
In order to foster the exchange of information and provide a meeting place for nations, FAO coordinates and support the implementation of global, regional and sub-regional networks.  

Silva Mediterranea Working Group on Urban and peri-urban forestry

Region/Area: Mediterranean

Reference framework: Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions - Silva Mediterranea

Scope: strengthen the relationships among Mediterranean countries regarding the green infrastructures and urban forests towards the development of a networking strategy addressed to build a common vision for implementing UPF in the region.

Mandate: (i) develop a regional Urban and Peri-urban Mediterranean Partnership aimed at allowing the exchange of valuable information and experiences on the state of Mediterranean urban forest (as a component of the broader concept of Green Infrastructures) in the region; (ii) consolidate the horizontal partnership (Northern-Eastern-Southern-Western countries) and the vertical dialogue (north-south) between decision makers, scientists, technicians and associations in order to build a strategic and common vision of Green Infrastructure and Urban Forests (UFs) and raise the visibility of UPF up on the local agendas of Mediterranean countries; (iii) build a regional partnership to improve Mediterranean North-South networking in general, and countries’ policy networking in particular; (iv) raise local and regional awareness of citizens and stakeholders on the benefits and incomes related to the presence and good management of forests and green in and around cities.

For more information: please visit the dedicated webpage.



African Forum Urban Forests (AFUF)

Region/Area: African

Scope: support and facilitate the exchange of experiences and lessons learned, and discuss possible long-term collaboration on the development of urban forestry and urban greening strategies for a greener, healthier, and happier future for urban communities in Africa.

1st AFUF: 5-9 July 2021, online event. The Forum was co-organized by FAO and UN-Habitat and, due to the prevailing COVID19 crisis and the associated travel restrictions, was held online. The event, organized on 5 days, was attended by more than 150 participants. The main programme of the conference consisted in an introductory day, followed by three days dedicated to thematic presentations, and a fifth day devoted to start drafting a road map to support and guide the efforts towards a successful implementation and development of urban forestry in the African Region. Special sessions and side events were also organized. The report of the event will be shared soonest on this webpage.


Asia-Pacific Urban Forestry Meeting (APUFM)

Region/Area: Asia-Pacific

Scope: strengthen the relationships among Asia-Pacific countries regarding the green infrastructures and urban forests towards the development of a networking strategy addressed to build a common vision for implementing UPF in the region.

1st APUFM: 6-8 April 2016, Zhuhai, China. More than 200 participants from 17 Asian countries met in Zhuhai, China, to exchange information and experiences in managing urban and peri-urban forests in the Asia-Pacific region. The gathering unanimously adopted the Zhuhai Declaration which affirmed “our belief that forests and trees in and around cities are the key element to make cities in the Asia-Pacific region greener, healthier and happier and more resilient to climate change”

2nd APUFM: 13-15 September 2017, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Building on the outcomes of the 2st APUFM, FAO, the Korean Forest Service, the Korean National Institute of Forest Science and the city of Seoul organized a 2nd Asia-Pacific Urban Forestry Meeting. The event was attended by around 150 participants from 13 Asian countries, as well as number of international experts from Europe and the US. The Event resulted in the launch of the Seoul Action Plan, a strategic document organized on eight main goals to be achieved by cities to become more sustainable and resilient to global changes.

Urban Forestry Innovations to transform landscapes and well-being in the post-Covid-19 era (online event) The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, the Royal Forestry Department of the Government of Thailand and the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration organized from 19 to 21 October 2020 an online webinar on “Urban forestry innovations to transform landscapes and well-being in the post-Covid-19 era”. The aim of the event was to keep momentum and bridge towards the 3rd Asia-Pacific Urban Forestry Meeting (APUFM), planned for autumn this year and postponed to February 2021 because of the current COVID-19 pandemic. The event was held online and hosted on the Zoom Platform. The recordings of the three sessions are accessible below.

  • Session 1 - Key challenges and urban forestry solutions (19 October, 2.00-3.30 p.m. - Bangkok time) - Recordings
  • Session 2 - Innovations in urban forestry and arboriculture (20 October, 2.00-3.30 p.m. - Bangkok time) - Recordings
  • Session 3 - Turning aspirations to actions (21 October, 2.00-3.30 p.m. - Bangkok time) - Recordings
  • Programme of the event: [-]  




Latin-America Urban Forestry Meeting (LAUFM)

Region/Area: Latin America and the Caribbean

Scope: strengthen the relationships among Latin American countries regarding the green infrastructures and urban forests towards the development of a networking strategy addressed to build a common vision for implementing UPF in the region.

1st LAUFM: 7-9 June 2017, Lima, Peru. The event was organized by FAO and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF). It was attended by around 100 participants from 15 countries. The format included two days of presentations, including a round table and a half day of discussion organized in working groups. Presentation on their current work were made by 33 speakers and covered a wide range of different experiences and perspectives. In fact, in choosing the speakers an attempt was made to include different professions, i.e. foresters, agronomists, planners and landscape architects and to have a good combination of academia, public and private sector and NGOs represented. A number of proposals for follow-up activities such as the creation of a network and of a knowledge sharing platform were put forward by participants. Three offers to host the next meeting, to be probably held in 2019, were received from Colombia, Panama and Argentina (see FAO Press Release)

2nd LAUFM: 5-8 November 2019, Bogotá, Colombia. The event was organized by FAO and the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, which kindly hosted the meeting. The objective of the event was to stimulate exchange among international, regional and local stakeholders interested in the decision-making processes, and share best practices, lessons learned and opportunities for the proper design, establishment, maintenance and restoration of urban forests and green spaces in the Region. It gathered together more than 150 people from the Region and beyond (see FAO Press Release)




last updated:  Wednesday, September 1, 2021