Publications produced by the Planted Forest Programme

Planted Forests of the Future 
Voluntary guidelines (available in English, French, Spanish and Chinese)
Planted Forests in Sustainable Forest Management, a statement of principles

Planted Forests: Uses, Impacts and Sustainability

Global Planted Forests Assessment 2005

Working paper series on planted forests

The series title for Working Papers 1-24 is Forest Plantation Series; after Working Paper 25 the series title was changed to Planted Forests and Trees Working Paper.

Planted Forests and Trees Working Paper Series 50 Forests and trees supporting rural livelihoods: Case studies from Myanmar and Viet Nam
Planted Forests and Trees Working Paper Series 49  Global teak trade in the aftermath of Myanmar’s log export ban
Planted Forests and Trees Working Paper Series 48  Assessment of industrial roundwood production from planted forests

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Articles on planted forests published in Unasylva

Other FAO publications

Non FAO publications


last updated:  Wednesday, February 22, 2023