
COP26: Upscaling action to turn the tide on deforestation

COP 26 Upscaling actions to turn the tide on deforestation

A high-level dialogue led by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) will outline urgent actions needed to scale up efforts to halt deforestation and degradation at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) later this week.

Leaders of UN agencies and other CPF members will highlight individual and joint actions to accelerate efforts to protect the world’s forests, and halt deforestation is support of Paris Agreement and the UN global forest goals, including through a CPF Joint Initiative on Turning the Tide on Deforestation.

The high-level dialogue comes on the heels of the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use, in which more than 100 countries and territories committed to working collectively to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 while delivering towards the Sustainable Development Goals and promoting an inclusive rural transformation. 

Among speakers will be UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Liu Zhenmin, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu, UN Environment Programme Executive Director Inger Andersen, Global Environment Facility CEO and Chairperson Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, CIFOR-ICRAF Executive Director and ICRAF Director General Tony Simons, and Convention on Biological Diversity Executive Secretary Elizabeth Maruma Mrema.

The high-level dialogue, ‘Upscaling actions to turn the tide on deforestation’, will take place on 6 November at the Lomond Auditorium in Glasgow (15:00-16:15 GMT) and will also be available via live stream on the COP26 YouTube channel.

The CPF brings together 15 international organizations, institutions and secretariats with substantial programmes on forests in a voluntary partnership chaired by FAO.