Non-wood Forest Products Working Documents

This page features working documents on Non-Wood Forest Products.

The poor man's carbon sink: bamboo in climate change and poverty alleviation 2 November 2009 This study sees bamboo as a bridge between climate change mitigation and poverty alleviation. [more]
The role of CITES in controlling the international trade in forest products - Implications for sustainable forest management 1 April 2009 This report explores the role of CITES in the changing global environments—both natural and policy. [more]
Trade measures – Tools to promote the sustainable use of NWFP? An assessment of trade related instruments influencing the international trade in non-wood forest products and associated management and livelihood strategies 1 October 2007 This report follows on from and expands upon trade-related instruments that impact on the trade in NWFP, with an emphasis on those instruments that promote the contribution of trade to the sustainable use of forest products and/or to people’s livelihoods. [more]
Index of Non-Wood News, Volume Two, Issues 7-12 1 December 2006 Since its first issue in March 1994, Non-Wood News has focused on highlighting the importance of NWFP and promoting all aspects of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). Through its global coverage, it has sought to raise awareness among policy makers and other readers about the multiplicity of NWFPs and the opportunities that they can offer, as well as the vital role they play in forest-dependent communities. In fact, numerous people worldwide depend on NWFPs for their subsistence, food security, health care and cash income. The NWFP Programme decided to index the first 12 issues of Non-Wood News. These indexes are now available in two volumes. This volume includes the last covering issues 7 to 12. [more]
Index of Non-Wood News, Volume One, Issues 1- 6 1 December 2006 Since its first issue in March 1994, Non-Wood News has focused on highlighting the importance of NWFP and promoting all aspects of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). Through its global coverage, it has sought to raise awareness among policy makers and other readers about the multiplicity of NWFPs and the opportunities that they can offer, as well as the vital role they play in forest-dependent communities. In fact, numerous people worldwide depend on NWFPs for their subsistence, food security, health care and cash income. The NWFP Programme decided to index the first 12 issues of Non-Wood News. These indexes are now available in two volumes. This volume includes the first covering issues 1 to 6. [more]
National Analysis of Trade-Related Instruments Influencing Trade in Sandalwood (Santalum macgregorii F. Muell) and Eaglewood (Acquilaria. and Gyrinops ledermannii spp.): Applications and Impacts on Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Forest Management in Papua New Guinea 1 December 2005 The paper dwells on trade-related instruments influencing trade in non-woodforest products (NWFP), which is a sub-component of component 3 “Trade in Non-Wood Forest Products– Options for Poverty Alleviation” of the overall study on forests for sustainable livelihoods. The NPPcomplements and accelerates the implementation of ongoing activities of FAO’s Programme “Promotionand Development of Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP)”. The Programme aims at improving thesustainable use of NWFP in order to contribute to the wise management of the world's forests, to conservetheir biodiversity, and to improve income-generation and food security. [more]
The impact of certification on the sustainable use of brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) in Bolivia. Final draft 1 October 2003 This report analyses the overall impact of organic certification on the sustainable use of the brazil nut as well as its relevance and applicability. [more]
The impact of certification on the sustainable use of devil's claw (Harpagophytum spp.) in Namibia. Final draft 1 May 2003 The aim of this study was to assess the socio-economic and ecological impact of certification on the sustainable use of devil’s claw ( Harpagophytum procumbens ) in Namibia. The study focuses on the impact of Organic certification on the sustainable utilisation of Devil’s Claw with particular reference to the Sustainably Harvested Devil’s Claw project in Namibia. [more]
Expert Meeting for development of inventory techniques to assess non-wood forest product resources in African ACP countries. Lusaka, Zambia, 15-17 October 2001 1 May 2003 A recent literature review carried out by a FAO consultant on available methods and techniques for NWFP resource assessment revealed that there is a lack of commonly accepted means for their inventory. To this end, the FAO Forest Products Division and the Department of Forestry of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Zambia jointly organized in Lusaka, Zambia on October 15 to 17 2001, this expert meeting, seeking contribution for the development and testing of practical guidelines for the assessment of forest resources providing NWFP. [more]
Summary of six case study reports as a contribution to development of practical techniques to assess non-wood forest product resources 1 May 2003 This report summarizes six case study as a contribution to the development of practical techniques to assess non-wood forest product resources. The generic lessons related more to the delivery mechanism for the Guidelines and suggest that a comprehensive training and support programme will be needed to complement any literary based manual. [more]
Trade in devil's claw (Harpagophytum spp.) in Germany - status, trends and certification. Final draft 1 April 2003 WWF Germany and TRAFFIC Europe – commissioned by the FAO Non-Wood Forest Products Programme – have carried out a study on the German devil’s claw market. The authors hope that this report on the results of the research and the discussion will help to deepen our understanding of the complexity of the devil’s claw market and the ecological, social and economical interests involved in the sourcing of and the trade in Harpagophytum spp. Annex : [more]
Data collection and analysis related to non-wood forest products - A pilot Study in Suriname 1 June 2002 The project Data Collection and Analysis for Sustainable Forest Management in ACP Countries - Linking National and International Efforts (GCP/INT/679/CE) was carried out in the context of the European Commission (EC) - FAO Partnership Programme in order to promote the sustainable use of trees and forests in African and Caribbean countries. The project aimed to contribute to the development of policies which would integrate in a balanced way the socio-economic and ecological aspects of the forestry sector. [more]
Non-wood forest products in the Near East: a regional and national overview 1 September 2001 This regional study presents an overview of the socio-economic importance and ecological impact of the use of non-wood forest products (NWFP) in the Near East. The document consists of two main parts: i) presentation of background information on the programme activities and analysis of the available information on the regional level; and ii) presentation of data on NWFP on the national level (so-called "country profiles"). [more]
Non-wood forest products in Africa: a regional and national overview 1 August 2001 This regional study presents an overview of the socio-economic importance and ecological impact of the use of non-wood forest products (NWFP) in Africa. The document consists of two main parts: i) presentation of background information on the programme activities and analysis of the available information on the regional and sub-regional level (both in English and in French); and ii) presentation of data on NWFP on the national level (so-called "country profiles", available in either English or French). [more]

last updated:  Thursday, January 23, 2014