Publications and media

The library at the regional project coordination in Yaoundé, Cameroon holds a collection of documents about non-wood forest products in Central Africa. The catalogue is available here.

In order to allow interested students, researchers, implementers and decision makers from the Central African region to access the library documents, most of these documents are available online through the Environmental information system (SIE) of the Cameroonian Ministry for Environment and Protection of Nature (MINEP) with the support of AFC Consultants International.

Watch FAO's video about the methodology "Market Analysis and Development" applied in forest-based communities in Bas-Congo, DRC supported by FAO's project GCP/RAF/408/EC (financed by the European Union). The MA&D approach is as well applied in Gabon, Central African Republic and Congo with the support of FAO's project GCP/RAF/441/GER.

Short descriptions of common Central African non-wood forest products (in French, English and German)

Technical documents

Information notes



last updated:  Friday, November 11, 2011