Regional Publications

NWFP are used all over the world. The NWFP publications listed here are according to their region of origin and interest, being: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin-America, Mediterranean, and Near-East



The impact of timber harvesting on the availability of non-wood forest products in the Congo Basin 1 January 2007 This case study is one of a series of publications produced by the Forest Products Service of FAO in an effort to promote environmentally sound forest harvesting and engineering practices. [more]
Gum trees and Gum arabic: Field manual 1 May 2004 The revised manual was again improved by a larger group of producing countries inJanuary 2003 on the occasion of an Orientation Seminar held in Nairobi to launch theactivities of NGARA and the Acacia Operation project in the region. The document wasconsidered as a general manual, useful for the programme of training in the Africanproducing countries. [more]
International workshop on processing and marketing of shea products in Africa 1 January 2004 The international workshop on Processing and Marketing of Shea Products inAfrica, held in Dakar, Senegal, from 4 to 6 March 2002, provided a forum for theexchange and analysis of information between technical and market experts with a view toevaluate the potential of existing and new applications for processing and marketing ofshea products in Africa and beyond. [more]
RATTAN glossary and Compendium glossary with emphasis on Africa 1 January 2004 This document contains two sections. The first section is a glossary of rattan terms mostly from Southeast Asia (especially Malaysia). The second section is a compendium glossary on rattan terms with special emphasis on Africa that was compiled separately, but following the same structure as the first glossary. [more]
Expert Meeting for development of inventory techniques to assess non-wood forest product resources in African ACP countries. Lusaka, Zambia, 15-17 Octobre 2001 1 May 2003 The goals of this expert consultation comprised the adoption a simple methodologicalapproach for the development of practical guideline techniques to assess non-wood forest resources,and other activities for the preparation of the project final output. [more]
Food for life: Indigenous fruit trees in Southern Africa 1 April 2003 This paper looks at the status and contribution of Indigenous Fruit Trees (IFTs) to FoodSecurity in Southern Africa, and reviews and assesses the physical situation of IFTs in theMiombo Woodland. It contains infOlmation on use and trade of IFTs, and on biologicaldevelopments in domestication and dissemination. It covers processing and marketing andexplores avenues for the future of IFTs. [more]
Report of the meeting of the network for natural gums and resins in Africa (NGARA) 1 November 2000 The regional workshop of the Network of Natural Gums and Resins in Africa (NGARA) was organised by Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) in Nairobi in May 2000, with the cooperation of Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAD) and International Association for the Development of Natural Gums (AIDGUM). [more]
 Non-Wood Forest Products of Central Africa: Current Research Issues and Prospects for Conservation and Development 1 January 1999 This volume reports on considerable research that has been carried out on NWFPs in Central Africa, based on the outcome of the International Expert Meeting on Non-Wood Forest Products in Central Africa, held at. The Limbe Botanic Garden, Cameroon 10-15 May 1998. [more]
Marketing of indigenous medicinal plants in South Africa - A case study in Kwazulu-Natal. 1 January 1998 This report covers the marketing aspect of medecinal plants in KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa. The market study aims to describe the demand, supply, current marketing practices, potential and limitations within the medicinal plant market and makes recommendations for a wide range of decision-makers. [more]
Conservation, Management and Utilisation of Plant Gums, Resins and Essential Oils 1 January 1997 The Conference had two main sessions focusing on plant gums and resins. A workshop was held for each session to discuss pertinent issues and develop recommendations. Major issues on plant gums centred on gum arabic, the main product of commerce in Africa. Similarly, issues on resins focused on myrrh and frankincense. The outcome of the Conference is thus based on the three commodities with the last two being grouped under resins and is presented in the form of draft proposals with details of working groups under each session given as annexes. [more]
Gums, resins and latexes of plant origin 1 June 1995 Many thousands of plant species yield gums, resins or latexes, and probably several hundreds are utilized to produce items of trade, either local or international. Of these, 22 are the subject of this report, discussing description and uses, world supply and demand trends, plant sources, collection/primary processing, value-added processing, and developmental potential. [more]
Gum Naval Stores - Turpentine and Rosin from Pine Resin 1 January 1995 Information is provided on the technical and economic aspects of crude resin production from pine trees and on the subsequent production of gum turpentine and gum rosin (known commercially as gum naval stores). Recent trends in world production and markets are also reviewed. The publication is aimed at prospective new producers of gum naval stores, and organizations and individuals appraising projects involving their production. It is particularly intended for those in developing countries. [more]
Non-wood forest products: a regional expert consultation for English- speaking African countries 1 January 1994 At the invitation of the Government of Tanzania, a Regional Expert Consultation on Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) for English-speaking African Countries was held in Arusha, 17-22 October 1993, with the following objectives: i) to discuss the current status of production and utilization of NWFPs in the countries involved, the need for improvement in their production, management, harvesting, processing and marketing and the development opportunities they provide for the benefit of rural communities, ii) to update available information on the different aspects of NWFPs, iii) to suggest broad guidelines for the development of NWFPs and iv) to facilitate exchange of ideas regarding the need and feasibility of establishing a Regional Cooperative Network on Non-Wood Forest Products. [more]
 Indigenous Multipurpose Trees of Tanzania: Uses and Economic benefits for People 1 January 1993 The handbook is intended to be a concise reference on indigenous species which produce local forest products of economic importance in Tanzania. [more]


Asia and the Pacific

Consultant Report on Developing a National Strategy for NWFP Development in Bhutan 1 March 2008 The study has been commissioned to prepare inputs towards developing a national strategic plan for NWFP development and utilization in Bhutan for 2008-2020. [more]
NWFP Community-based Enterprise Development: A Way for Livelihood Improvement in Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 January 2006 This forestry paper discusses NWFP community-based enterprise development, based on a project for livelihood improvement in Lao People's Democratic Republic. [more]
Non-Wood Forest Products in 15 Countries Of Tropical Asia : An Overview 1 January 2001 This regional study presents an overview of the socio-economic importance of the use of non-wood forest products (NWFP) in 15 countries of Tropical Asia. The document consists of two main parts: (1) presentation of background information on the programme activities and methodology and an analysis of the available information at the regional level; and (2) presentation of data on NWFP at the national level (so-called "country profiles"). [more]
Non-Wood Forest Products of Bhutan 1 January 1996 This publication, prepared by the Forestry Services Division of the Bhutan Ministry of Agriculture, highlights the extensive use and potential of non-wood forest products in Bhutan. It should serve as a useful introduction for all foresters, biologists, and rural development workers interested in Bhutan's complex and bountiful non-wood forest resources and products. [more]
Non-Wood Forest Products in Asia 1 January 1995 This publication is a product of FAO's enhanced attention to this long-neglected area of forestry. It contains reports describing the status, management, and importance of NWFPs in eleven Asian countries. These reports should be useful in supporting the efforts of foresters, conservationists, and rural development workers in helping local communities increase their benefits from nearby forests. [more]
Beyond Timber: Social, Economic and Cultural Dimensions of Non-Wood Forest Products in Asia and the Pacific - Proceedings of a Regional Expert Consultation 1 January 1995 The consultation was pivotal in looking beyond the biological and management aspects of NWFPs, traditionally considered paramount to forest managers. Notably, the meeting spotlighted the social, economic, and cultural dimensions of NWFPs that are so crucial to the people who live in, and around, forests. It was particularly successful in drawing together a highly diverse assembly of specialists from government agencies and non-governmental organizations, each reflecting unique interests, philosophies, and perspectives. The meeting produced a valuable set of recommendations and an extraordinary collection of papers highlighting social, economic, and cultural issues and experiences in NWFP development. [more]
Non-Wood Forest Products in Indochina - Focus: Vietnam 1 January 1993 Mr. J.H. de Beer, AID Environment, was commissioned by the FAO Rome to carry out a short study on non-wood forest products (henceforth called NWFPs) in Indochina, with a strong focus on Vietnam. [more]



Fruit Trees and Useful Plants in Amazonian Life 1 January 2011 This book features the uncommon quality of bringing together original scientific knowledge on fruits and useful plants of the Amazon forest and the sensibility to detect the deep interaction between life, traditional knowledge of our forests and folk culture. [more]
Data Collection and Analysis Related to Non-Wood Forest Products a Pilot Study in Suriname 1 January 2002 Despite its socio-economic importance, the availability of statistical data on the social, economic and ecological aspects of NWFP is very limited. Therefore a study entitled Data collection and analysis related to NWFP - a pilot study in Suriname was carried out within the context of the European Commission - FAO Partnership Programme Data collection and analysis for sustainable forest management in ACP countries - linking national and international efforts . The main objective of the study was to review available information on NWFP in Suriname and to propose a methodology to improve the quality and quantity of statistical data on NWFP in the country. [more]
Nutmeg and Derivatives 1 January 1994 The feasibility of extracting individual components from nutmeg and marketing these components is reported in this document. Within this context, an analysis was conducted of the trend in nutmeg production and trade in Grenada along with the importance of this crop as a source of income to the populace. A thorough scientific investigation of the individual compounds found in nutmeg and the viability of extracting these compounds was also covered. Finally, an economic evaluation is discussed in terms of cost of production, marketing and revenue outlook of extracting these components, and recommendations are made based on the findings. [more]
Selected Species and Strategies to Enhance Income Generation from Amazonian Forests 1 January 1993 This report discusses some of the factors necessary to develop and manage income-generating forests and what will be required to successfully process and market the numerous products that can be obtained from these forests. In addition, 19 chapters of this report provide information on specific species which appear to have considerable income-generating potential. Only a small sample of species which produce fruits, nuts, oils, flours, and/or resins have been selected, in order to highlight issues associated with achieving their potential. These issues will need to be addressed not only for these species, but also for others with similar products in other forests. [more]



Non-Wood Forest Products from Temperate Broad-Leaved Trees 1 January 2002 The objective of this paper is to provide a global review of the non-wood forest products provided by trees found in temperate broadleaf forests. Included in this paper is the range of non-wood forest products that this group of tree species provides and the places are indicated where these products are harvested. The products described are organized by the part of the tree from which they are obtained - entire trees, foliage and flowers, bark, resins, fruits, nuts and organisms closely associated with temperate broad-leaved trees. Where possible, data on levels of production and international trade are presented. [more]
Non-Wood Forest Products from Conifers 1 January 1995 Conifers are capable of growing under a wide range of ecological conditions and dominate large areas of the world’s forests. Conifer forests are especially abundant in the boreal and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, but are also important components of many tropical and sub-tropical forest ecosystems in both humid and semi-arid zones. In 1995, almost two thirds of the world’s total industrial roundwood production came from conifers according to the statistics in FAO’s Forest ProductsYearbook. [more]
1 January 1992 Traditional forest management in the Mediterranean is diverse. The large number of NTFPs signifies production modes that range from simple gathering to agro-sylvo-pastoral management. The main products of Mediterranean forests can be classified in two principal categories: NTFPs derived directly from producers (plants) and NTFPs derived from consumers (animals - fungi). [more]



Non-Wood Forest Products in the Near East: A Regional and National Overview 1 January 2001 The main aim of this study is to compile standardized NWFP country profiles for the countries in the Near East and to present the most important uses of the country forest and tree resources providing goods other than timber and fuelwood. The country profiles should present the currently available national statistics on the production and consumption of, as well as on the trade in, NWFP in the Near East. This report includes the standardised country profiles of the 16 Near East countries (which are also available on the FAO Web site) as well as a regional synthesis of the results. [more]
Seminar Proceedings Harvesting of Non-Wood Forest Products 1 January 2000 The papers in this publication were presented at the Seminar on Harvesting of Non-Wood Forest Products , which was held from 2 to 8 October 2000 at the International Agro-Hydrology Research and Training Center in Menemen-İzmir (Turkey) at the invitation of the Ministry of Forestry and under the auspices of the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training. More than 80 participants from 32 countries attended the seminar. [more]
MEDICINAL, CULINARY AND AROMATIC PLANTS IN THE NEAR EAST 1 January 1999 The Near East region is a major center of plant diversity. It provides a wide range of plants of great value to mankind. The number of species of higher plants of the region is estimated to be 25000 vascular plant species. Forests of the region are rich in plant genetic resources. They provide food that supplement the agricultural and contributes to household nutrition, fodder, fertilizer, fiber, medicine, essential oils, dyes, gums, resins, and construction materials. Some of these products are internationally used in food, medicines, flavorings, perfumes, and confection besides providing additional employment and income to the local people. To increase awareness on Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP) and to strengthen national collaboration on the regional level, FAO’s Wood and Non–Wood Products Utilization Branch (FOPW) has organized various regional and global expert consultations. [more]
Meeting Report: Development and Coordination of Regional Activities in Non-Wood Forest Products in Near East Countris 1 January 1999 The "Follow-up Meeting for the Development and Co-ordination of Regional Activities on Non-Wood Forest Products in the Near East" was jointly organized by the FAO Regional Office for the Near East (RNE), the Forest Products Division (FOPW) of FAO's headquarters, the FAO Representation in Lebanon and the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture - Rural Development and Natural Resources Directorate. The meeting was held at the Garden Hotel in Broumana - Mount-Lebanon, from 10 to 12 May 1999. [more]

last updated:  Monday, November 13, 2017