The CPW Forum was established to promote collaboration and communication on sustainable wildlife management issues and experiences, between the CPW members and other interested external stakeholders. The Forum acts as an informal collaboration platform for international, regional, and non-governmental organizations, indigenous peoples’ organizations, private-sector entities, and other major groups to channel their efforts through the work of the CPW and to increase cooperation amongst them.

Key Outcomes:

  1. Launch of CPW fact sheet on SWM and human-wildlife conflict
  2. Launch of CPW factsheet on SWM and animal health
  3. Launch of key recommendations - our official strategic communication of the outputs from the Forum

The First Forum presented a unique opportunity to debate on various aspects of sustainable wildlife management, namely, to address poverty alleviation and livelihood security issues, while safeguarding the world’s rich and diverse wildlife, through exchanges of information on experiences, best practices, and research.

Full programme is available here.

The discussions of the Forum covered four main topics, specifically: community-based resource management, tenure and governance, human-wildlife conflict, institutional arrangements to combat wildlife crime, wild meat, and food security and livelihoods. The participants were made aware of the significance of sustainable use of wildlife resources, incurring habitat loss, illegal wild meat trade, incompatible land use, poaching and poverty, by an experienced panel of speakers.

The Forum was held as an official one-day special event during the fourteenth World Forestry Congress (XIV WFC) in Durban, South Africa, on the 9th of September 2015. Over 1000 participants from governments, international and non‐governmental organizations, research and academic institutions, local and indigenous communities and youth representatives attended the event.

last updated:  Tuesday, November 23, 2021