
Publications by FAO represent one of the most important sources of gathered knowledge on the promotion and development of non-wood forest products . In this section you will find publications, information guides, and conference summaries which have been produced since the inception FAO's Non-Wood Forest Product programme in 1991.

Wildcheck – Assessing the risks and opportunities of trade in wild plant ingredients 22 April 2022 Demand for wild plant ingredients is growing rapidly, having grown by over 75 percent in value over the past two decades. Thousands of harvested species are at risk mainly from a combination of overharvest and habitat loss: of the 21 percent of medicinal and aromatic plant species whose threat status has been assessed, 9 percent are considered threatened with extinction.This report aims to address these challenges by making information on a selection of ‘flagship’ wild plant ingredients, the Wild Dozen, readily available and easy to understand. Along with a broader update on the state of wild plants trade, the report provides a ‘profile’ on each of the Wild Dozen species, summarising key facts on production and trade. [more]
Naturally beautiful: Cosmetic and beauty products from forests 18 March 2020 This publication brings attention to the role of forests in supplying beauty products and the connections with livelihood security and utilization of NWFPs, awareness of the importance of forests and their connection with cosmetics will be raised. [more]
Living in and from the forests of Central Africa 8 June 2018 Living in and from the forests of Central Africa is intended first and foremost as a full-scale extension tool concerning NWFPs in Central Africa. It is a work on the groups who have always lived in these forests, forests that contribute to every aspect of their daily lives, both material and spiritual, and enable them to survive even in periods of extreme crisis. The book is divided into seven parts. The first gives an overview of Central Africa and NWFPs, while the second shows how animal and plant NWFPs contribute to the food and nutritional security of forest people. [more]
Non-wood forest products in international statistical systems 4 June 2018 This report compares the international statistics on non-wood forest products (NWFPs) by review-ing the three main international statistical classifications: the Harmonized System (HS), the Central Product Classification (CPC) and the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC). It discusses specific issues in linking major NWFPs across the three reference systems, as well as how countries deal with these issues. It proposes ways for improving the international classification sys-tems and presents some of their main NWFPs. Each product group is fully described in the annex-es, which provide information on where it is situated in the existing international classifications, as well as production and international trade data sources. [more]
Vivre et se nourrir de la forêt en Afrique centrale 1 June 2018 Vivre et se nourrir de la forêt en Afrique centrale

Ce livre nous emmène au cœur des zones de forêts denses et sahéliennes de l’Afrique centrale, un écosystème précieux et essentiel à la vie quotidienne de ses habitants, représentant l’un des trois principaux ensembles boisés tropicaux de la planète. Dix pays (Burundi, Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, Guinée Equatoriale, République Centrafricaine, République Démocratique du Congo, Rwanda, Sao Tomé & Principe, Tchad) abritent ces forêts et savanes, riches d’importantes ressources naturelles. Ils ont en commun une longue histoire liée à la colonisation, suivie d'une expérience de coopération multiforme depuis les indépendances qui évolue incontestablement vers une intégration économique et monétaire.

Living in and from the forests of central Africa - in brief 1 May 2018 Since time immemorial, non-wood forest products (NWFPs), particularly wild forest foods, have played animportant role in the diets and health of people living inand outside forests, in both rural and urban areas. Some of these products, such as wild game, fruit, seeds, roots, nuts and fungi, are still used as a source of food, contributing to both food and nutritional security, while others are used for building materials or medicines, or support ancient customs and traditions. [more]
Strength in Numbers: Effective forest producer organizations 25 November 2013 This document is a compilation of cases showing how forest farmers have organized themselves and the lessons drawn so far, with the aim of providing ideas and motivation to service providers and farmers alike. It highlights the need for farmers to have their say on forest policy and legal issues, and to have better access to markets, services and finance. It also provides an insight into the kind of activities and processes that can be supported by the Forest and Farm Facility hosted by FAO, and by the Farmers Fighting Poverty programme at AgriCord. [more]
Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security 13 May 2013 Cette étude vise à examiner l'impact de la récolte du bois dans deux villages, l'un au Cameroun et un à la République centrafricaine. Il documente de nombreux PFNL de grande portance signifi végétale et animale basée sur les moyens de subsistance des populations locales en termes de sécurité alimentaire, la génération de revenus et la santé. Edible insects have always been a part of human diets. In this publication, we show the contribution that insects make to diversifying diets and improving food security. We also hope to raise awareness of the many valuable roles that insects play in sustaining nature and human life [more]
Information guide: The contribution of insects to food security, livelihoods and the environment 12 May 2013 Information guide: The contribution of insects to food security, livelihoods and the environment

The information guide "The contribution of insects to food security, livelihoods and the environment" is a 4 page summary of the key issues addressed in “Edible insects: future prospects for feed and food security.”

Six-legged livestock: edible insect farming, collecting and marketing in Thailand 1 March 2013 Edible insects comprise a category of under-utillized foods that offer significant potenial in meeting future global food demands. Featuring information about the thriving Thai edible insect industry, it is hoped that this publication will spur other countries to: recognize the potential of edible insects to contribute to food security and nutrition in a sustainable sound manner; increase rural income and livelihoods; and reduce the environmental burden of feeding the growing world population. [more]
The FAO/IAEA Spreadsheet for Designing and Operation of Insect Mass Rearing Facilities - Procedures Manual 31 December 2012 PRODUITS FORESTIERS NON LIGNEUX 17 - Champignons comestibles sauvages The interactive FAO/IAEA Spreadsheet for Designing and Operating Insect Mass-rearing Facilities is generic. The Spreadsheet assists in technical and economic decision making associated with design, costing, construction, equipping, and facility operation. [more]
Summary report: Assessing the Potential of Insects as Food and Feed in assuring Food Security 23 January 2012 Jointly organized by FAO and Wageningen University with financial support of the Government of the Netherlands, the meeting aimed to open a dialogue and foster an exchange of information and expertise on the potential benefits of using insects for food and feed as part of a broader strategy to achieve global food security. [more]
Non-Wood News 23: November 2011 15 December 2011 An information bulletin on Non-Wood Forest Products [more]
2nd International Non-wood Forest Products Symposium - Abstracts 8 September 2011 In this meeting, the goal is to gather all the national and international researchers and practitioners to promote the discussions on NWFPs, and to take the issue one step further. [more]
Non-Wood News April 2011 4 August 2011 Non-Wood News highlights the many ways people have come to use and depend upon their forests. [more]
Tropical palms – 2010 revision 1 March 2011 C’est dans ce contexte que la Division des Produits Forestiers de la FAO, le Ministère de l’Environnement et des Forêts du Cameroun ainsi que CIFOR ont co-organisé à Yaoundé, du 12 au 15 février 2002, la réunion d’experts francophones d’Afrique pour réfléchir sur la manière de développer les techniques pour évaluer les produits forestiers non ligneux qui sont des ressources très prisées par les communautés locales d’Afrique.Le résultat de cette réunion a été l’adoption du cadre logique ainsi que la table des matières du document final des méthodologies pratiques d’inventaires en préparation. L’outil en confection permettra de compléter les efforts de la FAO et de ses partenaires en faveur de la gestion durable des forêts dans les Pays ACP d’Afrique. Tropical palms, originally published in 1998, has been updated in 2010 by the author to include the most recent information and developments regarding the conservation status and use of various tropical palm species. The deteriorating conservation status of several tropical palm species, particularly in the rattan group, as well as recent developments regarding the use of palm products in the food, bioenergy and fibre processing industries, for example, required a thorough review of the first edition. [more]
Lao PDR and FAO - Raising edible insects to supplement poor diets 1 March 2011 Dans le cadre du Programme de Partenariat Commission Européenne (CE) - FAO, le Projet Collecte et analyse de données pour l'aménagement durable des forêts: joindre les efforts nationaux et internationaux (GCP/INT/679/CE) a été réalisé afin de promouvoir l'aménagement durable des arbres et des forêts dans les pays africains et des caraïbes. Le Projet a contribué au développement des politiques qui intègrent et équilibrent tous les éléments économiques, environnementaux et sociaux du secteur forestier. In May 2010, FAO and Lao PDR launched a project onSustainable insect farming and harvesting for better nutrition, improved food security, and household income generation, financed entirely by FAO with a budget US $475 000 for implementation from 2010 to 2012. A comprehensive approach, recognizing the role of traditional collecting of insects from the wild, along with the introduction of insect farming, has been assessed as the most appropriate strategy for the project. The project focuses on strengthening the existing role of insects as a complementary food in the Lao diet [more]
Edible forest insects: humans bite back 21 February 2011 Proceedings of a workshop on Asia-Pacific resources and their potential for development. 19-21 February 2008, Chiang Mai, Thailand [more]
Fruit trees and useful plants in Amazonian life 3 January 2011 This book features the uncommon quality of bringing together original scientific knowledge on fruits and useful plants of the Amazon forest and the sensibility to detect the deep interaction between life, traditional knowledge of our forests and folk culture. [more]
Unasylva 236: Edible forest insects, an overlooked protein supply 1 March 2010 Worldwide, over 1400 insect species are reportedly eaten as human food; most are harvested from natural forests. Read more about this overlooked protein supply. [more]
The Role of Cities in Controlling the International Trade in Forest Products: Links to sustainable forest management 6 November 2009 This is published as an NWFP working document. It reflects the decisions taken at CITES CoP 13. [more]
Bees and their role in forest livelihoods 28 August 2009 A guide to the services provided by bees and the sustainable harvesting, processing and marketing of their products. Series: Non-Wood Forest Products 19 [more]
Stories from the field: Insects on the menu 1 January 2009 Although rice is the key staple food in Laos, there is an acute need for improving the diet with regard to protein, energy and other nutrients in Lao PDR, where chronic malnourishment has been recognized as a serious problem. Insects offer a good source of nutrients with high protein content, as well as many vital vitamins and minerals. Read more about the This FAO project as it focused on strengthening the existing role of insects as complementary food in the Lao diet and on insect farming. [more]
Non-Wood News 16 1 January 2008 This 16th issue highlights some of these historical aspects in a Special Feature, “History of NWFPs”, with articles ranging from “The forgotten heritage”and “Old glory”, to others that demonstrate how NWFPs were useful andimportant for people in ancient times, and are still so today (e.g. edible insects, Morinda citrifolia ). This traditional knowledge is an essential component of the NWFP world and has been underlined not only in “History of NWFPs”, but also in “NWFPs in the Pacific Islands” (the first Special Feature in this issue), where we have highlighted the many different traditional uses of the trees of the Pacific Islands. [more]
NWFP Working Document No. 6 - Trade measures - Tools to promote the sustainable use of NWFP? 1 November 2007 An assessment of trade related instruments influencing the international trade in Non-Wood Forest Products and associated management and livelihood strategies Additional case study: National Analysis of Trade-Related Instruments Influencing Trade in Sandalwood ( Santalum macgregorii F. Muell) and Eaglewood ( Acquilaria . and Gyrinops ledermannii spp): Applications and Impacts on Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Forest Management in Papua New Guinea This is an assessment of trade-related instruments influencing the international trade in NWFP and associated management and livelihood strategies. It includes two case studies covering four products: Boliva (cayman and Brazil nuts) and Cameroon (parrots and Prunus africana ). [more]
Non-Wood Forest Products 18 - World Bamboo Resources - A thematic study prepared in the framework of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005 1 November 2007 This publication is the result of one of the thematic studies prepared during the Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) [more]
FAO Forest harvesting case-study 23 - The impact of timber harvesting on the availability of non-wood forest products in the congo basin 9 January 2007 This study seeks to examine the impact of timber harvesting in two villages, one in Cameroon and one in the Central African Republic. It documents many plant-based and animal-based NWFPs of great signifi cance to the livelihoods of the local populations in terms of food security, income generation and health. [more]
Non-wood forest product community-based enterprise development: a way for livelihood improvement in Lao People's Democratic Republic 24 January 2006 NWFPs play an important role in food security and daily livelihoods, and the Government of Lao PDR perceives them as a valuable alternative in its basic poverty eradication strategy. [more]
Wild edible fungi for food security: their role and sustainable use 1 October 2004 This paper discusses some traditional and contemporary uses of fungi as food or in medicine. This material is presented for information only and does not imply endorsement by the author or by FAO. Use of these products is not recommended unless taken under the care and guidance of a qualified expert or physician. Reports of edible and poisonous species are based on named sources. The accuracy of this information lies with these original sources. [more]
Gum Trees and Gum Arabic Field Manual 3 May 2004 One of the main problems in several African countries producing gum arabic and gum resins, is the lack of knowledge for the sustainable use of this important commodities and the need of providing enhanced value to the product, improving its quality according to the requirements of marketing and exporting sectors. The manual will be used by extension agents and forest technicians for training programmes for producers, collectors and other stakeholders. This manual is the first in a series to be produced. Additional manuals will be produced focussing on specific aspects after a programme on training needs has been elaborated covering both gums and resins. [more]
Food for life. Indigenous fruit trees in Southern Africa 8 April 2003 This paper looks at the status and contribution of Indigenous Fruit Trees (IFTs) to Food Security in Southern Africa, and reviews and assesses the physical situation of IFTs in the Miombo Woodland. It contains infOlmation on use and trade of IFTs, and on biological developments in domestication and dissemination. It covers processing and marketing and explores avenues for the future of IFTs. [more]
Expert consultation on developing an action programme towards improved bamboo and rattan trade statistics 5 December 2002 The Expert Consultation on Developing an Action Programme towards Improved Bamboo and Rattan Trade Statistics was organized by the FAO Forestry Department in collaboration with, and with financial support from, the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR). The meeting was held at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, from 5 to 6 December 2002. The purpose of the consultation was to: (i) elaborate and agree on a proposed set of new HS trade codes for bamboo and rattan products; and (ii) elaborate a plan of action for improving bamboo and rattan statistics at national and global levels, with a programme of work and the roles of the different agencies discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. [more]
NON-WOOD FOREST PRODUCTS 13 - RESOURCE ASSESSMENT OF NON-WOOD FOREST PRODUCTS 4 June 2001 This publication is based on the outputs of the Forest Research Programme's (FRP) pre-project ZF0077 (of the United Kingdom Department for International Development - DFID), on the biometrics of current NWFP resource assessment methods. FAO undertook the publishing in its Non-Wood Forest Products Series, within the framework of a current partnership programme with the European Commission aimed at developing methodologies for NWFP assessment. [more]
Report of the FAO Expert Consultation on Rattan Development 5 December 2000 The objectives of the expert consultation were to review and analyse: (i) essential baseline information on the rattan sector in producing countries, the critical global supply situation and key requirements to guarantee a sustainable future supply of rattan; (ii) the needs and methods for better cooperation and coordination among key agencies and stakeholders in relation to their ongoing activities on rattan development; and (iii) the desirability of developing an international programme aimed at promoting and undertaking rattan development activities with partner institutions in the various regions and strengthening global networking in rattan research and development. [more]
Report of the Meeting of the Network of Natural Gums and Resins in Africa (NGARA) 29 May 2000 The regional workshop of the Network of Natural Gums and Resins in Africa (NGARA) was organised by Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) in Nairobi in May 2000, with the cooperation of (FAO) and International Association for the Development of Natural Gums (AIDGUM).The establishment of NGARA is a significant step in the development of the gum arabic and resins sector in the dryland Sahel for ensuring food security, rural development and hence poverty alleviation. [more]
Marketing of Indigenous Medicinal Plants in South Africa - A Case Study in Kwazulu-Natal 1 October 1998 FAO, through its Forest Products Marketing Programme, aims, inter alia, at increasing and documenting the knowledge of current marketing practices in order to provide a solid basis for further development. The Programme, being part of the normative activities of FAO, also makes every effort to contribute to the development of approaches and methodologies for the preparation of case studies on marketing practices. [more]
Sustainable Development of Non-Wood Goods and Benefits from Boreal and Cold Temperate Forests 18 January 1998 The workshop concentrated on the promotion and development of non-wood forest products (NWFP) or boreal and cold temperate forests. [more]
Marketing information systems for non-timber forest products 18 January 1995 This field manual presents a systematic approach that can be used by small-scale producers to gather information about markets for NWFPS. [more]
More than wood - Special options on multiple use of forests 1 November 1993 Wood and its associated products form but one chapter in the catalogue of forest-derived goods that upgrade and safeguard rural livelihoods and the quality of human life the world over. Knowledge about the benefits and uses of other, 'non-wood' forest products (NWFP) is, however, less widely available. In many cases such knowledge is rooted in local or vernacular traditions of land and resource use, an evolving cultural heritage passed down from generation to generation. As pressure to husband the world's vital forest resources intensifies, so the need grows to share, disseminate and mobilise NWFP wisdom more generally. This booklet is a step in that direction. [more]
Marketing of Brazil Nuts 1 January 1992 This study describes the process of marketing of Brazil nuts and makes proposals for improvement of the involvement of local people in it. [more]
Non-wood forest products: the way ahead - FAO Forestry Paper 97 2 December 1991 As "The Way Ahead" emphasizes throughout, NWFP development must by necessity comprise a multidisciplinary approach, for which task there must be devised close lines of collaboration both within FAO itself, and between FAO and other organizations, both international and national, governmental and non governmental. Efforts to strengthen common programmes toward sustained use of NWFP should be encouraged, as one among many approaches for the conservation and wise use of forest resources. [more]


last updated:  Wednesday, January 22, 2014