Non-Wood Forest Products Series

This series features specific categories and topics of the development of Non-Wood Forest Products.

Wildcheck – Assessing the risks and opportunities of trade in wild plant ingredients 22 April 2022 Demand for wild plant ingredients is growing rapidly, having grown by over 75 percent in value over the past two decades. Thousands of harvested species are at risk mainly from a combination of overharvest and habitat loss: of the 21 percent of medicinal and aromatic plant species whose threat status has been assessed, 9 percent are considered threatened with extinction.This report aims to address these challenges by making information on a selection of ‘flagship’ wild plant ingredients, the Wild Dozen, readily available and easy to understand. Along with a broader update on the state of wild plants trade, the report provides a ‘profile’ on each of the Wild Dozen species, summarising key facts on production and trade. [more]
Naturally beautiful: Cosmetic and beauty products from forests 18 March 2020 This publication brings attention to the role of forests in supplying beauty products and the connections with livelihood security and utilization of NWFPs, awareness of the importance of forests and their connection with cosmetics will be raised. [more]

Living in and from the forests of Central Africa 8 June 2019 Living in and from the forests of Central Africa is intended first and foremost as a full-scale extension tool concerning NWFPs in Central Africa. It is a work on the groups who have always lived in these forests, forests that contribute to every aspect of their daily lives, both material and spiritual, and enable them to survive even in periods of extreme crisis. The book is divided into seven parts. The first gives an overview of Central Africa and NWFPs, while the second shows how animal and plant NWFPs contribute to the food and nutritional security of forest people. [more]
Living in and from the forests of central Africa - in brief 1 May 2019 Since time immemorial, non-wood forest products (NWFPs), particularly wild forest foods, have played animportant role in the diets and health of people living inand outside forests, in both rural and urban areas. Some of these products, such as wild game, fruit, seeds, roots, nuts and fungi, are still used as a source of food, contributing to both food and nutritional security, while others are used for building materials or medicines, or support ancient customs and traditions. [more]
Non-wood forest products in international statistical systems 4 June 2018 This report compares the international statistics on non-wood forest products (NWFPs) by review-ing the three main international statistical classifications: the Harmonized System (HS), the Central Product Classification (CPC) and the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC). It discusses specific issues in linking major NWFPs across the three reference systems, as well as how countries deal with these issues. It proposes ways for improving the international classification sys-tems and presents some of their main NWFPs. Each product group is fully described in the annex-es, which provide information on where it is situated in the existing international classifications, as well as production and international trade data sources. [more]
Vivre et se nourrir de la forêt en Afrique centrale 1 June 2018 Ce livre nous emmène au cœur des zones de forêts denses et sahéliennes de l’Afrique centrale, un écosystème précieux et essentiel à la vie quotidienne de ses habitants, représentant l’un des trois principaux ensembles boisés tropicaux de la planète. Dix pays (Burundi, Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, Guinée Equatoriale, République Centrafricaine, République Démocratique du Congo, Rwanda, Sao Tomé & Principe, Tchad) abritent ces forêts et savanes, riches d’importantes ressources naturelles. Ils ont en commun une longue histoire liée à la colonisation, suivie d'une expérience de coopération multiforme depuis les indépendances qui évolue incontestablement vers une intégration économique et monétaire. [more]
Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security 13 May 2013 Edible insects have always been a part of human diets. In this publication, we show the contribution that insects make to diversifying diets and improving food security. We also hope to raise awareness of the many valuable roles that insects play in sustaining nature and human life. [more]
Information guide: The contribution of insects to food security, livelihoods and the environment 12 May 2013 The information guide "The contribution of insects to food security, livelihoods and the environment" is a 4 page summary of the key issues addressed in “Edible insects: future prospects for feed and food security.” [more]
Tropical palms 2010 revision 1 March 2011 Tropical palms, originally published in 1998, has been updated in 2010 by the author to include the most recent information and developments regarding the conservation status and use of various tropical palm species. The deteriorating conservation status of several tropical palm species, particularly in the rattan group, as well as recent developments regarding the use of palm products in the food, bioenergy and fibre processing industries, for example, required a thorough review of the first edition. [more]
Fruit trees and useful plants in Amazonian life 3 January 2011 This book features the uncommon quality of bringing together original scientific knowledge on fruits and useful plants of the Amazon forest and the sensibility to detect the deep interaction between life, traditional knowledge of our forests and folk culture. [more]
Bees and their role in forest livelihoods - A guide to the services provided by bees and the sustainable harvesting, processing and marketing of their products 28 August 2009 This guide discusses the services provided by bees and the sustainable harvesting, processing and marketing of their products. [more]
World Bamboo Resources - A thematic study prepared in the framework of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005 1 November 2007 This publication is the result of one of the thematic studies prepared during the Forest Resources Assessment (FRA). [more]
Wild edible fungi - A global overview of their use and importance to people 1 October 2004 This paper discusses some traditional and contemporary uses of fungi as food or in medicine. This material is presented for information only and does not imply endorsement by the author or by FAO. Use of these products is not recommended unless taken under the care and guidance of a qualified expert or physician. Reports of edible and poisonous species are based on named sources. The accuracy of this information lies with these original sources. [more]
RATTAN glossary and Compendium glossary with emphasis on Africa 1 January 2004 This document contains two sections. The first section is a glossary of rattan terms mostly from Southeast Asia (especially Malaysia). The second section is a compendium glossary on rattan terms with special emphasis on Africa that was compiled separately, but following the same structure as the first glossary. [more]
Non-Wood Forest Products from Temperate Broad-Leaved Trees 1 July 2002 This paper discusses some traditional and contemporary uses of non-wood products from trees and shrubs in medicine. [more]
Rattan: Current research issues and prospects for conservation and sustainable development 1 January 2002 Based on the papers presented and their discussion, the Expert Consultation emphasized the economic, socio-cultural and ecological importance of rattan to a large number of people in the world and noted that rattan resources in their natural range of tropical forests in Asia and Africa were being depleted through overexploitation, inadequate replenishment, poor forest management and loss of forest habitats. There was a need to ensure a sustainable supply of rattan through improved and equitable management. [more]
Resource assessment of non-wood forest products 1 January 2001 This is a resource for people who want to know more about inventory for measuring and planning management of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). This publication is intended as reference material for practitioners considering inventory of NWFP resources. [more]
Domestication and commercialization of non-timber forest products in agroforestry systems 1 January 1996 From the discussions at the International Conference on Domestication and Commercialization of Non-Timber Forest Products in Agroforestry Systems in Nairobi (1996), emerged perspectives on domestication and commercialization of non-timber forest products in agroforestry systems and threw light on how to address issues dealing with resource assessment, indigenous knowledge, product development, socio-economic benefits, environmental impact, and institutional and policy aspects. This summary of papers can help national and international agencies in designing and implementing their activities on non-timber forest products. [more]
Non-wood forest products from conifers 1 December 1995 The objective of this paper is to provide a global review of the non-wood uses of conifers. For the purposes of this paper, conifers are defined as trees and shrubs of the botanical orders Coniferales , Taxales and Ginkgoales (Rushforth 1987). [more]
Medicinal plants for forest conservation and health care IN HINDI 1 November 1995 IN HINDI -- This volume on medicinal plants links together the physical environments of local communities and their use of plants in promoting and maintaining their health. Medicinal plants form the basis of traditional or indigenous health systems used, in the estimate of the World Health Organization, by the majority of the population of most developing countries [more]
Medicinal plants for forest conservation and health care 1 November 1995 This volume on medicinal plants links together the physical environments of local communities and their use of plants in promoting and maintaining their health. Medicinal plants form the basis of traditional or indigenous health systems used, in the estimate of the World Health Organization, by the majority of the population of most developing countries. [more]
Tropical palms 1 October 1995 Palm products discussed in this document include beverages, foods, medicines, feeds, fuel, construction materials, industrial products and a wide range of handicraft items. Products are considered at the subsistence and commercial levels, and special attention given to the potential for further development of some palm products. A geographic approach is employed to focus on palms in the different regions of the tropics. The conservation status of palms is included as an integral and essential part of the discussions. [more]
Trade restrictions affecting international trade in non-wood forest products 1 September 1995 This study provides information on restrictions facing the international trade in NWFPs. International trade in NWFPs, as that in most other products, is controlled and regulated by various trade measures. A wide array of these exists and their nature, significance, extent and impact vary considerably from nation to nation and product to product. [more]
Non-Wood Forest Products for Rural Income and Sustainable Forestry 1 July 1995 This volume outlines the approaches for assessing the potential of NWFP activities in a particular area. It is mainly addressed to policy-makers, researchers, local extension workers, NGOs and others professionals to identify and pursue possibilities for better management of NWFPs. It is hoped that through better assistance and support, community-level producers and processors will be able to realize the sustainable potential of NWFP activities. An outline of the kind of technical, institutional and policy support required to promote NWFP activities, is also provided. [more]
Gums, Resins and Latexes of Plant Origin 1 June 1995 Many thousands of plant species yield gums, resins or latexes, and probably several hundreds are utilized to produce items of trade, either local or international. Of these, 22 are the subject of this report, discussing description and uses, world supply and demand trends, plant sources, collection/primary processing, value-added processing, and developmental potential. [more]
Edible Nuts 1 May 1995 The document deals with a representative selection of major edible nut producing plants, minor edible nut producing plants, and potential edible nut producing plants. The purpose is to bring the importance of edible nuts into sharp focus, to highlight their immense potential, to encourage further studies and research relating to edible nuts and to promote their development. [more]
Natural Colourants and dyestuffs 1 April 1995 The number of colourants and dyestuffs found in nature are enormous. While some of them are fairly well-known, many of them are not commercially important. To provide a comprehensive coverage of all the plants and animals providing colourants and dyestuffs is a very difficult task. This publication attempts to provide only a representative selection of plants and insects yielding colourants and dyestuffs. Its purpose is to give an indication of the wide-ranging sources of natural colourants and dyestuffs and to encourage further research and studies relating to this group of products. [more]
Report of the International Expert Consultation on Non-Wood Forest Products (Yogyakarta, Indonesia, January 1995) 1 March 1995 The International Expert Consultation on Non-Wood Forest Products which met in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 17-27 January 1995, considered the relevant aspects relating to the development of NWFPs. Based on this, recommendations for research and governance were suggested. Index : [more]
Gum Naval Stores - Turpentine and Rosin from Pine Resin 1 January 1995 Information is provided on the technical and economic aspects of crude resin production from pine trees and on the subsequent production of gum turpentine and gum rosin (known commercially as gum naval stores). Recent trends in world production and markets are also reviewed. The publication is aimed at prospective new producers of gum naval stores, and organizations and individuals appraising projects involving their production. It is particularly intended for those in developing countries. [more]
Flavours and fragances of plant origin 1 January 1995 The present publication on flavours and fragrances of plant origin is the first of the series. The format within which each oil or resin is discussed, is structured so as to highlight a number of points, including its uses, present supply and demand, including, national and international quality criteria and prices, plant sources, the type of harvesting and primary processing methods employed, the nature of any value-added processing, other uses to which the plant is or could be put, and the developmental potential of the oil with an indication of some of the research needs necessary to maximize the social and economic benefits which are sought. [more]

last updated:  Friday, June 21, 2019