Main Reports

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Past European Forest Sector Outlook Studies Reports

European Timber Trends and Prospects to the year 2000 and beyond (Volumen I y II)
Fourth joint ECE/FAO forest sector outlook study
(1986), EN, 323 pp. 253 pp. hard copy only En and Fr

European Timber Trends and Prospects 1950 to 2000
Third joint ECE/FAO forest sector outlook study
(1976), EN, 347 pp. hard copy only En and Fr

European timber trends and prospects, a New appraisal, 1950-1975
Second joint ECE/FAO forest sector outlook study
(1968), EN hard copy only En and Fr

European Timber Trends and Prospects
First joint ECE/FAO forest sector outlook study
(1953), EN, 331pp. hard copy only En and Fr
last updated:  Tuesday, December 8, 2009