©FAO/Kristina Rodina

Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management

Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) is a voluntary partnership of 13 international organizations with substantive mandates and programmes to promote the sustainable use and conservation of wildlife resources. The CPW, established in March 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand, provides a platform for addressing wildlife management issues that require national and supra-national responses and also works to promote and increase cooperation and coordination on sustainable wildlife management issues among its members and partners.

What is sustainable wildlife management?

Sustainable wildlife management (SWM) involves the sound management of wildlife species in order to sustain their populations and habitat over time, taking account of the socioeconomic needs of human populations. To achieve this, landusers within wildlife habitat must be mindful of the impact of their activities on wildlife resources and habitat, and on other user groups. In view of its ecological, social and economic value, wildlife is an important renewable natural resource, with significance across such activities as rural development, land-use planning, food supply, tourism, scientific research and cultural heritage. When sustainably managed, wildlife can provide continuous nutrition and income, and make a considerable contribution to the alleviation of poverty as well as to safeguarding human and environmental health.


The mission of the CPW is to increase cooperation and coordination on sustainable wildlife management issues among its members, where such adds value, in order to promote the sustainable management of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife in all biomes and geographic areas, contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and to human food security, livelihoods and well-being.

Thematic objectives

  • To support countries to ensure that the use and trade of wildlife is legal, sustainable and safe;
  • To raise awareness of the links between sustainable use of wildlife, food security, livelihoods and well-being, culture and the integrity of landscapes;
  • To promote the prevention, management and reduction of human-wildlife conflict and enhance coexistence;
  • To embed the sustainable use and management of wildlife in the One Health agenda; and
  • To advocate for sustainable and inclusive wildlife economies.



last updated:  Friday, November 24, 2023