
Key messages

  • Drylands cover 6.1 billion hectares, making up 41 % of the Earth’s land surface, characterized by water scarcity. They cover more than 100 countries across regions and are the basis for livelihoods of more than 2 billion people.
  • Trees and forests in drylands generate a wealth of environmental services, they provide habitats for biodiversity, protect against water and wind erosion and desertification, help water infiltrate soils and contribute to soil fertility.
  • Trees and forests in drylands help increase the resilience of landscapes and communities in the face of climate change.
  • Drylands contain 1.11 billion hectares of forests (18% of the global drylands area and 27% of the global forest area), 1.8 billion of grasslands (31% of the global dryland area), 0.86 billion hectares of cropland (14% of the global dryland area). 
  • Trees are present on 1.9 billion ha of the world’s drylands.
  • Land degradation in drylands, commonly referred to as desertification, almost always begins with the removal and degradation of vegetation including forests and grasslands.
  • In Africa, drylands (arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid) comprise 43 % of the continent’s land area, and are inhabited by farmers, herders and pastoralists whose livelihoods heavily depend on the goods and services provided by forests, trees, shrublands, farmlands, and grazing lands.
  • The long-term sustainability of dryland forests is in jeopardy due to population increase, growing demand for natural resources, poverty, social conflicts, lack of market opportunities and technical capacity, lack of appropriate policies, governance and investments and lack of integration among different sectors.
  • Climate change affects dryland forests and people as it exacerbates all these negative human-related factors.


Africa's Great Green Wall in Sudan Action Against Desertification is an initiative of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) to restore drylands and degraded lands in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific to tackle the detrimental social, economic and environmental impact of land degradation and desertification. It is a key partner of the Great Green Wall initiative, Africa's flagship programme to combat the effects of climate change and desertification across North Africa, the Sahel and the Horn of Africa. [more]
‘In Dust’ - Artist collaboration against desertification An experimental documentary-performance hybrid video by the ‘A Common Future’ artistic collective, produced by UNIT9, raises awareness around desertification and the Great Green Wall. [more]
Land restoration and oryx conservation Alongside large scale restoration of 1,000 ha of degraded land with selected local species planted over three years, Action Against Desertifcation is also supporting wildlife conservation in Khoily Alpha's village nature reserve through the reintroduction of the Sahel scimitar oryx (Oryx dammah) in support of the Great Green Wall in Senegal. An exclusive video shows the release of the first oryx. [more]


 More videos


Applying MEV-CAM tools: participatory video FAO has released its first practical guide to using participatory video, an innovative community-led technique that monitors change in development projects and programmes, with the aim of improving sustainability in dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral systems. [more]
Policy brief: Grazing with trees- A silvopastoral approach to managing and restoring drylands with trees This policy brief gives an overview of the positive role that optimized extensive grazing livestock farming can play in the management and restoration of drylands’ forests and lands. [more]

More publications

Press releases and editorials

New FAO toolkit scales up innovative community-led participatory video technique in drylands Rome - FAO has released its first practical guide to using participatory video, an innovative community-led technique that monitors change in development projects and programmes, with the aim of improving sustainability in dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral systems. [more]
More collaboration needed between forestry and livestock sectors to build resilience in dryland ecosystems, FAO session concludes Amman - Delegates from around the world came together this week to discuss strategies to transform agricultural production systems in dryland areas at the Third Session of the Committee on Forestry Working Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems. [more]
Climate response for drylands must include women In the world's drylands, women’s needs, expertise and opinions cannot be ignored if we are to create a truly climate-resilient future and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including goals on gender equality (SDG 5), climate action (SDG 13) and life on land (SDG 15). [more]

More press releases

Expert interviews

Putting local people at the heart of global land restoration Moctar Sacande, International Project Coordinator, Action Against Desertification, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, describes the key to the project’s success and the scale of its work in restoring degraded lands in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. [more]
Markus Repnik on the need for landscape and forest restoration Markus Repnik, Managing Director of the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD, talks about why forest and landscape restoration should be an international priority. [more]
Near East and North African countries can gain significantly from expanding their forest cover. Mr. Chadi Mohanna, Director of Rural Development and Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Lebanon, explains that Near East and North African countries are severely affected by desertification and climate change. [more]



Interivew with FAO's Nora Berrahmouni on Drylands: forests and land use 
TARGET Zero Hunger podcase: Remote sensing and agriculture
"Recipes" exist to combat desertification


last updated:  Saturday, November 12, 2022