Bibliographic Database

The bibliographic database of the regional project “Maximize the production of goods and services of Mediterranean forest ecosystems in the context of global changes” funded by the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) has been created in the context of the component 1. This component is focused on the production of data and development of tools to support decision and management of vulnerable Mediterranean forest ecosystems affected by climate change and the ability of these forest ecosystems to adapt to global change.

This collection of publications includes more than two hundred scientific papers and projects – in their original languages – carried out on Mediterranean forest landscapes and closely related to climate change in order to cover several key themes of the different components with, mainly: 1) vulnerability and adaptation to climate change; 2) evaluation of economic and social value of the Mediterranean ecosystems; 3) governance and participatory processes; 4) optimization of good and services of the Mediterranean forests (including carbon sequestration and storage) and 5) forest management guidelines.


Map Database

Species distribution maps have been produced for 24 Mediterranean tree species. The maps are part of the activities of component 1 "Production of data and development of tools to support decision and management of vulnerable Mediterranean forest ecosystems affected by climate change and the ability of these forest ecosystems to adapt to global change". A total of 24 key forest tree species have been selected by the project partners for their importance for the biodiversity of the Mediterranean basin and for delivering ecosystem services to the Mediterranean forestry community. Data on the geographic distribution of the 24 species were compiled from different sources and make a distinction between locations of known distribution, presumed area of native distribution, and countries (or region within countries) of native distribution. 

Details on how the maps were produced are given in a published report: N. Wazen, B. Fady (2016) Geographic distribution of 24 major tree species in the Mediterranean and their genetic resources, FAO and Plan Bleu, ISBN 978-92-5-109469-3,

The 24 tree species are:

  • Acer hyrcanum tauricolum (Boiss. & Balansa) Yalt
  • Arbutus unedo L
  • Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manetti ex Carriere
  • Cedrus libani Rich
  • Chamaerops humilis
  • Ilex aquifolium
  • Juniperus drupacea
  • Juniperus excelsa Bieb.
  • Juniperus oxycedrus
  • Juniperus phoenicea
  • Laurus nobilis
  • Pinus brutia
  • Pinus halepensis
  • Pinus nigraF. Arnold
  • Pinus pinea
  • Pistacia lentiscus
  • Platanus orientalis
  • Quercus canariensis
  • Quercus cerris
  • Quercus coccifera
  • Quercus ilex
  • Quercus suber
  • Taxus baccata
  • Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Mast.

 Updates of the maps are published on the FAO GeoNetwork at and on Zenodo at



See also

Leaflet - handbook database 



[email protected]

last updated:  Wednesday, February 5, 2020