
The pollination services of forests
This infographic highlights the importance of pollination-friendly forest management practices.

Available in English, Russian, FrenchChinese and Spanish.


Sustainable Forest Management Toolbox
An infographic explaining the Sustainable Forest Management Toolbox, a free user-friendly web-based platform designed to meet the diverse needs of sustainable forest management practitioners. Available in English.

International Mountain Day 2020
The infographic for International Mountain Day 2020 spells out the main facts regarding mountain peoples and environments, in particular, mountain biodiversity facts and figures, as well as main recommendations.


International Mountain Day 2019
The infographic displays key facts and figures about mountain peoples and new data about the vulnerability to food insecurity of rural mountain people in developing countries. Available in English, ChineseSpanishArabicFrench and Russian

Forests & wood products for a low carbon future
This infographic illustrates how forests in a virtuous cycle not only remove carbon during their lifetime, but continue to store it in wood products. Available in English.

Sustainable forestry for food security
This infographic illustrates the links between forests and food security and nutrition, as well as the actions that can be taken to unlock their full potential. Available in EnglishFrench and Spanish.

Forests and energy
This infographic illustrates the many ways in which forests are a vital resource for meeting the world’s renewable-energy demand.
Available in English, Arabic,
Chinese, French, Japanese,
Russian and Spanish.
      Benefits of urban trees
This infographic illustrates the benefits of urban trees, including cooling the air, filtering out harmful pollutants and mitigating the effects of climate change. Available in Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, English, French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, PortugeseRomanianRussian, Serbian,  Spanish, Turkish.
Why does legal timber matter?
This infographic illustrates the benefits of improving forest governance and the importance of the FAO EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade
(FLEGT) programme. Available in
English, Arabic, Chinese, French
Russian and Spanish.
      Actors to address climate change
This infographic illustrates the enormous potential local communities and smallholders have to preserve forest landscapes and generate economic and social development benefits. Available in English.

State of the World's Forests 2016
This infographic illustrates that it is possible to increase agricultural productivity and food security while halting or even reversing deforestation. Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, FrenchRussian and Spanish.








last updated:  Monday, July 5, 2021