In-country training on enhanced stakeholder participation in national forest programmes 

Background and rationale 
FAO has a key mandate to assist countries to develop and/or enhance their national forest programmes (nfps). This support includes provision of technical support to countries to translate nfp principles into practice. 

FAO has consequently developed the ‘nfps for all’ initiative to increase capacities of stakeholders at national and sub-national levels, for the joint development and implementation of country-led nfp processes. Capacity building on enhanced stakeholder participation in nfps is a vital part of this initiative and responds to the core nfp principles including those related to ‘participation and partnership’ and ‘consistency within and integration beyond the forest sector’.

FAO and the National Forest Programme Facility have developed a training module on Enhancing stakeholder participation in national forest programmes – tools for practitioners. This module has been piloted in 3 African countries and 1 Asian country in 2008 and 2009 and prior to that with representatives from 6 Asian countries in 2006 and 2007. The module further instils and clarifies the rationale for stakeholder engagement and enhances skills and methods for; more effective stakeholder analysis and identification; more democratic means for harnessing views of stakeholders; and more effective and practical ways of facilitating negotiation and prioritization within multi-stakeholder groups. In addition to the module, a training package including a training manual ‘Enhancing stakeholder participation in national forest programmes – A trainer’s manual (FAO, 2009) has also been developed. The later document is designed to be a guidance document for trainers who will take part in the proposed Training of Trainers course.

The enhancing stakeholder participation in nfps trainings have until now been mainly facilitated by an international consultant and FAO personnel. The next logical step is to build the capacity to deliver the trainings in the target regions and nations.

Overall goal 
Enhancement of stakeholder participation in national forest programme processes through improved regional and national capacity building services.

Broad objectives: 
The Training of Trainers is designed to build capacity of trainers and their institutions so that they can run and adapt effective and relevant trainings on enhancing stakeholder participation in national forest programmes. More specifically this involves:

  • Identification of suitable individuals and institutions to take part in the programme.
  • Development of a six-day Training of Trainsers course designed to strengthen the motivation, skills and technical expertise needed to conduct trainings on enhancing stakeholder participation in national forest programmes.
  • Delivery of a Training of Trainers designed to instill the Why? How? And What? of a training on enhanced stakeholder participation in national forest programmes – including the full cycle of training needs assessment/participant identification, logistical and organisational planning for the training, delivery the training and on how to conduct monitoring, evaluation and coaching support after the training.

Target participants for the training of trainers 
Participants are likely to run their own trainings after the ToT; come from suitable national or sub-regional training institutions, nongovernmental or governmental organizations; and have the potential capability, resources and commitment to run trainings.

A careful selection of participants is to be undertaken, preferably including individuals that are experienced trainers and ideally having some previous experience in the use of participatory approaches in natural resource management. Participants will also be asked to provide clear justification for taking part with a written commitment that they are willing to run their own trainings after the ToT.

It is recommended that a target of 15 participants from at least 6 countries (at least 2 from each country/institution so they can work together) be selected. As well as considering the suitability of the institutions/individuals, there should be a deliberate attempt to have a good geographical spread.

Expected outcome of the training of trainers module 
In the short term at least 3 training courses on enhancing stakeholder participation run by trainers/training institutions within 12 months after the Training of Trainers. In the longer term a sustained delivery by trainer/institutions of such training courses.

It is expected that through the regional delivery of the training, the training module on enhancing stakeholder participation in nfps will become locally owned and delivered in a more cost efficient way to a much wider audience and in more locally adapted and relevant forms. The training delivery itself will fit better with the core nfp principle that nfps should ‘have national sovereignty and country leadership.’

last updated:  Monday, June 6, 2011