
The project assists COMIFAC countries to improve their national policies and legal frameworks enhancing the contribution of NTFP to Sustainable Forest Management, poverty alleviation as well as food security and Right to Food. At selected pilot sites, the project applies methodologies to make the subsistence and commercial use of NWFP also work for the poor and food insecure including by supporting NTFP-based enterprise development.


The following graphic displays, on a highly aggregated level, the long-term development goal and the impact to which the project aims to contribute.

In the following, outputs and outcomes of the project which contribute to the achievement of two major long term targets are presented. For more information please see the  Project Document.

Major long term targets:

  • The project’s sector objective is to contribute to improving the living conditions and food security of households that depend on the forest, particularly the most vulnerable groups.
  • Its specific objectives are to contribute to the conservation and sustainable management of NTFPs in Central Africa, specifically in Equatorial Guinea, Chad, Rwanda, Burundi and Sao Tome & Principe.

Project logical framework

Outcome 1:

Improved national legal frameworks, policies and strategies for the NTFP sector in Central Africa, specifically in Equatorial Guinea, Chad, Rwanda, Burundi and Sao Tome & Principe.

Component A : Improvement of national legal frameworks, policies and strategies for developing NTFPs

  • Output A.1 :
    Legal frameworks and national policies on NTFPs analyzed 
  • Output A.2 :
    Documents publicizing legislative instruments on NTFPs and 0the right to food disseminated. 
  • Output A.3 :
    Suggestions on the articles to be amended are prepared 

Outcome 2:

The (entrepreneurial, sustainable management, sector development) capacity of beneficiaries is enhanced at the regional, national and local level, in Central Africa, specifically in Equatorial Guinea, Chad, Rwanda, Burundi and Sao Tome & Principe. 

Component B: Capacity-building for the stakeholders involved in NTFP management

  • Output B.1 :
    Technical, economic and legal knowledge of the COMIFAC sub-working group is enhanced
  • Output B.2 :
    National consultative committees on NTFPs created
  • Output B.3 :
    Baseline studies conducted in the pilot project sites
  • Output B.4 :
    Local communities and other stakeholders of the NTFP sectors are supported
  • Output B.5 :
    Priority activities identified by the local communities are implemented
  • Output B.6 :
    Knowledge on NTFPs enhanced

 Component C: Extension and awareness-raising on the sustainable management of NTFPs

  • Output C.1:
    Information system established and operational
  • Output C.2 :
    National, regional and international events (fairs, conferences, grouped sales) organized 

Component D: Project Management

  • Output D.1 :
    Project staff recruited and operational
  • Output D.2 :
    Launching workshop organized with the CBFF Secretariat
  • Output D.3 :
    Timely submission of half-yearly reports
  • Output D.4 :
    Timely organization of related missions
  • Output D.5 :
    Timely organization of individual independent audits
last updated:  Wednesday, January 22, 2014