Publications and Videos

Implementing Agenda 2030 in Food and Agriculture: Accelerating Policy Impact through Cross-Sectoral Coordination at the Country Level

The FAO and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) have undertaken a review of broad institutional and stakeholder experiences with a view to advancing cross-sectoral approaches in areas related to agriculture, natural resources and food and nutrition security. Bringing together insights from the literature, selected case studies and the outputs of an expert consultation, this paper identifies factors that can facilitate cross-sectoral coordination and decision-making at the country level.

It is aimed at a broad audience, including workers in governmental and non-governmental bodies, international development agencies and partner organizations sharing a common desire to build synergies and accelerate impacts by addressing multiple development objectives simultaneously and working together across sectors.

The publication is available in English here.



Practical guide for reviewing national forest programmes and policies

In the past five years FAO has provided support to forest policy formulation in around 20 countries worldwide. The experience from these and numerous other forest policy development processes undertaken by countries clearly shows that substantial changes have occurred in the past 20 years, profoundly affecting not only the contents of forest policies but in particular also the way forest policies are formulated or reviewed.

Based on this experience, a practical guide for forest policy formulation, Developing effective forest policy: a guide, was published to support countries in conceptualizing and planning forest policy formulation processes. The publication is available in: English, Spanish, French and Russian.

This guide is intended for senior government officials who are reviewing their National Forest Programme and policies, as well as other stakeholders, particularly civil society organizations and community groups.


last updated:  Tuesday, December 28, 2021