
9th World Forest Week

Bean to cup experience

Agroforestry specialty coffee tasting with young professionals in the Atrium


Join us for a unique and interactive agroforestry coffee adventure!

During World Forest Week 2024, the Bean to Cup Experience - an agroforestry specialty coffee tasting session and a coffee station– are brought to you by young experts.  This dynamic session, guided by Matteo Pavoni, Italian Barista Champion 2022 and co-founder of Peacocks Coffee, combines a coffee break with hands-on learning, networking, and discussions on sustainable coffee production. 

Aligned with COFO 27 Agenda Item 5 Scaling up actions on agriculture and forestry linkages, this event focuses on coffee as a crop of an agroforestry system, and it highlights the role of youth within the full value chain to exemplify agriculture and forestry linkages. It offers an interactive and sensorial learning activity that will take place before and after the high-level dialogue on scaling-up agroforestry (12:30-14:00) in the Plenary Hall.   

The tasting session will be in the Atrium from 12:00 to 12.30, and the pop-up station will be available until 17:00. Do not miss your chance to taste and learn about agroforestry specialty coffee with young professionals.

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages and therefore one of the most traded commodities in the world. It represents a growing market with increasing consumption in emerging economies and a stronger interest in specialty coffee and product innovations in developed countries.  

According to FAO’s Markets and Trade, despite the expansion of the sector, market imbalances and asymmetric income distribution among market players can threaten the livelihood of millions of smallholder producers. In addition, this key agricultural crop faces growing issues due to climate change, which leads to increased socio-economic challenges.  This is a major threat as the whole coffee value chain is a significant source of employment for both consumer and producing countries.   

Agroforestry coffee production systems provide positive effects for both the producers and the environment, improving biodiversity and resilience to climate change. They represent an important solution for mitigating the effects of increased temperatures and irregular rainfall.  Though agroforestry is not easily adoptable everywhere, in many cases it does provide solutions that have a direct impact on quality and profitability. New coffee varieties suited to shade are performing better, which can represent a positive impact for both the environment and the economy. 

Beyond production methods, consumption habits also make a difference, and specialty coffee aligns with the sustainability and transparency of the full value chain.  

Young people worldwide play a key role in the coffee value chain, from consumers to producers—the future of coffee will depend on their work, innovation, advocacy, lifestyle, and consumption patterns.  However, youth-related and coffee-specific issues are increasing (such as a growing intergenerational gap and aging coffee farmers, inequitable access to land, resources and financing, migration from rural areas, and youth unemployment in both producing and consumer countries).  

And yet, the coffee sector is expanding, presenting new opportunities for overcoming job insecurity and income gaps worldwide, offering many careers and activities. Youth are also engaged as consumers, researchers and advocates for policies related to climate change, food justice and conscious consumerism, which indirectly impact the production and distribution of coffee. The International Coffee Organization (ICO) states that building a sustainable and resilient coffee sector is an intergenerational mandate that demands cross-generational collaboration.   

Coffee experience



Moderator: Lucia Rivera Lima
COFO 27/WFW Youth Task Force Member


Co-moderator: Frederico Dalton Souza
COFO 27/WFW Youth Task Force Member

Keynote speaker
Maria Helena Semedo
Deputy Director-General, FAO

Maria Helena Semedo Deputy Director-General, FAO
Bean to cup tasting experience
Matteo Pavoni
Italian Barista champion 2022, roaster and
co-founder of Peacocks Coffee
