What we do

The priority of the project is to promote at local, national and sub-regional levels a policy and institutional framework that govern the access of local people to resources and markets for Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP).

The project will enhance food security through the development of an enabling policy, legislation and institutional context leading to a more sustainable and socially equitable use of NTFP in Central Africa.

The project will also better integrate NTFP into national level socio-economic planning processes and strategies for poverty alleviation, food security and Right to Food.

At pilot sites, the project will strengthen NTFP-based small and medium scale enterprises to benefit poor, local communities by promoting more added-value processing, marketing and by capacitating producer's support networks.

This project is in line with the regional program of COMIFAC and builds upon a similar project Enhancing the contribution of Non-wood Forest Products to Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Central African countries (GCP/RAF/441/GER), performed by COMIFAC and FAO in the Republic of Congo, Gabon and Central African Republic.

last updated:  Wednesday, January 22, 2014