Building capacities to improve and sustain forest health to enhance the resilience of forests and livelihoods of forest dependent communities

Project code:  TCP/NEP/3702
Project duration:  01 January 2019 – 31 December 2021
Country: Nepal


Forest cover in Nepal has remained relatively stable in recent decades. However, growing stock of forests have been declining, which indicates degradation of forest resources, due to unsustainable logging, encroachment, forest fires, natural disasters, incidence of diseases, insect pest problems and incursion of invasive alien plants (IAPs). A global analysis of potential threat of invasive alien species (IAS) to agriculture ranked Nepal as the third most vulnerable country among 124 countries surveyed.

Although natural forests and planted forests in Nepal are under immense threat by various insect pests and pathogens, there are no plans or procedures in place to identify, prioritize and manage the potential and existing invasive species threats.

Improve forest health and productivity of natural and planted forests by enhancing environmental services aimed at contributing to the livelihood of forest dependent people

Improved skills and knowledge for protecting the health of natural and planted forests


  • Baseline data on IAS (invasive plants, insect pests and pathogens in natural and planted forests) collected
  • Awareness raised on the harmful effects of invasive plants, pests and pathogens among stakeholders
  • Training programs implemented to enhance capacity to improve and sustain forest health and productivity


  1. Conduct field surveys in natural and planted forests to collect specimens of pests and plants affected by pathogens and assess the status of invasion by alien plants
    1.1  Conduct analysis on risks of key insect pests, pathogens and IAPs in natural and planted forests, and identify   priority species for urgent action
  2. Isolation and identification of pathogens, pests and invasive plants
    2.1 Prepare and disseminate knowledge materials on IAP, pathogens and pests in forests and other ecosystems
    2.2  Conduct seminars and workshops on IAS and implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry
  3. Develop a field guide based on the inventory
    3.1 Procure materials and equipment
    3.2 Implementation of training programs


lastUpdate  Wednesday, December 8, 2021