We have merged the former NWFP Digest and Non-Wood News into a single e-newsletter - NWFP Update. Whilst possessing many of the same features of its predecessors, we are placing increased emphasis on views and contributions from our readers, with the hope of building a dynamic platform for practitioners to exchange views on NWFPs in the long-run.


Non-Wood News is a biannual newsletter (October and March) produced by FAO's Forest Products Service (Forest Products and Industries Division, Forestry Department). The aim is to provide readers with information on the potential of "non-wood forest products" and their contribution to the sustainable development of the world's forest resources. "Non-wood forest products" (NWFPs) comprise a multiplicity of goods (other than wood) provided by forests, other wooded lands and trees outside forests (such as foods, medicinal plants, spices, resins, gums, latexes, etc).
This bulletin also includes articles on important forest-related services such as hunting, grazing, ecotourism and bioprospecting.

Non-Wood News is open to contributions on NWFPs from all readers.

Please send your articles or any comments to Paul Vantomme at Non-wood-news.

last updated:  Monday, January 6, 2014