Media 2013

National closing workshop to present and validate the results of project GCP/RAF/441/GER in Gabon 24 January 2013 

The Union in Gabon : Communities learn how to domesticate bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis). 18 January 2013 

Media 2012

The Union in Gabon : The National strategy and action plan for the promotion of the NWFP sector officially handed over by FAO to the Minister of Waters and Forests. 26 December 2012. 

The project’s closing workshop covered by Dépêches de Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. 15 December 2012. 

Bad roads in the Remboué area hampers the development of SMEs based on non-wood forest products supported by FAO. 

The Gabonese Advisory committee for non-wood forest products validates suggestions on how to improve the sector’s legal framework 

How a market information system for non-wood forest products (NWFP) could help to develop value chains of these products in Gabon. 

FAO supports agricultural development and sustainable use of non-wood forest products for income generation in the Remboué Area in Gabon. 

FAO trains communities in Gabon on the domestication of bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis) also called indigenous chocolate or odika. 

Domestication of Gnetum spp. (coco/okok/fumbwa) and Dorstenia spp. in the Central African Republic. 

Alter ECO of Cameroon : Eru (Gnetum spp.), high income generating vegetable – CENDEP’s, CIFOR’s and FAO’s support towards its domestication in Cameroon, 17 septembre 2012. 

CENDEP Newsletter : Training for domestication of Gnetum species in the Republic of Gabon August 2012. 

The Gabonese Union: Group sale of Gnetum spp. (Nkumu) in Bibasse. 25 July 2012. 

Le Démocrate explains the value chain of caterpillars in the Central African Republic. 18 July 2012. 

The Gabonese Union: How to identify and collect Gnetum spp. (Nkumu) leaves. 11 July 2012. 

Radio NDEKE LUKA in CAR: It’s caterpillar season – enjoy. 3 July 2012. 

The Gabonese Union: Better know foods from the forests – a promotional week dedicated to Gnetum spp. (Nkumu). 2 July 2012. 

The Gabonese Union: Clarify the role and the place of NWFP in the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. 5 June 2012 

Gabonese journal ACTUalité: How to consider NWFP in the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. Workshop organized during the National Environmental Week. 6 June 2012. 

Journal de Bangui: Central African Republic’s Strategy and Action Plan for the development of the NWFP sector validated. 28 May 2012. 

Dépêches de Brazzaville: Second Meeting of COMIFAC’s Experts Group on non-wood forest products. 11 April 2012. 

FAO's Sub-regional office for Central Africa: Training of beekeepers in the project's pilot site Abala (Congo-Brazzaville). April 2012. 

The weekly paper Zingo Wali in CAR reports about the product Essessang and its first group sale. 16-22 April 2012. 

Central African Press Agency: Essessang, a new food and income source. First group sale of Ricinodendron heudelotii in CAR. 10 April 2012. 

The March-April issue of FAO’s newsletter in the Central African Republic reports about the first group sale of Essessang grains (Ricinodendron heudelotii) in the Lobaye region. May 2012. 

The Central African newspaper Nouvelle vision reports about first steps to trade Essessang grains (Ricinodendron heudelotii) from the Lobaye region. 17 April 2012. 

FAO's Sub-regional office for Central Africa: Study tour for small enterprises based on NWFP to link markets and producers in Congo-Brazzaville. March 2012. 

RFI broadcasts from Gabon about FAO’s project on non-wood forest products and the use of bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis), locally called indigenous chocolate. 16 February 2012.

Media 2011

Les Dépêches de Brazzaville: Awareness of stakeholders in the sector of non-wood forest products is raised on the Right to Food. 30 November 2011 

The Gabonese journal ACTUalité reports about an awareness raising workshop in regard to the Right to Food and its linkages to non-wood forest products and food security. 23 November 2011. 

Les Dépêches de Brazzaville : Non-wood forest products – the ministry for small and medium scale enterprises and FAO envisage to jointly organize open days. 15 November 2011. 

The Central African paper Le Démocrat reports about a training of small and medium scale enterprises based on non-wood forest products in Bossangoa, jointly organized by FAO and the ministry in charge of forests. 16 September 2011. 

The August issue of FAO's monthly bulletin in the Central African Republic describes two NWFP of special importance for local populations: koko (Gnetum spp.) and essessang (Ricinodendron heudelotii). August 2011. 

The July issue of FAO's monthly bulletin in the Central African Republic reports about the elaboration process of the National program for agricultural investment and food security (PNIASA) AND about the first meeting of COMIFAC's sub-working group on NWFP held in Boali. July 2011. 

CENDEP Newsletter August 2011: Training on Gnetum spp. domestication in the Central African Republic and First Meeting of COMIFAC's Sub-working group on NWFP in Boali, CAR. August 2011 

L'ACTUalité in Gabon reports about the meeting of the national advisory committee on NWFP to validate the national strategy and action plan for the promotion of NWFP in Gabon. 10 August 2011. 

The Gabonese Union reports about the meeting of the national advisory committee on NWFP to validate the national strategy and action plan for the promotion of NWFP in Gabon. 10 August 2011. 

Les Dépêches de Brazzaville : A national advisory committee on non-wood forest products put in place in Congo. 22 July 2011. 

Le Démocrate in the Central African Republic reflects on the results of the First Meeting of COMIFAC's Experts sub-working group on NWFP organized in Boali, CAR in July 2011. 9 August 2011. 

Nature & Faune Vol. 25 Issue 2 - Economic and Social Significance of Forests for Africa's Sustainable Development features two articles on NWFP in Central Africa: (1) Harvesting and commercialization of Gnetum spp. for poverty alleviation and food security in Cameroon. (2) Impact of laws and regulations on the use of non-wood forest products and the wellbeing of forest dependent communities in Central Africa.

The Union in Gabon: The national advisory committee on NWFP examines a draft of the national strategy and action plan for the promotion of the NWFP sector in Gabon. 2 August 2011. 

Le Démocrate reports about the First Meeting of COMIFAC's Experts sub-working group on NWFP, organized in Boali, Central African Republic in July 2011. 27 July 2011. 

The June issue of FAO's monthly bulletin in the Central African Republic reports about the local training on Gnetum spp. domestication in the Lobaye region. June 2011. 

Special pages of Cameroon Tribune: First national fair on Okok (Gnetum spp.). 1 July 2011. 

CENDEP Newsletter Vol. 1 Issue No. 5: The Centre for Nursery Development and Eru Propagation reports about the Gnetum spp. domestication trainings in Congo and the Central African Republic, organized by FAO and CENDEP. June 2011 

The Union: World Fair Trade Day. Gabon: Valorize local products. Gabon, 17 may 2011. 

Nouvelle Expression Cameroun Actu: Interview with FAO about non-wood forest products in Central Africa. 28 April 2011. 

The February issue of FAO's monthly bulletin in the Central African Republic evaluates the first year of project implementation. February 2011 

The Union: Meeting of the Gabonese National advisory committee on NWFP. 4 april 2011 

Les Dépêches de Brazzaville: Valorisation of non-wood forest products - FAO projects enters into its practical phase in Abala and Madingo-Kayes, Congo. 9 March 2011 

The Union reports on the non-wood forest products market in Gabon and the evaluation and planning workshop of the project in Lambaréné, Gabon. 7 February 2011 

Media 2010

The January issue of FAO's monthly bulletin in the Central African Republic reports on the setup of the national advisory committee on non-wood forest products in the Central African Republic in December 2010 in Bangui. January 2011 

The november issue of FAO's monthly bulletin in the Central African Republic reports on the participation of a Central African delegation at the right to food training organized by the project in October 2010 in Libreville. November 2010 

The Union, Gabon: The FAO team on non wood forest products meets the Governor of the Province Woleu-Ntem. 8 November 2010 

The Union, Gabon: Celebrating the World Food Day at Bitam with an exposition of non wood forest products. 3 November 2010 

The Union, Gabon: Non wood forest products are part of the solutions to fight against food insecurity. 27 October 2010. 

Cameroon Tribune reports on the Central African study tour on non wood forest products. 25 October 2010 

Gabon Matin: Guarantee everybody adequate food - Training on the Right to Adequate Food, organized by the project in Libreville. 23 October 2010. Ebolowa - The importance of non wood forest products in Central AFrica. 20 October 2010 

The Union, Gabon: Bamboo - a unique plant with a huge variety of uses. 5 October 2010 

The Union: Economic opportunities from the use of non wood forest products in Gabon. 27 August 2010 

L'Union: Food - why it is expensive in Gabon. 21 August 2010. 

Gabon Matin: Non-wood forest products - a neglected economic resource. 29 Sept. 2010 

Gabon Matin reports about a project's field mission in August 2010 to the Provinces Estuaire and Woleu-Ntem 

L'Union: After the inception workshop for the elaboration of a national strategy and action plan for the development of the NWFP sector in Gabon, 19/20 June 2010 

L'Union reports on the inception workshop for the elaboration of a national strategy and action plan for the development of the NWFP sector in Gabon, 14 June 2010 

Elaboration of the national strategy and action plan for the development of the NWFP sector in Gabon started, 16 June 2010, Gabon Matin 

The Gabon Matin reports on the inception workshop for the elaboration of a national strategy and action plan for the development of the NWFP sector in Gabon, 14 June 2010 

Les Dépêches de Brazzaville report on the inception and planning workshop 2010, Brazzaville, Congo (March 2010) 

last updated:  Tuesday, February 5, 2013