FAO programmes for institutional development and capacity building

Forest governance

Good forest governance has a central role in achieving sustainable forest management (SFM).  It is also critical to ensuring the effectiveness of schemes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD) as well as of efforts to reduce illegal activities in the forest sector. Governance assessment and monitoring are essential tools in promoting reforms towards better forest governance.  

Forest tenure

It is increasingly being recognized that secure forest tenure is critical to sustainable forest management.  Especially in developing countries, where a majority of forests remain under public ownership and state control, diversification of forest tenure arrangements is taking place in tandem with the goal of decentralized forest governance.  FAO supports the process of tenure reforms through various field projects and development of practical guidelines. 

Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Programme

This is a collaborative effort among the FAO, the European Commission and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) to improve forest law enforcement, governance and trade issues in ACP member countries.

Developing national forest financing strategies

FAO, along with other international and national partners has been assisting member countries develop effective financing strategies and instruments to promote sustainable forest management. Conceived as a “key capacity building effort,” this facilitative process helps nations identify and critically evaluate the variety and effectiveness of various financing options and develop long-term national forest financing strategies. 

last updated:  Wednesday, June 21, 2023