Bienvenue au nouveau bulletin trimestriel - NWFP Update!

Nous avons fusionné l'ancien  NWFP Digest et Non-Wood News dans un seul e-bulletin -  NWFP Update.   Tout en possédant un grand nombre des mêmes caractéristiques de ses prédécesseurs, nous mettons l'accent sur les vues et contributions de nos lecteurs, avec l'espoir de construire une plate-forme dynamique pour les praticiens d'échanger des vues sur les PFNL dans le long terme.

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NWFP Update 2021/23 Welcome to a new issue, which pulls together the latest on NWFPs. Our opening article focuses on the release of a new FAO-EFI publication on wild forest products! In our in-depth section, read the latest from Zambia, Burkina Faso, Kazakhstan and more. [more]
NWFP Update 2021/22 Welcome readers to a new issue of our update on non-wood forest products. This issue focuses on the recent Incredible Policy Forum co-organized by EFI and FAO. Highlights include the forthcoming White Paper and Manifesto presented and discussed at the meeting. [more]
NWFP Update 2020/21 This last issue of the year focuses on the recent launch of our new publication on Sustainable Cricket Farming, and looks forward to 2021 with an eye on the forthcoming NWFP policy forum among other highlights. [more]
NWFP Update 2020/20 This issue summarizes relevant information related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including on: wild plants in the time of COVID, setting the record straight on wild animals, the role of forests ecosystems in preventing zoonoses, and more. [more]
NWFP Update 2020/19 In this issue you will find updates from FAO and partners around the globe. Clement Okia and Erik Acanakwo open the issue with news from the FAO-ICRAF workshop on nutrition-sensitive wild product value chains. Also featured, a project on Chilgoza pine in Pakistan and on innovation in the Mediterranean from our colleagues at EFI. [more]
NWFP Update 2020/18 In this first issue of the year, we share information about ongoing projects and initiatives on NWFPs implemented by FAO and partner organizations. Highlights include a FAO/ICRAF project on nutrition-sensitive NWFP value chains in Uganda, a FAO/TRAFFIC collaboration on mapping medicinal and aromatic plants data, and a FAO/CIFOR project on improving wild food statistics in Zambia, among others. Please don’t hesitate to send us your projects on NWFPs for inclusion in the next issue! [more]
NWFP Update 2019/17 The focus of this issue is biodiversity . Highlights include an interview with Julie Belanger, coordinator of FAO’s first-ever global report on the state of biodiversity launched earlier this year, UNCTAD’s BioTrade initiative and the launch of the NTFP Bioeconomy Taskforce. We also welcome back Sven Walter, new team leader for Forest Products and Statistics, who opens this issue. [more]
NWFP Update 2019/16 This issue looks at indigenous food systems and holistic approaches to food generation and resource management. Highlights from the First High-Level Expert Seminar on Indigenous Food Systems, held at FAO headquarters -- which also include many forest-based food systems -- are featured in this issue. [more]
NWFP Update 2019/15 The theme of this issue is forests and beauty. Yurdi Yasmi from FAO's regional office in Bangkok opens the issue with a brief introduction on the use of beauty products from forests in the Asia Pacific region in our special feature. [more]
NWFP Update 2018/14 This issue focuses on NWFPs and the "bioeconomy", or the economic activities that use renewable biological resources -- in this case NWFPs -- for the production of goods, services, food and energy. Special emphasis is given to the Bioeconomy conference held in Finland: Paltola Rainer of LUKE provides us with a summary under regional dispatches. [more]
NWFP Update 2018/13 This issue has a specific focus on Southern Africa, in particular on the Miombo woodlands. Through its numerous goods and services, Miombo is thought to support the lives and livelihoods of more than 100 million rural poor and 50 million urban people. In this issue, Marc Dumans-Johansen shares insights from Zimbabwe, where a workshop was held between Miombo countries and international organizations in an effort to bolster transboundary collaboration to protect the woodlands and support those whose food and energy systems rely on this vast ecosystem. [more]
NWFP Update 2017/12 This edition focuses on certification, standards and labels for NWFPs, a complex issue because of the diversity of products involved, the various end uses (from food to medicine), the seasonality of products, and so on. In our opening piece, Giulia Corradini and Davide Pettenella from the University of Padova provide an overview of the issue, giving examples of some different standards and certification schemes which many NWFPs fall under. [more]
NWFP Update 2017/11 After popular demand, this issue focuses on forest berries. In this edition, we feature a wide variety of berries coming from vastly different production systems, regions and environments -- from the Amazonian “superfruit” acai to the “wild” blueberries in Maine to several others in between. Some of these berries push the boundaries of what qualifies as a NWFP, or perhaps simply reflect the historical trajectory of many NWFPs which find themselves moving along the continuum between wild and domesticated species. [more]
NWFP Update 2016/10 The last issue of the year is dedicated to a new FAO report, Vivre et se nourrir (Living in and from central African Forests), based on ten years of FAO work on NWFPs in Central Africa. The projects, which ran from 2005 to 2016, mark one of the longest-running FAO forestry initiatives aimed at enhancing the understanding and contribution of forests and trees to food and nutritional security. [more]
NWFP Update 2016/9 In this issue, we capture perspectives from a handful of countries on WEF developments and innovations. In our special feature, Eric Boa, senior researcher from the University of Aberdeen, walks us through the changing research and development agenda for WEF. In our interview, we hear from a familiar voice, expert Enrico Vidale, to understand the income generating opportunities WEF provide, and the latest developments in legislation related to harvesting in Europe. [more]
NWFP Update 2016/8 Perspectives on NWFPs: Taking stock, and moving forward. FAO’s NWFP Programme has been operating for over 25 years to improve the sustainable utilization of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) to contribute to the responsible management of the world's forests, conserve their biodiversity, and improve income generation and food security. We are now taking time to pause and reflect on past experiences and gather views and expectations for the future. Contributors to this issue include Dr. Charlie Shackleton from Rhodes University, South Africa, who opens the issue with his views on steps to achieving his “vision” for NWFPs. [more]
NWFP Update 2016/7 A special issue on the relationship between trees and bees from the FAO Forestry non-wood forest products team. [more]
NWFP Update 2015/6 This month marks an important milestone in development, as the post-2015 development agenda is set to be adopted at the United Nations Summit in New York, USA . In this issue, we look at health and well-being, Goal No. 3 of the new Sustainable Development Goals, through the prism of NWFPs and forests. [more]
NWFP Update 2015/5 In this first issue for 2015, we tackle bushmeat, or the harvesting of wild animals from forests for food and non-food purposes (medicine, culture, recreation). Bushmeat has long been a part of the diets of forest dwellers as an important source of protein, micronutrients, fats and also fibre and is increasingly consumed in urban areas. It is also an important source of income for many communities. [more]
This issue focuses on “foraging”, understood as the practice of gathering uncultivated plants from the wild. [more]

dernière mise à jour:  mercredi 4 mars 2015