FAO support to NFPs

FAO provides technical support to individual countries in their NFP processes. In most cases, the support is initiated through official requests made by the country, and can be provided to a range of activities. For example, FAO Forestry supports countries in the development, review, revision and implementation of:

  • NFPs and overall governance frameworks;
  • forest policies, strategies and/or actions plans;
  • forest legislation;
  • forestry institutions.

FAO also assist countries in their work with international themes and initiatives: 

Since 2002, the NFP Facility has provided targeted support to the stakeholder involvement in the forest policy process - NFP Facility. The NFP Facility have produced training modules on different aspects of NFPs - Capacity Development.

Ongoing initiatives


Mozambique Forest Policy and its Implementation Strategy 2020-2035 is focusing in building a 15-year vision for the forestry sector through a participatory multistakeholder process aligned with the objectives of Agenda 2030. In coordination with the government and other institutions already working in Mozambique’s forest governance context, FAO provided methodological guidance based on the NFP for building agreement on key documents and instruments to underpin effective governance of forest resources in the country.

The process entails defining a comprehensive country-specific methodology that includes stakeholder participation and cross-sectoral coordination, including the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, strategies and plans of action. FAO supports the country in its efforts towards effective governance of forest resources, through the elaboration of a roadmap to complete the multi-stakeholder process, to deliver pillars of a Forest Policy document. This is part of FAO work under Strategic Objective 2, focused on strengthening capacities of institutions to promote the adoption of more integrated and cross-sectoral practices that sustainably increase productivity and production, address climate change and environmental degradation.

last updated:  Wednesday, June 21, 2023