
Project logical framework

The project assists COMIFAC countries to improve their national policies and legal frameworks enhancing the contribution of NWFP to Sustainable Forest Management, poverty alleviation as well as food security and Right to Food. At selected pilot sites, the project applies methodologies to make the subsistence and commercial use of NWFP also work for the poor and food insecure including by supporting NWFP-based enterprise development.

The graphic shows on a highly aggregated level the long-term development goal and impact to which the project aims to contribute:

In the following, outputs and outcomes of the projec which contribute to the achievement of two major long term targets are presented:

Major long term targets:

  • Improved conservation and management of NWFP resources through the active participation and empowerment of stakeholders by applying an improved legal framework; and
  • The livelihood and food security level of forest dependent households and particularly of the most vulnerable groups enhanced through the realization of the right to food principles and by developing economically viable small-scale enterprises.

Outcome 1 (at regional level – COMIFAC countries):

A human rights based sustainable forest management (SFM) concept elaborated, accepted and applied integrating (legally, socially and technically) subsistence and commercial use of NWFP.

Output 1.1:

The concept elaborated and its participatory development documented and widely disseminated in the region as a model for further replication.

Output 1.2:

Key actors (staff of COMIFAC Executive Secretariat, relevant government agencies, peoples associations and NGOs) are informed/ aware/ trained and knowledgeable on the concept and on the importance of NWFP.

Outcome 2 (at national level – Gabon, Congo and CAR):

Targeted communities/households (at the pilot sites) are successfully engaged in a sustainable management of NWFP.

Output 2.1:

Conducive legal framework in place (based on the sub-regional directives/model law) adhering to the right to food principles (guidelines: “respect, protect, fulfill”, i.e. the laws promote food security or at least do not impede the right to food of people e.g. concession given to exploit the forest need to profit the local poor as well).

Output 2.2:

National Forest Programmes and Development Plans in place that support NWFP as a means to reduce poverty/support livelihoods.

Output 2.3:

Pro-poor participatory management tools/procedures developed for a sustainable use of NWFP at the pilot sites. These are product specific and entail a participatory analysis of value chains and problems, coming to specific solutions by pilot site.

Output 2.4: 

Institutional capacities of the forest institutions and forest dependent communities strengthened to manage and use their forests and tree resources in a sustainable and profitable way.

last updated:  Wednesday, January 22, 2014