Training materials

Market Analysis and Development (MA&D)

The MA&D training materials include a Manual, five Field Facilitator Guideline modules, a Map of the process and an MA&D Brochure. The MA&D Manual has been designed to help project management teams to plan the development of tree and forest product-based enterprises using the MA&D approach. The Field Facilitator Guidelines assist field facilitators and entrepreneurs to implement the MA&D approach. The Map of the process provides a visual guide to the MA&D approach. The Brochure serves as a quick primer to MA&D.


Brochure (quick primer on MA&D)



MA&D Manual (geared towards project management teams) 



MA&D Field Facilitator Guidelines (all five modules in one document)----



Field Facilitator Guidelines: Introduction Module (MA&D 'Phase 0' training materials)----



Field Facilitator Guidelines: Module 1: Assessing the existing situation (MA&D Phase 1 training materials) 



Field Facilitator Guidelines: Module 2: Carrying out surveys to select products and identify enterprise ideas (MA&D Phase 2 training materials) 



Field Facilitator Guidelines: Module 3: Preparing the enterprise development plan (MA&D Phase 3 training materials) 



Field Facilitator Guidelines: Module 4: Supporting the start-up phase of the enterprises (MA&D Phase 4 training materials)



Map of the MA&D process (visual overview of the individual components and phases of the MA&D process)  

last updated:  Monday, October 4, 2021