Monitoring and evaluation

In the following chapter, a list of references and tools are presented

1. References

FAO National Forest Monitoring and Assessment: Manual for integrated field data collection (2009)

The FAO manual for integrated field data collection constitutes the basis for the development of the methodology in each country. The manual serves as the template and reference document for forest monitoring. The report  

Financing Climate Change Mitigation: Towards a Framework for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (2009)

In this publication OECD and IEA highlights existing knowledge and information about a range of different types of mitigation support and outlines a structure for the future framework for measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) to provide greater accountability and transparency. The report

Measuring and Monitoring Terrestrial Carbon as Part of "REDD+" MRV Systems: The State of the Science and Implications for Policy Makers (2009)

This Policy Brief by Terrestrial Carbon Group summarizes important aspects of key methods, including their maturity, cost, and availability. It also describes how policy choices determine measurement and monitoring quality, and input and capacity requirements, and provides recommendations to progress to full terrestrial carbon accounting. The report

2. Tools

A sourcebook of methods and procedures for monitoring measuring and reporting (2010)

A updated version of the GOFC-GOLD REDD Sourcebook with methods and procedures for monitoring measuring and reporting. The sourcebook      

last updated:  Thursday, November 24, 2011