication aims to present promising methodologies and tools for assessing these different aspects of forest degradation from the point of view of the seven thematic elements of sustainable forest management (SFM). The initiative intends to identify suitable indicators to assess the degree of degradation of a forest at different management scales. The publication

REDD information sharing web platform (2011)  

This UNFCCC web platform provides information submitted by Parties, relevant organizations and stakeholders. The information can be found under the following areas: Technical Assistance, Demonstration Activities, Country Specific Information and Methodologies and Tools. The platform

last updated:  Tuesday, May 8, 2012