Thematic Brief Series

Rethinking the Mediterranean cities: the role of urban forests and green spaces for resilient urban communities 


The Silva Mediterranea Working Group on Urban and Peri-urban Forestry is pleased to announce the launch of the Thematic Briefs Series - Rethinking the Mediterranean cities: the role of urban forests and green spaces for resilient urban communities.

Aim of this series is to support administrators, communities and all relevant stakeholders of the Mediterranean Region in developing and implementing concrete policy actions to maximize the contribution of urban forests and green spaces to address key urban environmental and social challenges within the Region.

The briefs will be released on a four-month basis and will focus on specific issues of major interest and concern within the Region. The briefs will be published in English. However, should you wish to volunteer to translate them into other languages (once released), please do not hesitate to contact us. That would be advisable, in particular, having the briefs available also into French, being French the official FAO language spoken by most countries within the region. 

For additional information: [email protected] or [email protected]


Thematic Brief 0 - Rethinking the Mediterranean cities: the role of urban forests and green spaces for resilient urban communities

The Thematic Brief 0 announce the launch of the series and provide a general overview of key policy actions to be implemented at local level to promote and support UPF implementation. 

Thematic Brief 0 



last updated:  Wednesday, July 15, 2020