Mediterranean and Near East Forest Communicators Network


Communication and social media boot camp in Beirut, Lebanon 31 March 2019 21 participants from 9 countries participated in a training workshop over the weekend that focused on effective communication and building social media skills and which was organized by the Forest Communicators Networks and FAO, in Beirut, Lebanon. The workshop, which was funded by FAO the governments of Austria and Finland, coincided with the start of the 6th Mediterranean Forest Week today in Lebanon. [more]
Workshop 13-15 May 2014 14 May 2014 Over 30 participants from 10 countries including Egypt, France, Iran, Jordan, Spain, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon and Turkey attended an international workshop on forest communication in Rabat, Morocco from 13 to 15 May 2014. Facilitated by FAO, the main aims of this workshop were to develop and strengthen forestry communications capacity in the region and to explore the possibility of establishing a self-sustaining sub-regional network of communication practitioners. [more]
Mediterranean forest communicators commit to network objectives 9 November 2012 The Forest Communicators Network in the Mediterranean and Near East reinforced its pledge to increase the visibility of forest issues in the region at a workshop in Rabat, Morocco, this week. Communications experts from Algeria, France, Greece, Lebanon, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey agreed on a series of commitments that include stepping up communication on the need to boost the resilience of the region’s forests to increasing threats – largely from climate change, fire, storms, pests and diseases. [more]

Workshop 13-15 May 2014

Over 30 participants from 10 countries including Egypt, France, Iran, Jordan, Spain, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon and Turkey attended an international workshop on forest communication in Rabat, Morocco from 13 to 15 May 2014. Facilitated by FAO, the main aims of this workshop were to develop and strengthen forestry communications capacity in the region and to explore the possibility of establishing a self-sustaining sub-regional network of communication practitioners. Representatives from government agencies and NGOs from around the Mediterranean and Near East region recognized the need to better coordinate and communicate forest issues and a working group was established. The participants will give communication support for the forthcoming Mediterranean Forest Week in Barcelona in 2015.

© Colin Morton

 The Mediterranean and Near East communication workshop was supported by GIZ and the governments of Austria and Finland.

Meeting report



last updated:  Friday, August 20, 2021