Market analysis and development

Assisting local people in developing income-generating enterprises while conserving tree and forest resources

The project will create and strengthen capacities of forest based small and medium scale enterprises (SMFE) in selected pilot sites to improve organization, production, processing, commercialization and marketing of more value-added NWFP. It will enhance capacities of local entrepreneurs by drawing on conceptual ideas of the Market Analysis and Development approach (MA&D) and other tools.

MA&D systematically includes social and environmental concerns alongside consideration of technological, commercial and financial aspects of a product. It therefore enables people to identify potential products and develop markets that will provide income and benefits without degrading their resource base.

MA&D is based on one preliminary planning phase and three successive main phases:

  • Phase one identifies potential enterprises; inventories existing resources and products; identifies products that are already providing income for local people; and, eliminates non-viable products. The financial objectives are determined by local people interested in developing enterprises.
  • Phase two includes selecting the most promising products, identifying potential markets and discussing the means to commercialise the products.
  • Phase three consists in preparing the enterprise strategy and business plan. Future entrepreneurs are guided through a pilot phase and training, and learn to monitor progress and to adapt when change is needed.

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last updated:  Friday, April 23, 2010