Silva Mediterranea

Over 90 years of Mediterranean forest management

In Preparation of the Sixth Mediterranean Forest Week 

The second meeting of the Joint Organizing Committee (JOC2) was held in Rome, Italy on the 7th of May this year. In preparation of the Sixth Mediterranean Forest Week (6th MFW) and 23rd Session of Silva Mediterranea, the 2nd Joint Organizing Committee set to complete four main objectives: finalize the 6th MFW, monitor progress in the preparation of the sessions, consolidate organizational arrangements, and monitor progress in the implementation of the work plan to address the decisions of Silva Mediterranea.

Representatives of the International Association for Mediterranean Forests  (AIFM), Centro de Servicios y Promoción Forestal y de su Industria de Castilla y León (CESEFOR), European Forest Institute – Mediterranean Office (EFIMED), European Forest Genetic Resource Programme (EUFORGEN), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Mediterranean Forest Communicators Network (MFCN), Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food, and Environment (MAPAMA), Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon (MoA), Ministry of Forests and Water Affairs – Turkey, Saint Joseph University (USJ), SEEDS – INT, and World Wildlife Fund for Nature – Mediterranean Programme (WWF – MedPO) attended the meeting.

After review of the budget, the committee began to address 6th MWF’s organizational arrangements: venue, host country agreement, youth participation, website, leaflet, registration, communication, carbon compensation measures, poster contest, and proceedings.

The 6th MFW will take place at the Grand Hills Hotel in the Lebanese town of Brummana, 18 kilometers from the center of Beirut and Rafik Hariri International Airport. On Wednesday April 3rd, participants of the 6th MFW have the option to attend an all-day field trip to Lebanon’s first nature reserve, Horch Ehden. 

A newly approved proposal made by the secretariat of the 6th MFW incorporates youth participation. In collaboration with Saint Joseph University in Beirut, local students will have an opportunity to answer to an open call or be directly selected in accordance with a few international students to be supported as key participations in the 6th MFW.

A summary of the 6th MFW and its objectives are featured on the homepage of the new 6th MFW website, along with updates from past and present JOC 1-3 and high quality photos from previous work. On the topic of registration, a clickable tab on the website will provide visitors with the necessary form(s). The proposed registration period started at the end of May 2018 with the final available date of registration falling on the day before the start of 6th MFW.

The last topic pertaining to organizational arrangements discussed in JOC 2, is that of a proposed poster contest. The secretariat of the 6th MFW in collaboration with CESEFOR will organize a poster session to be shown in the exhibition hall. A contest among the posters would provide more visibility to the author’s work and present the opportunity for authors to better communicate their results through infographics rather than outdated text and figures. This proposal includes the formation of a committee to select winning posters.

The 6th MFW will feature five sessions: Session n°1, “Where we stand,” Session n°2, “Forest-based solutions for forest-related symptoms,” Session n°3, “Forest-based solutions: linking NWFP with the economy and participatory approaches,” Session n°4, “Enabling Conditions: monitoring,” and Session n°5, “Scaling up – climate financing.”

  • Session n°1, “Where we stand,” will serve as an introductory session presenting the current situation of Mediterranean forests in global commitments. The session will address the most recent advances regarding forest-related topics in the three Rio Conventions and the role of Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) in implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
  • Session n°2, “Forest-based solutions for forest-related systems,” will focus on specific case studies highlighting how forest-based solutions can be utilized to achieve goals of international commitments. The session will also exemplify how stakeholders were successful or failed to address problems such as, what was the issue at stake and what solution was found? What was the impact of local governance? Case studies from multiple countries will be presented.
  • Session n°3, “Forest-based solutions: linking Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP) with the economy and participatory approaches,” will be led by EFIMED. The session will focus on how goals of international commitments can be achieved, but through the role of NFWP. The session will feature an economic and participatory approach utilizing case studies.
  • Session n°4, “Enabling conditions: monitoring,” will explore synergies, concrete tools and protocols, in the context of forest monitoring as a major enabling condition to implement forest-based solutions. These systems are essential in assessing forest carbon accounting on the national level, assessing the impact of Forest and Landscape Restoration, and more. Session n°4 will feature 1-2 case studies in relation to the presentation. 
  • Session n°5, “Scaling up: climate financing,” will focus on the need of Mediterranean Forests to seek alternative funds in attempt of ensuring sustainable funding and support, Session 5 will focus on the perspectives of different countries, support agencies, and more to address commitments and implementation of NDCs/Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) and the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) process. Remembering the large gaps among the countries in the Mediterranean region, instruments and policies will be discussed in efforts of best committing and implementing INDCs.

The 6th MFW will also feature six side events. Proposals for the events are currently open for JOC members. If too few proposals are received, external partners will also be given the opportunity to pitch side event ideas. Cost of interpretation services will be supported by the institution asking for said side event. The first deadline for proposals is June 15th of this year; the deadline was extended to July 15th. All proposals should be submitted to the secretariat.

Closing the second meeting of the Joint Organizing Committee was a review of the progress in the implementation of the work plan to address the decisions of Silva Mediterranea. The following points were reviewed: Decision 3 – Strategy of Silva Mediterranea, Decision 16 – Communication, Decisions 11 and 30 – Role of observers and coordinators of working groups, Decision 25 and 19 – Reinforce the link between member states and network of national focal points, and Decision 1 and 20 – Modifications of the rules of procedure of Silva Mediterranea.

The next meeting of the Joint Organizing Committee will be organized during the World Forest Week at FAO headquarters in Rome on Thursday 19 July 2018.

Victoria Fleitz(FAO) - Caterina Marchetta(FAO)

dernière mise à jour:  samedi 14 juillet 2018