Global assessments

    Fire management global assessment 2006     Global forest fire assessment 1990-2000

Legal international agreements   

  Forest fires and the law: A guide for national drafters based on the Fire Management Voluntary Guidelines



Legal frameworks for forest fire management: International agreements and national legislation

Voluntary guidelines for fire management


Fire management: Voluntary guidelines - Principles and strategic actions
Spanish: Manejo del fuego Directrices de carácter voluntario para el manejo del fuego - Principios y acciones estratégicas
French: La gestion des feux: Recommandations volontaires pour la gestion des feux - Principes directeurs et actions stratégiques
Chinese: 林火管理 自愿性准则 原则及战略行动
Russian: Рекомендации по управлению пожарами, выполняемые в добровольном порядке Принципы и стратегические действия
Macedonian: Управување со пожари: Доброволни упатства. Принципи и стратешки акции
渦䘣븒樟 中뼭㘭ᨼ霙縯☴踬᜴촡숭猝뼭ᨼ霙
إدارة الحـرائـق الخطوط الإرشادية لطوعية المبادىء والأعمال الإستراتجية Arabic:


Wildland fire management: Handbook for trainers





Other FAO fire publications 






Managing forests for climate change



FIRE, Fire disturbance. T13 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables (2009)



Workshop on forest fires in the Mediterranean region: Prevention and regional cooperation (2008)



 Unasylva No. 217: Forest threats (2004)


Protection des forêts contre l'incendie (2001)



FAO Forestry paper 138 - FAO meeting on public policies affecting forest fires (1998)


Contrôle et utilisation du feu en zones arides et subhumides africaines (1996)





dernière mise à jour:  vendredi 17 septembre 2021