Innovative open-source tools and databases

In collaboration with over 70 countries and partners, FAO has developed a suite of free forest and land monitoring tools to provide accurate and cost-effective measurement, monitoring, and reporting of forest and other land cover. Open-source tools and databases help countries measure, monitor and report on forests and land cover, paving the way for improved climate change mitigation plans and informed land-use policies.


Open Foris

Free and open-source software tools for flexible
and efficient data collection, analysis and reporting on multi-purpose forest inventories.





System for earth observations, data access,
processing and analysis for land monitoring.


FAOSTAT Forestry

Annual production and trade statistics for forest




Satellite Land Monitoring Systems

Tools to design and deploy country national forest
monitoring systems.


Framework for Ecosystem Restoration

Global platform to monitor ecosystem restoration.




Sustainable Forest Management Toolbox

Tools, case studies and other resources for sustainable
forest management.



Tree allometric equations to assess forest volume and biomass, and carbon stocks.





Country-specific legal information on forest management, timber production and trade.

last updated:  Friday, April 21, 2023